Chapter 9444 Two Fools

Hei Ge and Bai Mao couldn't help but sneer in their hearts. This is because they became the pharmacist of Zhuo Yakushi, so they fluttered?


Dr. Zhuo may have been on a whim, so he accepted him, and even if Dr. Zhuo really valued him, what could he do? !

After all, it's just a medicine waiter.

They gave the face of Dr. Zhuo, not his!

The two were about to give Fei Yi some color to look at. Fei Yi continued:

"Although Bai Tou Lin is only recorded in miscellaneous books, it is a medicinal primer for refining a rare immortality medicine, so once it appears in the world, it will cause a mad robbery, and the price is comparable to the Chinese medicinal herbs on the ground."

Fei Yi's words immediately attracted a burst of exclamation!

Middle class!

You should know that the herbs in the medicinal plants are generally yellow, and only a few are medicinal herbs. The medicinal herbs are legends.

The expressions of Bai Mao and Hai Ge suddenly changed dramatically, and the two asked at almost the same time: "Does this really mean?"

"If the records in that miscellaneous book are true, then it must be true, because the description of Bai Tou Lin above is extremely detailed, and there are pictures." Fei Yi said.

Although Bai Mao and Hei Ge were still somewhat suspicious in their hearts, their eyes changed when they looked at the few trees.

Hei Ge busy put it into the storage ring, ready to go to the mother-in-law to confirm.

She and Bai Mao were about to leave, Fei Yi said: "Although Bai Tou Lin is rare, this herb is even rarer."

This sentence suddenly stopped the two of them, looking at the few red tubers the size of thumb covers.

Hei Ge swallowed: "You said, this is rarer than Baitou Lin?"

Fei Yi nodded: "This herb is also not recorded in the "Wan Cao Jing", I also saw it in the miscellaneous book mentioned earlier.

This herb is called **** potato. It doesn't look like a thumb cover, but it should have been growing for thousands of years.

Because only the rhizomes of **** potatoes over 10,000 years old will swell. This **** potatoes are also a kind of medicinal primer for refining a kind of panacea, which is extremely precious.

Therefore, the price of blood silk potatoes is comparable to the top grade herbs. "

Now, the frypot is on the spot again!

Is such a humble thing really so valuable?

Isn't Fei Yi making up for Mei You and Chi Wu?

The first reaction of Hei Ge and Bai Mao was to hurry up and collect those **** potatoes, in case Fei Yi said it was true, this is all baby!

The two hurriedly confessed a sentence, and went to find Mother-in-law in a hurry.

Because the final result has not yet been produced, it is naturally not easy to carry out the blame, so everyone gathered together in twos and threes, waiting for the final result.

Fei Yi walked to Chi Wu and Yun Chujiu and smiled: "The luck of the two of you is quite good. You have actually picked Baitou Lin and Xueshu Ya.

It's a big luck to dig the same thing. I didn't expect you two to dig two. "

Chi Wugang was about to speak, Yun Chujiu blinked and asked, "Brother, your miscellaneous book is called "Quote of Medicine", right?"

Fei Yi was stunned for a while, and then he laughed. Instead of talking about this topic, he asked about the situation of Gu Hongfeng.

Chi Wu felt that Fei Yi and Yun Chujiu were playing a dumb puzzle, and he was a fool!

Or why is it a bit confusing?

The three men spoke for a while, and Bai Mao and Hei Ge came back. Not only did they come back, but also Mother Ji.

This is not counted, and a person wearing a pharmacist's costume also came in.

(End of this chapter)

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