Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9786: The ancestor of the white lotus

Chapter 9786 The ancestor of the white lotus

Yun Chujiu sighed, "Xiao Qiaoer, I think you are a clever one, or else I wouldn't have played with you for such a long time.

But now it seems I overestimated you, you are not ordinary stupid! "

Seeing that Xiao Qiaoer had already torn her face, there was no need to act again, so she coldly snorted, "Am I stupid? Where am I stupid?"

Before Yun Chujiu could speak, Er Gouzi owed Erqian'er and said, "What are you stupid? You are stupid everywhere! You even the hair, no, you are stupid even the small beard on the beard!"

Xiao Qiao'er said angrily: "You bald dog, shut up!"

Er Gouzi was not angry with the bald dog, but also groaned: "Yes, I am bald, are you jealous?"

Xiaoqiaoer: "..."

Yun Chujiu said lightly: "Xiao Qiao'er, Er Gouzi is right, you are stupid.

Don't be convinced, let me list them for you.

You should not provoke Ergouzi secretly, because I definitely trust them more, you are proactively exposing flaws.

After you have won your favor, you shouldn't get overwhelmed and expose yourself.

After being exposed by me, you shouldn't admit in disguise so quickly. "

Yun Chujiu smiled slightly and continued: "Xiao Qiaoer, I will teach you what a real white lotus should do now.

You can provoke secretly, but you can't provoke all your spiritual pets. You should only pick one object, such as Ergouzi.

Then, draw other spirit pets and destroy them one by one.

Also, even if you are favored, you must maintain your white lotus image before the overall situation is determined, and be kind and generous, and you can't reveal half of your cards.

In the end, even if he was punctured, he would show innocent grievances. I really don't know what to say and cry. "

Ergouzi immediately began to blow the rainbow fart: "Little fairy, high, it is really high! No wonder any white lotus flower has to appear in front of you. It turns out that you are the ancestor of the white lotus!"

Xiao Qiao'er was a little frustrated: "What's the use of saying so much?! Of course you can say what you want to say.

Since you are all false to me, there is no need for our contract to exist. You cancel the contract. "

Yun Chujiu sneered: "Relieve? If you don't make things clear, I won't let you go."

"What do I want me to say?"

"Tell me who you really are? What is the purpose of your contract with me?"

Xiao Qiao'er snorted: "Who am I? Am I just a fruit seedling that you can kill?!

As for the purpose, it's very simple, just to cheat some spring water and beads, and to play around with idiots like Ergouzi. "

Yun Chujiu's face suddenly became cold: "Ao Guomiao? Ao Guomiao will have such a strong sense of mind as you? Will the roots of Ao Guomiao be so strong?

Xiaoqiaoer, do you think I will believe it? !

I think it's better for you to be obedient and tell the truth, otherwise I'm not welcome. "

In fact, she could also ask Xiao Qiao'er at the beginning, if it didn't answer, she could use the contract, which would make her spiritual sense painful.

But Yun Chujiu felt that he might not be able to tell the truth in this way, so he acted like this and let Xiao Qiao'er reveal the truth by himself.

In fact, she has a general guess now, but she wants to get confirmation from Xiaoqiaoer.

Xiao Qiao'er is still holding on: "I'm telling the truth, just punish if you are willing to punish!"

When Yun Chujiu saw it stubbornly stubborn, Xiao Qiao'er let out a scream when his consciousness moved.

(End of this chapter)

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