Ultraman’s War

Chapter 973: Home-seeking

The call sign of Kurak flew back to the space base near Mars and connected with Sky City. Dozens of robotic arms protruding out supported the Space City cannon under the call sign of Kurak. The staff in the space city operated it. The disassembly work began next. After all, it was only an experimental weapon. It was not easy to be able to persist until now. Moreover, such a powerful weapon should not be equipped temporarily.

The Super Victory team walked down the Kurak call sign and boarded the flight back to Earth. The war is over. They will also return to Earth to take the responsibility of protecting the Earth, but one of their comrades can no longer be with them. Returned together.

Starry night watched the Super Victory team leave until the spacecraft they were riding in turned into a light spot before leaving the ship window. Mayumi stood there quietly behind him, gazing at the starry night, and when he saw Xingye turn around, he walked over and gently hugged the starry night.

With a smile on Xingye's pale face, she whispered in Mayumi's ear: "It's okay, everything is over."

Mayumi nodded slightly choked, and then raised her head to look at Xingye seriously and said distressedly: "Look at yourself, you have been so reluctant to yourself, obviously you haven't recovered last time."

"I'm fine, just take a good rest." Starry night held Mayumi's hands and said softly: "Look outside, all the stars are back. The children on earth will love this sky full of stars."

"Hmm!" Mayumi didn't say much, this is the mission of a soldier, and it is the fate of a hero.

Starry night said, pulling Mayumi into the space city: "Okay, let's go, go to Da Gu, I must blackmail him, really this time it belongs to him who contributed the least."

Although the battlefield is very close to Mars, it did not cause much damage to Mars, but this idea changed after coming to Dagujia. The greenhouse for cultivating flowers and plants collapsed in half, and many flowers and plants were crushed underneath. Starry night When Kazuma Yumi walked in, Dako was still busy rescuing the flowers.

Starry night stared at the flowers and plants with few leaves around, and said gloating: "Da Gu, it seems that you are going to come again."

Dagu turned around and saw Starry Night and Mayumi enthusiastically said, "It's you!"

"I'm looking for Lina and Xiaoguang, you guys are busy here." Mayumi let go of Xingye's hand and walked into the house inside.

Dagu patted his hands covered with mud, his smile on his face also converged, and he looked at the blue sky, he couldn't help but sighed: "I didn't expect this to happen. The stars are back. Will be back too."

Starry night brushed off the fallen leaves on a flower, revealing the bright flowers inside, and then placed the flower on the shelf: "I don’t know, I only have a little understanding of time and space. I did feel me at the time. The breath left on Asuka, so Asuka should be alive, but I don’t know which universe he is in."

"Other universes..." Dagu was silent for a while before he heard the words, before speaking for a long time: "I remember Dyna can also create small black holes, so I should also have some understanding of time and space. I believe he will find it someday. By the way home."

"I believe so too." Xingye sighed and knelt down to help clean up the flowers and plants on the floor.

Finding the way home from countless parallel time-spaces and multi-universes is no less than a blind person walking out of the Amazon rainforest. It is true that one day in a long time will be able to return, but how long has passed since then?

Going to the hometown is like a bad guy, does it make sense to go home? Is this "home" still my own home?

After the two cleaned up here in silence, Dagu asked softly: "Will you leave?"

"Everyone is here, I'm going to hold the wedding with Mayumi." Xingye avoided talking and talked about other things. Dagu nodded. Xingye meant that after the wedding was held, he would leave again.

"If it's okay, come back often," Dagu said with some emotion: "Everyone always gathers less and stays more. You are the one who has gone the farthest."

Starry Night said in confusion: "I am a wanderer, always wandering outside. I want to find a harbour where my heart can stay. Otherwise, one day I will forget who I am? Where do I come from? Where is it? my home?"

Dagu pursed his mouth and said nothing. Things were never perfect. Mayumi left her relatives and wandered in the time and space far away from hometown by Xingye. In a long time, all the familiar things in this universe were all there. After the time has passed away, this place will no longer be the hometown~www.NovelMTL.com~ Thousands of years later, whether it is parents, brother Xincheng, or everyone else has turned into loess, Mayumi Just like Starry Night, he becomes a wanderer without a hometown.

"You two hurry up and wash your hands and eat." Lina poked her head out of the kitchen in an apron, and greeted the two relatively silent and silent. She looked like a good wife and mother, without her original body. For the ace pilot of the victory team.

"Let's go!" Dagu and Xingye smiled, put away the thoughts in their hearts, and walked to the living room talking and smiling. Xiaoguang was already sitting on a chair, looking at the table full of food, and he smiled happily when he saw Dagu walk in: "Dad, hurry up and eat."

"Good, good!"

And the Super Victory team returning to Earth almost didn’t say anything along the way. Their minds kept repeating the moment Dinah was sucked into the black hole. Even if they believed that Asuka was still alive, there was still something in their hearts that could not be covered. The sadness came up.

After a long flight, the Super Victory team finally returned to the command room of the long-lost TPC integrated base. Everything here remained the same as everyone had left. There was no change, but there was one less returnee.

Everyone sat back in their place and started the same work as before, dealing with the pile of files and things, as if everything had gone back to the past. But the empty seat clearly tells everyone that the time that has passed will never go back. Without the Asuka, who is always in trouble, the Super Victory team will be missing.

No one will stop running without the earth. No matter how thrilling and difficult the battle that took place on Mars, even if people miss Altman Dinah who disappeared in this battle, ordinary life is still there. Continued, staged scenes of joys and sorrows.

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