Chapter 10020 has a good mentality

Yun Chujiu didn't worry that the fake Shuyao could target herself after practicing, not to mention just lighting up six and a half puppets, which was a puppet full of bones, she still had a way to pinch her.

She retracted her hand and slipped to the fake Shuyao.

Ji Heng was a little stunned at Yun Chujiu. Many people were very frustrated and disappointed after the test. This little maid looked as usual and had a good mentality.

He smiled and said to the fake Shu Yao: "Miss Gu, please come in your room!"

Fake Shu Yao nodded faintly and stepped into the next room.

Yun Chujiu followed closely, thinking about the next response.

Fake Shuyao's aptitude is too good, even if she wants to keep a low profile now, she can't do it anymore.

It happened that she had extremely limited knowledge of the Prison of Karma. If Gu Qing was here, she could discuss it with him.

When she was thinking, someone came in and said something in Ji Heng's ear. Ji Heng smiled and said to the fake Shu Yao:

"Miss Gu, there is a person outside the door who claims to be Gu Qing who came to see you. Do you know him?"

The fake Shuyao hadn't spoken yet, Yun Chujiu said: "Sister, uncle is here, let's go out and have a look!"

The fake Shuyao was a little reluctant. There was no way to recognize such an uncle before. Now she is about to become a genius here. Is there any need to condescend to call her uncle? !

It may be that he was used to listening to Yun Chujiu's command during this period, although he was reluctant, he instinctively stood up.

Upon seeing this, Ji Heng said hurriedly: "Don't have to be so troublesome, I just let him in."

Yun Chujiu hurriedly said, "My lord, this is a bit wrong.

The city lord hasn’t met my sister, so we are not very good at doing special things, so my sister and I should go out to see my uncle! "

Ji Heng nodded secretly. It seemed that he had missed it before, but this little maid was not clever, she was clever!

She was right, although genius pride is normal, but the city owner definitely prefers low-key geniuses.

So he smiled and said: "Well, if that's the case, then you can go out and see you, come to me whenever you need it."

Yun Chujiu thanked him politely, but Shu Yao still nodded coldly.

Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao left Linyuan, the onlookers probably didn't know the news inside, so there was not much reaction, only Ma Zilian came over and asked maliciously:

"How about little beauty? How many puppets have you lighted up?"

Yun Chujiu was afraid of the fake Shu Yao, so he rushed to say: "Thank you, Master Ji Heng, who is in charge of the test inside, asked my sister to go in immediately after finishing the matter."

She said these words in a vague way, and when she heard Mazi's face and ears, she thought Ji Heng had taken a fancy to Shu Yao, and she was ready to take a concubine.

He couldn't help but be a little bit ridiculous. How could he dare to grab someone with Ji Heng? !

He murmured: "It turned out to have really climbed the high branch, amazing! No wonder the guard who came out just now was so polite and helped spread the message."

Yun Chujiu grabbed the fake Shu Yao who wanted to talk, got close to Gu Qing, and pointed to the corner of the alley and said:

"Uncle, let's talk over there!"

Gu Qing nodded, and the three of them arrived at the corner of the alley.

Gu Qing was up and down. After Yun Chujiu and Jia Shuyao left in the morning, he felt a little flustered, always feeling that something was going to happen.

He was really worried, and asked Zhou Lean to take the team to the 19th district, while he came to Xicheng.

He first went to the place where the identity document was handled, and after filling the guard with benefits, he inquired that Yun Chujiu and fake Shuyao had finished processing them.

He had to wander around Xicheng to see if he could meet them. It just so happened that he also wandered down this street.

(End of this chapter)

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