Chapter 10068 Ambush

The few people in Yun Chujiu were not fools, so they naturally knew that Cheng Jiaoxi's words were to appease them and could not be taken seriously.

Their hearts are overwhelming. Although they bear the name of genius, there are not a few spells in total, and the cultivation base is even more average. If the fire puppet strikes at night, can it withstand it?

The fake Shuyao kept glancing at Yun Chujiu with her eyes. She thought to herself, when he defended the city last time, Huan Cong used the spirit to retreat the fire puppets. Is this okay?

Yun Chujiu knew what she meant, and smiled bitterly in his heart. The fire puppets did fall off the city wall last time through the soul refinement, but what happened is still unclear.

Those fire puppets may not be afraid of refining soul fire, maybe there are other reasons.

Thinking of this, she felt a sudden in her heart. This layout is not aimed at her, which is the soul refinement, right?

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that this possibility was great, and she began to ponder a countermeasure.

Before the sky fell completely, Jiaoxi Cheng found a leeward terrain, and directed Chi Wu to dig a hole that could accommodate five people.

He lowered his voice and said, "From now on, no one can speak, let alone make noises and lights, lest it attract fire puppets, have you all heard it?"

The four Yun Chujiu nodded hurriedly to show that they knew.

A little bit of time passed, and none of the five of them were drowsy. If one was inattentive, there would be no chance of waking up after sleeping.

Nothing happened in the first half of the night, so that everyone thought whether it was too much, maybe the appearance of the corpses was just accidental.

Upon seeing this, Cheng Jiaoxi motioned him to guard and let Chi Wu and others sleep.

The three Chi Wu were indeed sleepy, and soon fell asleep.

However, Yun Chujiu's eyes were wide, and he watched vigilantly for the surrounding movement.

Cheng Jiaoxi really took a look at her at this time. This little girl is better than Gu Lianyi in both observation and vigilance. It is a pity that she is blind, or she is a good seedling of cultivation.

Yun Chujiu lay there and asked the dog's tail grass in the dantian with his spiritual sense: "Did you find an abnormality?"

At night, she took advantage of everyone's carelessness to release the spirit body of the dog's tail grass, and let it explore the surrounding situation.

Dog's tail grass was very excited. Since Yun Chujiu and the others entered the city lord's mansion, its "grasping grass" work has been suspended, and it has become autistic.

When I finally got to show my skills, I couldn't ask for it.

It took the pit where Yun Chujiu and the others lived as its center, and began to inspect the surrounding area, and found nothing unusual.

When Yun Chujiu saw that Gouweicao gave a negative answer, he was also a little suspicious, could he really think too much?

At this moment, a igniting light suddenly appeared in the distance.

Cheng Jiaoxi was shocked, and when he was about to greet Chi Wu and the others hurried to escape, he found in despair that not only was there a fire in the direction that I saw just now, but fire appeared in all directions.

Soul Refining Fire Marrow couldn't help but sneered: "Dogtail, the master finally let you do some work, look at your good deeds!

You must be lazy, or why didn't you find these fire puppets? "

The dog's tail grass is angry and annoyed, but it has been conscientiously inspecting, and it is clear that everything is normal, do these fire puppets appear out of thin air? !

After the soul refining fire marrow ridiculed the dog's tail grass, he said to Yun Chujiu:

"Master, don't worry, these fire puppets are vulnerable in front of me!

As long as I'm here, they can't hurt your hair at all!

Otherwise you let me out now, and I will let them go right away! "

(End of this chapter)

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