Chapter 9443 Bai Tou Lin

After a while, Hei Ge and Bai Mao approached Chi Wu.

Because Yun Chujiu and Chi Wu teamed up, the two's gains were put together.

Hei Ge frowned as he saw the herbs in the table case, and then started counting with Bai Mao.

After a while, Hei Ge pulled the plants with white flowers and plants similar to small sweet potatoes aside, and then put the other herbs into the storage ring, saying:

"These two are not the herbs in the list, just the unknown weeds!

Your two points are all 36, so you two are the penultimate and penultimate. "

Others were not surprised by this, but Chi Wu seemed to have suffered a thunderbolt!

how can that be? !

The little girl is obviously a big man with hidden strength, how could he make such a low-level mistake?

By the way, she still has other herbs on her body, why not take it out?

However, he knew immediately that he could not take it out.

Once it is taken out, it is necessary to bear the crime of possession of herbs, it might as well be the last one!

Yun Chujiu also sank in his heart, shouldn't it!

Dogtail grass is the most mouthful of its goods, and its favorite food is definitely not simple. How can it be a weed?

Besides, she found such a total loss, if this thing is weeds, it should be all right in the mountains.

At this time, Hege said: "Come here, blame the last three of them!"

Chi Wu couldn't help but look at Yun Chujiu worriedly. He wasn't worried that Yun Chujiu couldn't bear the blame, but he was worried that the big brother wouldn't be crazy?

If it goes viral, she will surely be able to get away, and he will suffer!

Of course, Yun Chujiu doesn't want to be punished, but the situation in front of him is a bit difficult to deal with.

At this moment, someone said: "Slow!"

Hei Ge turned his head to look over and saw Fei Yi, his face slightly dull: "You have turned into a formal pharmacy, why are you back?"

Fei Yi smiled bitterly: "Although I have switched to a formal pharmacy, Dr. Zhuo has gone out of business and did not arrange my place before leaving, so I had to come back first."

Hei Ge and Bai Mao heard the words "Zhuo Yaoshi", their faces changed slightly.

Bai Mao asked: "You have been assigned to Dr. Zhuo? I remember he doesn't seem to need a pharmacy."

"It was also a coincidence that he was also there during the assessment, so he accepted me as his medical assistant," Fei Yi explained.

"Then what did you mean by being slow?" Hege asked.

Yun Chujiu found that there was nothing unpleasant in her tone. She guessed that Dr. Zhuo was definitely not simple. The so-called beating dog had to look at the owner, coughing. Although it was a bit inappropriate, the truth was the same.

Fei Yi pointed to the plant with small white flowers and said:

"This medicinal herb is called Pulsatilla. It is hidden in the ground before flowering. It will wither soon after the flowers bloom. After all the flowers wither, it will be hidden again in the ground.

Because of this, few people can dig up Baitou Lin.

Because the number of excavations is very small, there is no corresponding record in the "Wan Cao Jing", and it is only described in some miscellaneous books. "

Everyone had heard the previous description, thinking that Yun Chujiu had taken another big luck to dig up something terrible, but when he heard it, he pouted.

Dare to love there is no record in the "Wan Cao Jing", only in some miscellaneous books, then it shows that this thing is not worth it.

Bai Mao and Hei Ge are slightly displeased. This Fei Yi said a lot, but it was only the herbs recorded in the miscellaneous books. Could it be that they were showing off in front of them?

There are two chapters, updated at ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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