Chapter 10671 Something Buried

  When Yun Chujiu was paying attention to the thin rabbit, the dog's tail grass in the dantian suddenly shivered like a cramp.

   Yun Chujiu frowned, and asked with spiritual knowledge: "What's wrong?"

  The dog's tail grass made gestures with leaves. Yun Chujiu could see that it was begging her. Could it be that the gluttonous disease had committed again? Want to eat the herbs you just dug?

Seeing that she didn't understand, Gouwei Cao let the ball of yarn convey it on her behalf.

  The ball of yarn hit a bamboo stick fiercely, and then said to Yun Chujiu: "Master, the dog's tail said that the stone father and mother are buried underneath.

  It didn’t perceive it before because of the barrier with an isolated breath. Now it should have been destroyed by the thin rabbit, so it perceives it.

  It begs you to save its stone parents. The more stone parents, the more effective it will be. "

   Yun Chujiu couldn't help being funny. The reason why Dogtail Cao added the last sentence was probably because she was afraid that she would not help, so she threw out the bait.

  There are now three so-called stone fathers and mothers of dog's tail grass. After impact, they can produce weak lightning power. Although it is a bit tasteless, it is also useful at critical times.

  She said to the dog's tail grass: "Since the thin rabbit has destroyed the barrier, I must have found the stone, and I will be able to bring it back in a while."

  The dog's tail grass was busy letting the ball of yarn continue to spread the word. Although the thin rabbit destroyed the enchantment, it would definitely not be able to find its stone father and mother, because this stone father and mother has been weathered, and it looks no different from ordinary dirt bumps.

  Unless the dog's tail grass goes down on its own, otherwise no one will find it.

   Yun Chujiu heard the words and squatted at the entrance of the cave and looked inward, taking this opportunity to release the dog's tail grass.

  The dog's tail grass hurriedly drilled into the hole dug by the thin rabbit, while drilling and shaking the grass leaves, crying silently:

   "Father, mother, my child is here to save you!"

   "It's not that children are not filial, I really don't know you will fall here!"

   "Also, I don't know how many parents there are in total, so I can only save one and count one."


  Skinny Rabbit received a message from Yun Chujiu and was already waiting on the spot.

  After seeing the dog's tail grass, it couldn't help but bring a hint of curiosity in its red eyes. What the **** is this?

  Dog's Tail Grass uses grass leaves to point in a direction, signaling the thin rabbit to dig quickly.

  The thin rabbit was very cooperative, and dug another distance according to the instructions of the dog's tail grass.

  The dog's tail grass suddenly hugged a fist-sized dirt bump, beating the ground and himself, as if he was going to die.

  Skinny rabbit: "..."

  Dog's tail grass tossed for a long time, then handed the dirt lump to the thin rabbit, so that it was put into its own storage space, so as not to be seen by people outside.

  As for the dog's tail grass, it is "suicide", and Quan should be a punishment for unfilial piety.

  The thin rabbit stared blankly, and then took a moment to slow down before returning to the ground along the same path.

  It shook its head at Yun Chujiu, indicating that it had not found anything.

   Yun Chujiu frowned, then said to Sect Master Tantai and others:

   "Time is pressing, I have no time to delay here, you send someone to continue digging, if it is the best thing to dig out, forget it if you can't dig out."

  Sect Master Tantai and others are not good to say anything, or they dare not say anything, so they nodded and said yes.

   Yun Chujiu said again: "In addition, the Feng Devil Mausoleum is very important. You send heavy troops to guard here, and we will make other arrangements when I return from the Chaos Realm."

  (End of this chapter)

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