Ultraman’s War

Chapter 961: Pluto swallowed

While chatting, there was a slight engine noise in the sky. There were more than a dozen black spots on the horizon approaching quickly, but within a few seconds, they expanded from a black spot into a huge group of transport planes.

The transport plane landed steadily on the ground, and then a group of heavily armed soldiers ran out of it, forming a skirmish line and quickly ran over.

A soldier ran over first, stood at attention and then saluted the starry night: "Sir, the fourth team of the space expedition has assembled, please give instructions!"

"Zara, please go to the TPC review bureau, please adviser Quan Teng." Xingye turned his head and gestured.

"Yes!" Zara waved his hand, and the two soldiers immediately stepped forward, walked to the staff of Quan Teng, and stretched out their hands at him: "Counsel of Quan Teng, please!"

"Heh!" Chief of Staff Quan Teng sighed, and under the ‘protection’ of these two soldiers, he stepped towards the transport plane.

Starry night spoke behind Quan Teng’s staff and said, “You can rest assured that the police bureau will not be disbanded or reorganized. I will propose to Director Shen Jian that you take care of the logistics.”

Staff Quan Teng stopped and paused for a while. In the end, he didn't turn his head back but continued to move forward: "Thank you!"

"Don't thank me, if you study the power of light for your own desires, you will definitely go to a military court." Xingye said, turning around and watching a group of soldiers walk into the base. There are many sensitive things to be destroyed or taken away for storage, and the participating personnel also need to be screened and screened.

With Heliang supporting Asuka together, he boarded a transport plane and rushed to the nearest Mars City Hospital. Everything came to an end, and even many people on Mars did not know that there was this battle.

"Senior Starry Night, how did you do it? You can make the two clones perform different actions." Asuka looked at Xingye very curiously, wondering how to do it.

Xing Yeyi sat on the chair, closed her eyes and said without looking back: "It's fine to practice more, but it's still energy-consuming to use this trick less."

"Oh!" Asuka nodded thoughtfully, seeing the pale eyes closed on Xingye's face, as if he had fallen asleep, so he stopped talking, and turned his gaze out of the window.

The land of Mars is still that yellow and dark red, but there are already many transformed plants growing vigorously outside the Mars base. This is the first batch of Martian plants, and there will be more transformed plants in the future. The plants take root on Mars, until the entire Mars is covered by green plants, this place will truly become the home of people, er, Li.

The transport plane entered an entry hatch that was 100 meters long and wide, and taxied into a hangar.

Xingye opened his eyes and patted his face, stood up, stepped out of the cabin, and just walked out, Mayumi plunged into Xingye's arms, holding Xingye's arms tightly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Starry night patted Mayumi's shoulder comfortingly. This time, he disappeared for a full week, breaking the previous record, and even so, it has not fully recovered. The reason is that the energy you use is not only beyond your control, but also the most violent force of time and space, just like a 10-watt light bulb you directly deliver 100 watts of current.

Although I want to be alone with Mayumi for a while, it is a pity that there are still many things to be busy, such as finding the reasons for the data leakage of the F plan, and what are the needs of the instruments and equipment used by the Quan Teng staff in the light research The destruction and the researchers had to deal with a lot of things, so Mayumi walked away after a while comforted.

Before Starry Night walked to the conference room, an assistant hurried over from behind, and even hurriedly did not even have time to pick up the headset. His face was full of panic and fear: "The big thing is not good. The probe found that the outer solar system Pluto orbit appeared. A huge source of gravitation, it is preliminarily judged that a black hole with a mass of ninety-six times ten to the forty-two power can have gravity."

"What are you talking about?" Xingye stopped abruptly, and immediately remembered the ‘Planet Devourer’ that the betrayer once said, and the **** that Scum said he knew about this.

Xingye turned around and walked towards the Information Department. As he walked, he instructed the assistant behind him: "Immediately notify all TPC departments of this news and notify the Super Victory team to gather at the Information Department immediately."


When Starry Night came to the Information Department, the place was already in chaos. Many people were busy going in and out, and the huge room of over a thousand square meters was full of noise.

"Check the data of the third satellite!"

"Adjust the K1554 gravitational wave detection satellite to 147L54."

"Where is the photon detection satellite? Quickly put it in place for me!"


Seeing the messy look in front of him, Xingye couldn't help but frown, and shouted: "Don't panic, everyone will perform their duties, and those above the director level will come and gather for me."

The chaotic room was quiet for a while, and then more than a dozen people trot over all the way.

Xingye glanced at them and said, "What is going on? Start from the beginning!"

More than a dozen people look at me, I look at you, and then one person said: "Dr. Starry Night is like this. Ten minutes ago, the Bo Pioneer exploration satellite and Jupiter Garnimid base in the outer solar system were lost. Contact, so we mobilized nearby radar satellites to go to that area to look for the Pioneer."

"However, a very powerful source of gravity was discovered. Because it was impossible, I thought it was a data error, but then this radar satellite also lost contact. We only discovered that it was wrong and immediately mobilized other satellites to align. Only there ~www.NovelMTL.com~ found that huge source of gravity."

"What's the position of the other party now?" Xingye immediately stepped towards the main console after hearing it.

"It is approaching the orbit of Pluto, and it will soon reach Pluto at the current speed."

"Look!" Before Xingye reached the main console, one person stood up suddenly and pointed at the big screen with a voice that was so horrified that the pitch was changed. Then everyone looked up and saw an incredible scene, surrounding the sun. Pluto, which was orbiting orbiting, slowly disappeared in full view.

"Pluto disappeared?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Check the gravity data changes immediately!"

"Hurry up, where is the quantum satellite? Search this area for me now."

"Give me a neutrino wave and find Pluto quickly."

"..." (To be continued.)

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