Chapter 10633

   Yun Chujiu and Tantai Sect Master discussed for a while, and then returned to the Chamber.

  Elder Liu and Elder Zheng are still tied up. The two have received news from Luo Fengzhu and others. They are proud of it, and there will be something good for you in a while!

  When the time comes, there will be grievances and revenge, and you will be smashed into pieces!

  Ji Lianyi was stroking the fat rabbit's fur with one hand and one hand, and her heart was upset.

  What she did just now must have offended these two people. Maybe the news has reached the adults, and maybe there will be punishment next.

  In fact, she is more worried about ordering her to return to the interface than punishment. If so, where should she go?

  If you go back, the people and things here will never have the chance to meet again.

  Whether it is this rabbit or..., she can't let go of it.

  Also, there is a sign of wind and rain in front of me. If there is a fight for a while, who should she help?

   Just when she hesitated, Yun Chujiu and Sect Master Tantai returned.

Sect Master Tantai said with a cold face: "I have already sent a message to Fengzhu Luo and others, and I will deal with your dispute when they arrive."

  Feng Master Shang was up and down, he was not fully sure of the method Yun Chujiu said, but he could not see the clues on the face of Sect Master Tantai.

  Fortunately, Yun Chujiu winked at him, and the mental arithmetic he was carrying was half put down.

The reason why    is half, after all, there is still a tough battle to be fought.

  Listening to the suzerain means that all the seven counterfeit goods have been called. Is there a chance of winning?

  After a while, the guards reported that Feng Master Luo and the others had arrived outside Tiangu Peak.

Sect Master Tantai nodded: "Let them come in! Only seven of them will come in, and all the followers will stay outside of Tiangu Peak."

Sect Master Tantai guessed right, Feng Master Luo and the others really brought some elders as helpers.

  In order to enter Tiangufeng smoothly, they asked the helpers to wait outside Tiangufeng temporarily.

  The seven leaders of Peak Luo arrived in the chamber, and because they hadn't torn their faces, they pretended to salute and took their seats.

  Anyway, everything is in their hands, no hurry.

  Sect Master Tantai said with a cold face: "Feng Master Luo, Master Shang and this seat said that you invited him and the guests of the Dan League for a banquet, but you set up an ambush on the way, is there such a thing?"

  Fenglord Luo said angrily: "This is pure slander! Although I was not at the scene, I got a report. It was obviously Shu Yao and others who provoked first, and then the conflict arose.

  The ridiculous Master Shangfeng, as the master of the peak, does not ease the contradiction, but deliberately makes things big, which is really unpredictable! "

   Peak Master Shang had to defend himself. For a time, both sides talked about their own reasons, and the scene was a bit chaotic.

   Peak Master Shang got more excited as he spoke, and even stood up and walked in front of Peak Master Luo.

  Suddenly, he placed a giant axe outside of his divine sense, and slammed Zhao Fengzhu who was next to Luo Fengzhu.

  Feng Master Zhao has been watching the show, thinking that even if Master Shang is attacked, she will target Master Luo, and he never expected to rush to him.

  So even though the guardian of the divine sense was called, it was still chopped on the left shoulder by the giant axe.

  In an instant, the left shoulder was full of blood, and the consciousness was also shocked.

  Almost at the same time, the Sect Master Tantai on the main seat placed a long knife outside his divine sense and slammed the nearest Haifeng Master Wu Feng.

  His cultivation base was higher than Wu Fengzhu, plus the surprise, Wu Fengzhu immediately vomited a mouthful of blood.

   Peak Master Luo immediately roared angrily: "Since you have torn your face, don't hide it, let's use our true ability!"

  (End of this chapter)

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