Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 9402: You're different

Chapter 9402 you are different

The escorted little leader suddenly scolded: "What's so special, don't cry with grief and smile to Lao Tzu! Otherwise, the whip in my hand would be welcome."

Those people seemed to be terrified of the whip of the little boss. After hearing him say this, even those who were crying just now squeezed out a smile.

It's just that the smile is uglier than crying.

Yun Chujiu also squeezed out a smile, the ominous premonition in his heart grew stronger.

The little boss said with a smile: "That's right, you can't escape from the left or the right. It's better to be obedient and to suffer less from the skin."

When I enter the city for a while, I will give me some rules. If anyone dares to think carefully, I will kill him directly! "

After he threatened him, he ordered the team to continue.

At the gate of the city, the little boss nodded and bowed to the defenders, looking very pleased.

"Several big brothers worked hard, the small one came to give Lu the medicine slave, this is Wendie."

The guard of Shoucheng looked at him a few times, and said, "The drug slaves? I don't think you look like you haven't seen the world. Why don't you even know the rules of the city?

Only drug slaves can enter the city of Futu at the time of unitary time, and now it is only three minutes away. Wait outside the city! "

Yun Chujiu was shocked in three moments?

If it's three hours, it should be when the sun is still abundant.

Why is it dim here, as if it was nightfall?

Is it cloudy?

She glanced up into the sky secretly, and didn't see the sun or the clouds. It was just a gray one.

At this time, she heard the little boss accompany with a smile and said: "Yes, what you learned is, but these people have not officially become drug slaves, so please ask a few big brothers to open the net."

The little boss said a gesture of obscure gesture. Although Yun Chujiu hadn't seen it before, he knew that it was a benefit of preparing to stop.

Xu Yu, the guards changed their faces and said, "You have something to say. After all, they haven't entered the drug store, and they're not really drug slaves.

Let's go in, not as an example. "

The little leader was thankful again, and then he brought people into the city of Futu.

After entering the city of Futu, the little boss once again urged everyone to speed up.

Yun Chujiu was thinking about countermeasures while hurrying to the road. Just now I heard that this person said that he was a drug lord and a drug slave, wouldn't he send them over to test or refine medicine?

If the test is okay, she has dog's tail grass, Baidu can not invade.

But if you take them to make medicine, it will be bad.

Or find a chance to escape?

But here is unfamiliar, I don't know anything, I'm afraid there is very little chance of successfully escaping.

She weighed it a bit and decided to visit Yaolu.

Even if it is used as a raw material for refining medicine, she can go into the Taixu Realm to hide.

As soon as she thought of this, the sound of yarn **** sounded in her consciousness:

"Master, I have to tell you one thing. In order to put Xiao Jinyun into the virtual realm, I spent too much cultivation, so I can't get you in for the time being.

If this were not the case, I had brought you in before. "

Yun Chujiu: "..."

"I ask you, why did you choose to get Xiao Jinyun into a too virtual secret realm but didn't choose to get me in?"

The yarn ball immediately replied: "Because the Supreme is still in Xiao Jinyun's body!"

Yun Chujiu was a little relieved. It seems that the yarn ball still understands her, knowing the position of Xiao Bai's face in her mind.

However, at the next moment, she heard the ball of yarn say, "The life of the Lord is so precious! You are different. You are like a wild grass and you can live well anywhere."

(End of this chapter)

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