Ultraman’s War

Chapter 974: Distant call

Time is like a horse in a gap. One month has passed. On this day, I saw that the director called Captain Hibi. In the director's room, he handed an appointment letter to Captain Hibi. Captain Hibi opened it and stared at once. Lived, it clearly read: Appointment of Hibigaoka as Chief of Police.

"Director..." Captain Hibi looked up in shock, very much doubting whether this was a mistake. Even though the police department was implicated because of the former Chief Quan Teng, it is still the most important thing for TPC. One of the departments does not talk about him in terms of qualifications and ability.

Director Fukjian stood up, patted Hibiokasuke on the shoulder, motioned for him to sit down, and then said: "This appointment has passed the general staff meeting. You should report to the police station as soon as possible."

"But Director..."

Director Shen Jian waved his hand and said: "I hope you can accept this appointment. I will resign in eight years. I hope you will be the next TPC director."

"Ah?!" Hibi Okazuke was already surprised that he could squeeze a steamed bun. As the chief of the police department, he was already promoted by a leap, so how come he is talking about the position of director.

"You are very young compared to us old men," Director Shen Jian said with a smile: "The most important reason is that in the future, when human beings need it, there will be new light to guide humanity forward. Ultraman is the protector of the earth as well as a hero. I don’t want heroes to be unable to live normally on their planet. Hibi, I hope you can shoulder the responsibility to protect the heroes who are desperate to protect humanity, and never let him leave even a drop Tears of disappointment."


"I did something wrong in this respect. I actually knew Quan Teng's F plan, but I didn't expect him to do such a thing," the director of Shen Jian said with a deep sigh: "Asuka believes he is a competent person. The team members are the savior of mankind, everyone should remember him."

Hibiga helped pursed his mouth, his eyes flickering and finally he did not speak.

The director of Shen Jian sighed and then seriously ordered: "Hi Bi, when you sit in this position, you will take on this heavy responsibility. You must hold on and resist the heavy pressure. Don’t let go, otherwise the mistake will repeat itself."

Hibigasuke stood up and nodded vigorously: "If there is a new light one day, I will let him live freely on this planet without being disturbed by anyone."

"Be sure to remember what you said." Director Fukken nodded, then smiled on his wrinkled face, took a red invitation card on the table and handed it to Hibi Okasuke: "The day after tomorrow is the wedding of the starry night. Let's take the team members with me at that time."

"Really?" With a smile on his face, Hibigaokasuke took it and nodded: "Yes."

Soon the day after tomorrow will arrive. Whether it is the current TPC leaders at all levels or the outgoing director Sawai and former director Yoshitake, all have come, and this most cathedral is full. If aliens come here to make trouble, TPC will definitely be exhausted from top to bottom.

Starry night faced the crowd of guests sitting below. It was the first time he put on this very formal suit. In the past, he was either casual clothes or a light white research suit.

"How do you feel that you are a little uncomfortable?" Dagu said in a low voice while standing beside the starry night.

Starry night curled her lips secretly, she did feel uncomfortable wearing this suit, but she couldn't help but stare straight ahead, at the door of the church, Mayumi wearing a white wedding dress was carrying her father's arm, amid the elegant music of the organ Stepped onto this long red carpet. There was a round of applause in the church, Mayumi walked through a circle of flower stands decorated with flowers, and the flower girl behind her sprinkled petals from time to time.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!" The church clock rang twelve times, the organ began to play "Wedding March", and Starry Night stood in front of the priest with Mayumi's hand.

The priest opened the "Bible" and the church was silent. Only the priest's solemn voice reverberated: "Yuanxingye and Xincheng Mayumi, swear the vow of marriage in front of God and everyone. I will honor the Father and Son And in the name of the Holy Spirit, swear that this brother and sister will formally become a husband and wife, and they will never be separated under the witness of God’s presence."

Starry night in the sound of the piano, raised Mayumi's right hand and put the ring representing love and oath on Mayumi's hand, raising his hand gently to lift the veil on Mayumi's head.

The priest closed the Bible and said softly: "Groom, you can kiss the bride."

In the applause of everyone, Xingye gently kissed Mayumi's lips.

Immediately the two separated, Mayumi looked at Xingye with a smile named Happiness on her face, clutching Xingye's right arm with both hands, and whispered in Xingye's ear: "Finally...marry you!"

Xingye chuckled and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to go there for your honeymoon?"

"I'm going to many, many places. Last time I went to the sea but didn't see the bottom of the sea. I'm going to an underwater city; I'm going to space, and I'm going to..." Mayumi tried hard to think about where she wanted to go.

"You can go anywhere. This time we have a lot of time to walk around the solar system." Xingye and Mayumi walked forward slowly together ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ the future is waiting for them ahead It.

The earth has entered a peaceful period again. It has been a full five months, but no aliens or monsters have appeared, and the Super Victory team was temporarily unemployed. Hibisuke, who has served as the chief of the police department, has focused his main energy on the development of the universe, and actively promotes humans to explore a wider space. The main responsibility of the Super Victory Team has also shifted from protecting the earth to protecting humans. Solar system.

A year later, Xincheng and seven other astronauts in a spacecraft equipped with a zero-drive spacecraft arrived at the Kuboyi Belt outside the solar system for the first time and made a short flight close to the speed of light.

For the first time, mankind has truly crossed the solar system, taken a step towards the sea of ​​stars, and has become another milestone in human history.

Xingye has already handed over the scientific research department to the wilderness, and with nothing to do, and Mayumi playing around in various places all day. The sea, space, and the planets in the solar system have left their footprints, remembering all the grass, the wood, the dust and the dirt of the hometown.

On this day, the two were playing in the underwater city that was still in the experimental stage. Although most of the people stationed here were scientific researchers, the facilities were still very complete. It has entered the final testing stage. Once this test is completed, the first batch of volunteer residents will be welcome here.

The two of them were standing on the edge of the submarine city, looking at the seawater outside the transparent material, and they could clearly see a lot of swimming fish. But you can't see the large fish, so as to prevent damage to this translucent layer.

"It's so beautiful!" Mayumi looked at the clear water and couldn't help but let out a compliment. It was a completely different feeling to see the sea here.

"Xingye...Xingye..." A distant voice rang in Xingye's ears, shouting Xingye's name very anxiously.

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