Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Vol 2 Chapter 10672: The jade plaque left by my grandmother

  Chapter 10672 The jade medal left by my grandmother

As soon as Yun Chujiu's voice fell, Tu said diligently:

   "Little ancestor, why don't you leave me here, I will guard for you, and I promise to keep it clear for you!"

  Floating, his big eyes rolled, and he quickly said: "Tu is reckless and unsafe, I will stay together!"

   Yun Chujiu sneered, of course she understood the thoughts of the Buddha.

  It's fake that these two guys want to help her guard here, but it's true that they don't want to be by her side.

  But, these two things really have to be brought, and they have to be brought to the chaos world.

  Because the two of them are the longest alive so far, they might be of great help by then.

   "I don't need you, I have my own arrangements."

   Yun Chujiu let the Swift-winged Jinpeng and the gray-backed iron-clawed wolf stay to guard the Feng Mo Mausoleum, these two are her "descent".

  Also, after she finds a chance to put the fat rabbit and the thin rabbit out, ask them to come and stare at them from time to time.

  The reason why Yun Chujiu is so concerned about Feng Demon Mausoleum is because the passage of the three thousand continents is here. Although she can't find a way to open the barrier for the time being, she will definitely be able to open it in the future.

  Three thousand continents have her countless concerns, cheap grandfathers, parents, brothers and sisters, countless masters, as well as Qiqi, Wuji brother, Xiao Hei Niao, etc., where they are present is her home.

  She believes that this day is not far away, and the owner of the giant hand must be in the Primal Realm. After so many difficulties and obstacles, it is finally time for liquidation.

  Because of thinking about the past of the three thousand continents, Yun Chujiu's return journey has been very silent.

Sect Master Tantai and others were very acquainted, and no one dared to disturb her.

The two   Futu are as cleverly as the little quail, and they dare not say a word.

  If they used to, Chiwu and Feiyi would definitely ask a few questions with concern, but the two of them are a little abnormal at this time, and they look like they are not at home.

   Yun Chujiu was thinking about the past three thousand continents, and suddenly looked startled.

  She took out the key and stared at the pattern on it. She suddenly remembered that she seemed to have seen this pattern.

Where did you see   ?

  She tried to think about it for a while and remembered it!

  She put her divine sense into the storage ring, and she had an extra jade medal in her hand.

  She compared the jade card with the key, and the pattern on it was exactly the same.

  Fu Hetu brought his head over and thought, huh, before that he had amnesia, which is pure nonsense!

  If you lose your memory, how come there are jade tiles with the same pattern, you must be playing with them again.

  Fortunately, they are clever and have withstood the test.

  Yun Chujiu naturally didn't know what their brains had made up, she stared at the jade medal in a trance.

  This jade medal was found in the box of her grandmother Lan Qishuang. It was this jade medal that her uncle and grandfather Lan Demao brought her back to the Lan family.

  Later, the ancestors of the Lan family told her the origin of this jade medal.

  At the beginning, there was a vision in the Liansheng Mountains. Lan Qishuang’s father, Lan Chengze, and his two elder brothers rushed over.

  As a result, Lan Chengze's two brothers did not see anyone or a corpse. Lan Chengze had his tongue cut off, his eyes were also blinded, his veins were severed, and he went crazy.

   There was a moment of Ching Ming before Lan Chengze died, leaving a piece of paper, but the handwriting is illegible, only the words "Jade Card", "Destroyed", and "Shenqi Continent" can be seen vaguely.

  After Lan Chengze died, the jade medal was also gone.

  The ancestor of the Lan family told her the truth and gave her an ascension charm to help her find out the truth.

  (End of this chapter)

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