Chapter 10002 is proud of

Yuan Qifan was so excited, he even dreamed that he would still be a lieutenant in his lifetime.

Yin Dafa's expression of envy, jealousy and hatred, clearly his cultivation is much better than Yuan Qifan, why hasn't he reached the supernatural state?

It's really unfair!

Feng Wenzhong originally wanted to stay to see Yuan Qifan's next performance, but there were unexpected situations elsewhere, so he took people away.

Yuan Qifan felt that when he took office, he had to perform well.

He was responsible for this area and the surrounding defensive areas for the time being no problem, so he planned to look ahead.

He was about to leave, and Yun Chujiu came over and said, "General Yuan, although you have a high level of cultivation, you have to run errands to help. Why don't you take a few of us!"

Yuan Qifan frowned, and he thought to himself, this little girl must be afraid that after he left, the replacement Faxiu would throw them down to feed the fire puppets, so he made this request.

He wanted to ignore it, but then he thought about it. Although he was promoted to a lieutenant general, the city lord did not arrange for him to subordinate, which was a bit shabby.

Moreover, he is now very proud and in a good mood, and it's okay to pull these days of blindness.

Of course, he would definitely not admit that Yun Chujiu's calling him "General Yuan" made him feel very pressing.

In fact, he is only a lieutenant, and he cannot be called a general, but who will correct this kind of mistake at this time? !

In short, after a little hesitation, he agreed.

Not far away, there was an alternate Sky Blind. He spoke and someone arranged five Faxiu to replace Yun Chujiu's place.

Qiao Wen also hated that he could not follow up with him, but he did not dare, he was very angry, and felt that Yuan Qifan was simply sick in his head!

Isn’t it said that even cultivators can’t be blind to the sky? Why is he so talkative? They actually took Gu Qing away.

Yuan Qifan walked out for a distance and found that a Faculty practitioner could not hold it.

The law amendment was going to push a sky blind down, and he shouted: "Hold on!"

With that said, he cast a Bingling Curse on a fox-shaped fire puppet.

The fox-shaped fire puppet fell with a scream, and dozens of puppets around it also fell.

Those Fa cultivation and sky blindness were all stunned!

Seeing Yuan Qifan's eyes were full of shock and awe!

Yuan Qifan's vanity was greatly satisfied, and he felt like he had become the savior of everyone.

He didn't even notice that Yun Chujiu also threw a cold stone when he cast the spell.

Of course, even if he noticed, there is no time to deal with such trivial matters now.

He wants to save the people from the cold valley, so how can he spare time to pay attention to these details? !

Besides, throwing and throwing, left and right are all to stop the fire puppet.

In the following time, Yuan Qifan released the Bingling Curse several times, each time without any surprise, everyone's exclamation was aroused.

In fact, Yuan Qifan was a little bit powerless to cast spells so frequently, but he was in a state of excitement now, even if he swallowed pills, he had to hold on.

Because of his high-light performance, Yuan Xiu in the southern area was much easier, and naturally he didn't lose sight of the sky.

Seeing that the situation on Nanyi's side was very good, the city lord Feng Wenzhong drew a part of the manpower to support other areas.

When Yuan Qifan was excited, he felt a little bit unsure.

He is now completely supported by the elixir, which may not be able to last too long.

At this moment, Yun Chujiu came over and said, "General, I have a proposal, don't you know if it should be said?"

(End of this chapter)

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