Chapter 9971 Farewell

Although Yun Chujiu has a recording stone, it is definitely not suitable at this time.

Now it's up to Qiao Hai to deal with this matter.

Qiao Hai's face was calm, actually inclined to what Yun Chujiu said in his heart.

He understands Gu Qing, if he hadn't touched the bottom line, he would definitely not do it.

But whether there was a third party present in this matter, there is no way to convict, only with the mud.

Just as he was going to be with Xi Mu, Qiao Wen said in a voice that made a fortune:

"Uncle, let's talk about this matter because of me and Qingzi.

I know that both you and everyone are very entangled in the matter of the next captain. It is better to settle the matter today to avoid fluctuations in popular feelings and not conducive to the unity of our Cold Wind team.

Let me make a statement first. If you and everyone agree with Qingzi, I have absolutely nothing to say.

At that time, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I will take the initiative to leave the cold wind team. "

Qiao Hai's face suddenly became a little ugly, Qiao Wentong was forcing him!

Even if he was optimistic about Qingzi, he couldn't be willing to let his nephew leave the team.

Other people are not fools, so they naturally thought of this.

It is pro-three-pointer, the old captain must be more inclined to Qiao Wentong, it is estimated that the position of the captain must be Qiao Wentong.

And what Qiao Wen said is also forcing Gu Qing to express his position. Once Qiao Wentong is elected, he will have to take the initiative to leave the Cold Wind team.

Where Gu Qing didn't understand this, he didn't care what Qiao Wentong said or did, but looked at Qiao Hai.

Seeing that Qiao Hai's gaze was a little dodge, he knew that there was no room for change.

He said lightly: "Since Wen Tong said so, then I am the same. If I lose the election, I will take the initiative to leave the Cold Wind team."

Qiao Hai was a little unbearable. As soon as he was about to speak, Qiao Wentong said first: "Okay! Now that we have reached a consensus, uncle, you can make a decision!"

Qiao Hai sighed, and now he can only cut the chaos quickly, otherwise Dang Duan will continue to suffer the chaos.

He looked at everyone: "Since everything has been said to this point, let's choose the person today! The one who chooses Qingzi will stand to my left, and the one who chooses Wentong will stand to my right.

Each of you counts one vote, and mine counts as twenty votes. "

Everyone listened, and no one moved at first.

After a while, Ying Hou Noi and others stood to the right.

Then many people stood to the right, only a few people stood to the left.

The reason is easy to understand. Qiao Hai is clearly toward his nephew. With 20 votes in his hand, Qiao Wentong is more likely to win.

If Gu Qing is chosen now, then after Qiao Wentong takes office, wouldn't he wait to wear small shoes? !

So the number of people on the right is increasing, and the increase of people on the left is extremely slow.

At the end, there were 205 people on the right and only 19 people on the left.

After all, many people are also involuntarily.

They all make a living by digging and digging ice grass, and they are shouldering the heavy responsibility of the young and old. Even if they agree with Gu Qing in their hearts, they cannot take risks.

Qiao Wentong could hardly suppress the ecstasy in his heart, he made this move right!

Knowing this a long time ago, he had already forced the uncle to express his position, and there was no need to worry about it for so long.

Gu Qing closed his eyes and opened them in an instant. He clasped his fists at the nineteen people without speaking.

He has all these people in his heart, and if there is a chance in the future, he will definitely live up to their recognition.

He turned to Qiao Hai and saluted: "Jobo, how much you have taken care of me over the years, I can't remember it.

If it is useful to me in the future, I will be willing to go through fire and water. "

He clasped his fists to the others again: "Everyone, goodbye!"

(End of this chapter)

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