Chapter 10001 promotion

Yin Dafa's mouth was wide open, and it was estimated that an egg would be more than enough.

I have only heard that the supernatural state is very good, which can increase the potential of a person several times, but this is too exaggerated, right? !

He shot down dozens of fire puppets at once, even the city lord may not have such an ability.

Don't talk about him, even Yuan Qifan himself felt a little untrue.

Forget it before, after all, it was just a few fire puppets, but this time dozens of them were shot down at once. Why do you feel so mysterious?

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of many people, and the city lord Feng Wenzhong arrived soon with a few staff.

Feng Wenzhong did not speak, but stood behind Yuan Qifan, obviously wanting to confirm.

Yuan Qifan was excited and nervous, because he had just finished casting the spell and his face was a little pale.

But in order to behave in front of the city lord, he once again took out a puppet stone, absorbed the puppet power inside, and began to cast a spell.

Seeing that the fire puppet on his side was climbing very low, he released the Ice Edge Curse on the defensive area of ​​Fa Xiu on the right.

The Bingling Curse hit a human-shaped fire puppet, and the human-shaped fire puppet suddenly screamed. As it fell, a bunch of fire puppets fell next to it.

Feng Wenzhong couldn't help but exclaimed: "Good! Very good!"

Yuan Qifan felt a little dizzy, and the little uncertainty in his heart disappeared.

He has really reached a supernatural state, and he may become a great hero of the cold valley!

Feng Wenzhong signaled the person he had brought to take over Yuan Qifan's defense for the time being, and asked with a gentle attitude, "What's your name? The Bingling Curse was cast just now, right?"

Yuan Qifan is just an ordinary practitioner. He has never spoken to the city lord, and his voice trembles with excitement.

"The villain Yuan Qifan, what I just used was indeed Bingling Curse."

Feng Wenzhong nodded: "How did you reach the supernatural state?"

Yuan Qifan looked confused: "I don't know, it just arrived suddenly."

An aide next to him said: "City Lord, I have heard that the potential will be stimulated during life and death. Almost all the supernatural states recorded before are achieved during life and death, and it is estimated that he is also the same."

Feng Wenzhong nodded again: "Then tell me what is the difference between the body and the day?"

Yuan Qifan perceived it carefully and said, "There is nothing else, but I feel a little dizzy, my heartbeat is much faster than usual, and I feel like it's jumping to my throat."

Immediately another staff member said: "That's right! After reaching the supernatural state, the body's potential will be stimulated, but the body has not yet adapted to it, so it will feel this unbearable."

Feng Wenzhong frowned. He now regards this Yuan Qifan as a life-saving straw. If his body can't bear it, wouldn't it be empty?

The aide immediately said: "San Jose, you can reward him with some pills that replenish physical strength and puppet power, and it should work."

Feng Wenzhong felt that it made sense, and immediately took out two bottles of pill and rewarded Yuan Qifan, letting him take it immediately to see the effect.

Yuan Qifan was simply flattered. After taking the pill, he didn't know whether it was a mental effect or whether the pill really worked. He felt that his dizziness and rapid heartbeat alleviated a lot.

Feng Wenzhong saw that it was effective, and rewarded him with two bottles of elixirs, saying:

"You are now a lot better than the others. If you defend this little place, you would be overkill.

Well, I now promote you to be a lieutenant. You are responsible for patrolling the southern area. If there is a tight defensive area, you will shoot. "

(End of this chapter)

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