Chapter 10021 Yongdong City

Gu Qing felt that Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao would definitely not be able to come to Linyuan. He didn't expect to hear Mazilian and people boasting when passing by:

"I just went in with two girls, just forget the one in black. He looks pretty ordinary and has a shriveled figure.

But that beauty in white clothes looks very good, and her cold temperament is even more delicious. If she comes out later if she has good aptitude, I will accept her. "

When Gu Qing heard, how did the two of them seem to ease the ripples?

He dared to approach the guard and asked:

"Excuse me, is there someone named Gu slow slow, and another named Gu Lianyi went in for the test?"

After Gu Qing said that he stuffed a handful of puppet coins for the guards, and the guards benefited, he looked through the record lazily: "Yes, there are indeed two people who have been in for a long time."

Although Gu Qing received an affirmative answer, he didn't have the guts to let the guards pass the message, and was ready to wait outside.

Coincidentally, a guard came out at this time to inform that today's test is over and no more people are allowed in.

Hearing Gu Qing's words, he said diligently: "Are you Miss Gu's uncle?"

"Yes, I'm the uncle of Gu Xiaowan and Gu Lianyi." Gu Qing was up and down, why is this person so polite?

The guard nodded: "You wait here for a while, I'll go in and speak for you."

Gu Qing's heart became even more disturbed, and the right eyelid was jumping nonstop, always feeling that disaster was imminent.

Now I finally saw Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao, he hurriedly asked:

"Why are you here? Nothing happened, right? What did you say just now to let you go back in a while? What's the matter?"

Gu Qing asked several questions in one breath, his face was full of anxiety and worry.

Yun Chujiu saw that there was no one on the left and right, and then lowered his voice and said, "Uncle, when my sister was testing, she lit up six and a half puppets."

"How much?" Gu Qing thought he had heard it wrong.

Yun Chujiu simply stretched out six fingers: "Six and a half!"

Gu Qing was stunned. He was different from Yun Chujiu and Jia Shuyao. He had this common sense and knew what Liugenban means.

Wugen is already called a genius, isn't Liugenban a genius among geniuses?

Yun Chujiu continued: "Uncle, you must have doubts about our identity. You don't need to know too much, just cooperate with us.

After a while, the city chief summoned my sister, and now you quickly think about how to make up an identity for us that cannot be found.

It is best to find the root cause, for example, has the city been wiped out by fire puppets, and only a few people have survived? "

Gu Qing's head buzzed and he finally calmed down.

He has been thinking about the identity of Yun Chujiu and others these days, and he has weighed it up in his heart.

No matter who they are, at least they are not malicious.

Furthermore, he is now on the thief ship, it is impossible to get rid of the relationship.

Therefore, even if Yun Chujiu didn't use coercion and temptation, he would choose to stand on the same front with Yun Chujiu and the others.

"Not long ago, Yongdong City was captured by Fire Puppets. It is said that all the people inside were eaten by Fire Puppets, and they were still occupied by Fire Puppets at this time.

If it is said that you escaped from Yongdong City, the city lord can do nothing even if he wants to investigate. "

Yun Chujiu's eyes lit up immediately: "Okay, then we are the people of Yongdong City! You can tell me about Yongdong City again, so I can know it well."

(End of this chapter)

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