Chapter 10067 has fraud

After listening to Yun Chujiu's words, Chi Wu and Jia Shuyao took a closer look, but right, there is no trace of the body and the puppet being buried by the wind and sand, as if they died here just a moment ago.

But judging from the degree of air-drying of the body, this person must have been dead for a long time.

Cheng Jiaoxi frowned. Although the three of Lianyi had excellent qualifications, they still lacked practical experience.

As for Yun Chujiu's ability to observe these, although he was a little surprised, he didn't take it too seriously, thinking that she was just thinking about it.

He signaled several people not to act rashly, and he raised the puppet and cast a moving spell on the corpse.

The corpse moved forward slowly, and nothing unusual happened.

Even so, Cheng Jiaoxi still didn't dare to relax his vigilance, and tried many times before moving the corpse closer.

The body has dried up, and Yun Chujiu and others are not sure that this person is Jin Si.

However, Mr. Cheng found the Jade ID card of Winter Academy on the body, and it was completely confirmed that the body was Jin Si.

He frowned and muttered to himself: "The Master Yuan and Jin Si disappeared in the land of karma, why are they here?"

After thinking for a while, he didn't think of any clues, so he had to put the corpse and the broken puppet into the storage ring, let the four Yun Chujiu get into the car and move on.

After walking for about dozens of miles, another mummy was found.

Seeing that he was wearing the black armor of Winter Academy, after a few trials, Mr. Cheng put the body into the storage ring.

After walking dozens of miles, a mummy was found again.

Yun Chujiu reminded: "Teacher Cheng, I'm afraid there is fraud in this!"

Cheng Jiaoxi frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Although there is no evidence, I feel as if someone is using these corpses to delay our time.

If we don't hurry, we won't be able to reach Lenghu City before the evening. "Yun Chujiu said.

Cheng Jiaoxi suddenly stunned, speeding up his driving, and detoured directly when he encountered a corpse.

He was actually very confused, who made this round?

The most likely is fire puppets, but fire puppets generally rarely come out during the day. Besides, the five of them won't make the fire puppets so troublesome, right?

Did the fire puppet know that the three Gu Lianyi had excellent aptitudes, and killed them before they grew up?

It shouldn't be, there are not many people who know this, how could it spread to Huo Puppet?

Besides, there are countless geniuses, how could the fire puppet spend so much effort for the three young people? !

Cheng Jiaoxi felt his head was like paste, but one thing was certain, he had to hurry up and enter Lenghu City before dark.

When he was thinking about these things, his eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

"Well, why are there suddenly these piles of rocks here? Obviously it was all flat ground before!"

The ominous premonition in his heart grew stronger, and it seemed that he was really coming to them.

At this time, the journey has been more than halfway, and turning back will definitely not work, so I can only bite the bullet and go forward.

Because the rocks blocked the road, the puppet carriage could not ride, so Cheng Jiaoxi had to take five people on foot.

It took nearly an hour for the five talents to pass through the chaotic area.

Cheng Jiaoxi drove the carriage fast, but unfortunately the sky was still dark, and the shadow of Lenghu City was not seen.

Cheng Jiaoxi was very disturbed, but in order to appease Yun Chujiu and the others, he pretended to be calm and said:

"Although it is more dangerous to spend the night outside the city, as long as we choose a good location, it is fine to make do overnight."

(End of this chapter)

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