Chapter 9826 is in a bad mood

Yun Chujiu is not afraid of those who maintain order, but that the effect he wants to achieve has been achieved.

The four treasures of the mountain must have seen the paper kite, otherwise it won't be a long time without hearing the exclamation, and there must have been no selection.

She didn't care why Shaking Tianding was smoking. It was normal for Yaoding to smoke. It would be abnormal if it didn't smoke.

At this moment, after shaking Tianding, he realized that he was smoking, he calmed down a bit and returned to normal.

It randomly selected a person, and then said: "You said nothing will happen to the fifth, right? Otherwise, why doesn't it come out?

Even if no one chooses them, they can take the initiative to choose people based on their ability! "

"We can't get in, so we don't know what's going on inside.

However, it stands to reason that the fifth child will have nothing to do. We are smart, so there is no problem easily. "Shoushenshi said.

Shaking Tianding sighed: "That said, but I haven't moved for so long, and my heart is not at ease."

For a while, the four treasures of the mountain fell silent.

In a bad mood, how can there be any interest in choosing someone?

It will take a while before they can cope with choosing someone.

Therefore, when it comes to the handyman area, there are more than one and a half places, and the handyman's coke is broken!

Although I have heard of a handyman who hit the Grand Canal who was selected before, not only did he get the treasure, but he also had the opportunity to enter the big sect.

However, they also know that this opportunity is too slim!

The quotas are basically divided up in the front, and there are very few places in the handy service area.

Unexpectedly, there was a miracle this time!

There are still more than half of the places, and the chance of being selected has greatly increased.

Everyone was so excited that they felt that they would be selected soon.

After passing through the four treasures of the mountain, they all deliberately ditched, wanting to be favored.

It's a pity that the four treasures of the mountain have come to mind at this time, and seeing these crooked melons and cracked dates suddenly loses the mood to choose.

The big deal is left, it is better than giving these wastes.

Therefore, when it was Yun Chujiu's turn, the quota had not changed much, and there was more than half.

Chi Wu was so happy that his eyelashes were about to bloom, and he kept winking at Yun Chujiu. That means, the little girl is up to you!

Fei Yi was disapproving, for fear that Yun Chujiu would make a moth.

He didn't agree to release the paper kite before, but he couldn't help but Chi Wu and Yun Chujiu.

Originally Fei Yi and Chi Wu walked in front of Yun Chujiu, but Chi Wu deliberately asked Yun Chujiu to stand in front of him in order to pick up the leak.

Fei Yi touched his nose and stood behind Chi Wu wisely.

Yun Chujiu: "..."

She strolled to the front of the Ten Thousand Beasts on the far right. This guy didn't know what reservedness was. He took out the Ten Thousand Beast Sect token from her waist and shook it against the Ten Thousand Beasts.

Because the pig-headed paper kite had a good impression of Yun Chujiu, it turned out that he was still a disciple of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, so the light flashed.

The light flickered, which meant that Yun Chujiu was given a spot.

Immediately someone came over and handed Yun Chujiu a small sign to receive the prize.

Yun Chujiu smiled at the ten thousand beasts and thanked him, and continued to move forward.

Chi Wu and Fei Yi behind her learned the same way, and also took the token of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect and dangled.

Although Wan Beast Pu was a little impatient, he thought that there were still a lot of places, not as cheap as the people of his own school, so he also gave them two places.

(End of this chapter)

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