Chapter 10634 Shot

Ji Lianyi's heart sank, she couldn't understand the meaning of Luo Fengzhu's words.

  As parasites, in order not to let people see the flaws, they try their best to use the original master's tricks and exercises, and their skills can only show about 60%.

  Once there is no such worry, their skill will be restored to ten percent.

  Comparing the strength gap between the two sides, Hua Cong will undoubtedly lose.

What should she do?

  The sensible approach is naturally to help Luo Fengzhu and the others to reverse together, so that it can also make up for the mistakes they made before.

   But, does she really want to do this?

  She was stunned, and the two sides had already begun a melee.

  Chi Wu was forced into danger by the master Cheng Feng of the lake peak, and his life would not be guaranteed.

  Ji Lianyi gritted her teeth, and the bitter flower that had been released from the divine sense stood in front of Chi Wu.

   Peak Master Cheng frowned: "It seems that you are completely planning to fight us against us. In this case, you can die!"

  Ji Lianyi didn't speak, and commanded Renhuahua to fight with Cheng Feng.

   Yun Chujiu had been paying attention to Ji Lianyi's situation, and when she saw that she had started, she shouted: "Wan Beast Pu, it's time for you to play!"

   Wan Beast Book has long been unable to hold back, but Yun Chujiu told it that she had to wait for her to notify before he could do it.

  At this time, hearing the call, Huipupu's cover finally opened.

  In an instant, countless monsters jumped off the pages of the book and joined the battle.

  These monster beasts are carefully selected by Ten Thousand Beasts. They are powerful and not very big, otherwise the chamber simply cannot fit.

  It feels that after all, it is the treasure of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect. Of course, it has to plan carefully for the Thousand Beast Sect. It would be a shame if this chamber was destroyed.

  Fengzhu Luo and others did not expect such a change in their dreams, and they were a little confused for a while.

   Yun Chujiu shouted in her throat: "Listen to the trapped seniors, this is your only chance to save yourself. As long as you can wrap the black shadows with your divine consciousness and separate them, I will be able to destroy them.

  It really doesn’t work. It’s better to strip your natal orifice out of it. "

  The reason why she added the latter sentence is because the situation of these people is different from that of Sect Master Tantai. They have been occupied by the shadows for so long, and they may not be able to wrap the shadows and divide them.

  Of course, Yun Chujiu has a clear distinction. If they can't save themselves, they can only sacrifice them.

  All the original peak masters heard Yun Chujiu's words, and immediately tried to save themselves.

  The situation is different. There are several peak masters who intentionally hide their strengths, and some of the counterfeiters are already injured, they can still barely achieve the divine consciousness that envelops the shadows.

   But like Lord Luo, he fought against Sombra when he was occupied before, and his injuries were not light. At this time, he could only do his best to strip away his life spirit.

  Although this cultivation base will lose 90%, but at least it can save a small life, spend some more time in the future, there will always be a day to reshape the body.

  Of course, the counterfeiters will not wait to die. Seeing that they have no chance of winning, they want to make a fishnet to make the original owner go away.

  At this time, the original masters are passive, and they will lose their souls at any time.

  At this time, even if Yun Chujiu and others were in a hurry, they couldn't help, so they could only rely on Lord Luo Feng and others to save themselves.

  What Yun Chujiu didn't expect was that Xiao Qiaoer suddenly said with divine consciousness: "Let me go out, I have a way to stop the counterfeit goods for an instant."

   Yun Chujiu had no time to ask more, and immediately released Xiao Qiao'er.

   Continue at nine o'clock tomorrow night, okay!



  (End of this chapter)

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