Chapter 9787 Ergouzi's chance

Ergouzi was still fanning the flames on the sidelines: "Little fairy, just using divine consciousness is not enough to punish, you let me out, I will squeeze all its leaves, and see if it is still rustling!"

Xiao Qiao'er cursed with anger: "Er Gouzi, you shit! Don't fall into my hands, or I will let you survive and die!"

"Tsk tusk, it's still stiff mouth!

I kindly remind you to wake up and fall into the hands of our little fairy, you can only surrender.

Don't say escaping, even if you want to die, you die, ah..."

As Er Gouzi said, he suddenly uttered a scream, which shocked Xiao Qiao'er. First, could this dead dog have a hidden disease? Is this sick?

Yun Chujiu's heart tightened, and he hurriedly pushed his spiritual sense into the spirit beast bag, and saw Er Gouzi closed his eyes tightly, lying there, as if dead.

If it weren't for Yun Chujiu to notice that the contract was still there, he would really think Er Gouzi had belched.

She ignored Qidong and the others, and quickly got Er Gouzi out of the spirit beast bag.

He stretched out his hand and snorted for a while, and felt cold, but he didn't even breathe.

Xiao Qiao'er gloated on the sidelines: "This dead dog has been punished! It must be dead, that's it! It deserves it!"

Yun Chujiu said coldly, "Shut up if you don't want to die!"

Xiao Qiao'er was taken aback by Yun Chujiu's murderous aura, and she dared not speak.

Because it could see it, even if it exposed its disguise before, she didn't have the slightest murderous aura, but if it said a few more words this time, she would really kill it.

It was scared and hated in its heart, that dead dog was incapable and greedy for life and fear of death, and the smelly girl even treated it as a treasure, really blind!

At this time, Yun Chujiu called Er Gouzi while asking for a drop of rejuvenating liquid from the dog's tail grass, and fed it to Er Gouzi.

The dog's tail grass is very happy. Although this dead dog is incompatible with it, it is better to be alive. Otherwise, who will fight for the throne of the first spiritual pet!

However, Er Gouzi didn't react at all after taking the liquid.

When Yun Chujiu was about to let the dog's tail grass give her another drop, Er Gouzi's body suddenly emitted a halo, which was very weak at first, and finally brightened.

Yun Chujiu was surprised and delighted. Although she didn't know what the halo was, it was always a good thing. Ergouzi would not die.

Xiao Qiao'er was a little bit envious, jealous, and hateful. This dead dog seemed to have a chance.

Really lost dog, shit, luck!

Chi Wu and the others also gathered around at this time, but seeing Yun Chujiu didn't want to say more, they didn't ask any questions.

After about a quarter of an hour, the halo around Er Gouzi began to fade away.

When the halo disappeared, both Yun Chujiu and Xiao Qiao'er were stunned.

Originally, a bald dog was lying there, but now a giant silver wolf was lying.

The silver hair of the giant wolf is like silk and satin, and the length is more than ten feet.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, there would be no way to connect this silver giant wolf with Ergouzi.

When Yun Chujiu was in shock, the giant wolf opened his eyes, and then slowly stood up.

The style of the whole body is totally different from the silly Ergouzi before!

Yun Chujiu is a little worried, won't the core be changed?

She tentatively said: "Er Gouzi, you, are you okay?"

The silver wolf shook his head: "Little fairy, I'm fine."

Yun Chujiu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it called that, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Is it advanced?"

Continue tomorrow night, yam da.

(End of this chapter)

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