Chapter 9825 Paper Kite

Yun Chujiu was also sour in her heart. Although she rushed to the sealed baby, the mosquito legs are also meat!

What's more, the things that the major sects bring out, no matter how bad they are, are definitely valuable.

If you don't want to do something, it is estimated that when it is their turn, there is really nothing left.

What can I do?

This guy soon thought of a bad idea. She took out three paper kites from the storage ring and asked Fei Yi to write a sentence on each.

After a while, the four treasures in front of the mountain saw three weird paper kites floating at the back of the team.

A red carp with the words: "Long line to catch big fish."

A big bun with the words: "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry".

The last one is even more exotic. It is a...pig's head with the words: "A good meal is not afraid of late".

The four treasures of the mountain have always been ignored by anyone, but at this time they rarely communicated.

The Dan League shook Tianding: "Where did the earth turtle come here to put the paper kite?"

Qingwu School Yueming Fan: "Are you blind? Didn't you see the words written on it?"

At the beginning of the door guarding the **** stone: "It is estimated that it was a few naughty little boys who were afraid that we would have lost everything, so they did it."

Ten Thousand Beast Sect: "I like that pig head."

Shaking Tianding: "..."

Moonlight Fan: "..."

Guardian Stone: "..."

Ten Thousand Beast Sect, Wan Beast Book, explained slowly: "I have collected a lot of monster beast maps here, and there are some pig clan monster beasts in it, but none of them seem as lively as this pig head."

Shaking Tianding: "Blindness is a disease, do I need to make a few eye-cleaning pills for you?"

Where is that pig head lively? The fat head and big ears look like a foodie!

Wan Beast Pu lazily said: "You who are tortured, abused, and mad all the time by the fire, don't let you stay cool! Talk nonsense, be careful I'm not polite to you."

Shaking Tianding was furious: "You're a broken book, don't you?! Believe it or not, I trained you so that there is no scum left?!"

Yueming Fan said impatiently: "Okay, noisy when you meet, is it annoying?!"

Shaking Tianding and Wan Beast Pu almost unanimously said: "It's up to you!"

As a result, the two-party scolding became a three-party mixed scolding.

The Shoushen Stone was speechless: "Okay, you have the ability to quarrel. Why don't you look at the good seedlings of your respective sects. I hope someone can get the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth from the treasure house this time."

Listening to the Shenshi mentioned the old fifth, the other three suddenly disappeared.

After a while, Shaking Tianding said cursingly: "This group of Wang Ba Lao's brains have grown to the soles of their feet, and they were all sealed up at the beginning.

There are also those little **** who are more stupid than one, and every time they take out those worthless tatters, they smile like fools.

No one chose them, they would make me smoke! "

Speaking of the excitement, Shaking Tianding really...smoke.

The crowd was in a commotion.

It turned out that Shaking Tianding had been chatting, and they hadn't selected anyone for a long time. Everyone was puzzled.

Now I see that there is smoke from Shaking Tianding, is there any reason for it? !

Fortunately, there were people who maintained order and shouted a few times, and the crowd calmed down.

However, the person maintaining order also saw the paper kite held by Yun Chujiu's trio at this time, and immediately motioned with a cold face to stop.

Yun Chujiu collected the paper kite graciously, without any nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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