Chapter 9403 Counting the Number of People

When Yun Chujiu heard the yarn ball, he almost spit out old blood!

Dare to feel in their hearts, the life of Xiaobai's face is golden, and she is as cheap as grass?

But now I'm too lazy to worry about them. It's too virtual to enter, and Shan Xun is estimated to be choking.

The only estimate you can count on is the invisible stealth technique!

It's just that this stuff is too unreliable, and I don't know when it will work.

Forget it, go to Yaolu first, even if it is used as a material for refining medicine, she may not be selected.

After she made up her mind, she began to look quietly at her surroundings.

It seems that this city of Futu is not much different from the general city, and it looks very noisy and lively.

However, Yun Chujiu soon discovered something. Some people have tattoos or patterns on their faces, and they seem to have a humble status.

She hadn't seen a rough idea yet, and the team had stopped at the gate of a very grand courtyard.

At a glance she saw the plaque hanging on the door-Yaolu.

In addition to the guard at the door, there is a goatee with a face full of impatience.

"Why did you come?! If the time is wrong, watch out for your skin!"

The little boss smiled all over his face: "The lesson from Luan's management is that these drug slaves are really poor in constitution, so the speed of their journey is a little slow.

But half an hour before the unitary time, it should be too late. "

Luan Guan said impatiently: "Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense here, hurry and bring them in! The pharmacists are waiting!"

The little boss didn't dare to say more, and he rushed the drug slaves into the medicine house.

As soon as the door opened, Yun Chujiu smelled a strong immortality.

The dog's tail in Dan Tian was a little restless, and Yun Chujiu scolded a few words before it stopped.

Yun Chujiu scolded the dog's tail grass while looking at the surrounding environment. Although he had just come in, a glimpse of the leopard can see that this medicine house covers a very large area.

What surprised Yun Chujiu was that he didn't meet too many people along the way, basically they were all patrolling people.

Could it be that where did they all gather, waiting for them, the drug slaves?

She found that after entering Yaolu, many people showed their despair.

It took about a quarter of an hour to reach an open field.

I saw twenty people lined up and placed alchemy furnaces in front of them.

Opposite them sat a cold-faced old man, standing beside him with a few hands.

Yun Chujiu guessed that the old man should be the so-called master Lu, and the twenty-some people should be the so-called pharmacists.

The little boss was stopped before he approached.

"Stop, do you know how many pounds you have? You still want to go inside."

The man's tone was quite domineering, but the little boss did not dare to be dissatisfied, and said with a smile:

"Chief Yan, I'm afraid of delaying time, so I'm a little lost.

These are my carefully selected medicine slaves. "

Director Yan glanced at Yun Chujiu and others and asked, "How many people are there?"

"A total of 139 people. Although you said you want 128 people, I still chose a few more for you to reserve."

Director Yan coldly hummed: "It's nice to say, don't you just want to calculate how much money?! Okay, I'm too lazy to care about you. Luo will click the number of people."

As soon as the voice fell, Chief Yan came out and began to count the number of people: "One, two... 139, 140."

The remaining two chapters are updated at ten thirty.

(End of this chapter)

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