Ultraman’s War

Chapter 960: End-rupture

The supersynthetic orc Gilganod rushed towards Dina with a roar, and after Dina raised his hands in a fighting start position, he immediately rushed to the supersynthetic orc Gilganod.

The distance between the two huge figures is constantly getting smaller. At the moment of contact with the super-synthetic orc Gilganod, Dina slid his left leg to the side and immediately followed with his right leg, turning his body to avoid directly. The straight punch of the super-synthetic orc Gilganod.

Immediately, his right fist slammed into the silver-white armor of the super-synthetic orc Gilganod, while his left hand released a light wheel at almost zero distance, and the circular serrated light knife severely cut the super Synthesize orc Gilganod.

Amid the unpleasant rubbing sound of'stab lala', the Dina Light Wheel was about to cut a deep gap in the silver-white armor on the surface of the supersynthetic orc Gilganod, and even through the gap, you could see the inside. Substance that has been dyed black.

"Oh!" The supersynthetic orc Gilganod roared with his mouth wide open, and he slammed his arm to the nearby Dyna.

Dyner's figure flashed, and a series of phantoms were drawn and immediately retreated. At the same time, Dyner's right arm had been aimed at the rift made by the supersynthetic orc Gilganod.

The azure blue light gathered and condensed into a azure blue bow and arrow on Dina's arm. Then the bow and arrow immediately flew out and pointed directly at the super-synthetic orc Gilganod in the distance.

With a loud "bang", the light bow accurately hit the supersynthetic orc Gilganod, and the burst of flames rose up to a full kilometer, swallowing the supersynthetic orc Gilganod completely.

"Huh!" Dina lightly lowered his right arm to look at, and stood facing the rising dust. Suddenly a dark red light struck out of the flames, Dina immediately raised his hands and pulled out a light blue light shield, absorbing all the attacking energy on the light shield, and then pushed hard to darken the light. The red light bounced back.

There was a more violent explosion in the flames that had not disappeared, and then the supersynthetic orc Gilganod flew out embarrassedly. The armor on his body was cracked everywhere, and even the armor in many places was blown to pieces. .

The super-synthetic orc Gilganod who fell to the ground slowly got up, and the armor on his body was flowing quickly like water, but within a few seconds, the ragged armor was completely renewed, as if the series of attacks had not happened.

"Sfia still has the ability to regenerate!" Xingye nodded clearly, although I don't know how strong this regenerative ability is, but...

"As long as you blow you up, no matter how strong your regeneration is, it's useless." Dina said as he raised his right hand, the strong energy gathered together and gradually condensed into a twisted light group.

"Oh!" The supersynthetic orc on the opposite side, Gilganod, didn't wait for Dina to finish the sluggish gathering of energy, and immediately swiped his hands continuously, sending out dark red palm light bullets.

Dina’s right hand was gathering energy, and seeing the super-synthetic orc Gilganod launching an attack, he immediately raised his left arm, his left hand shining with a blue light, and then turned into a blue electric shock light, sweeping across, one by one dark The red light bomb was exploded by the volley before it approached.

"Haha!" Dina pushed his right hand, and the Liborum light gathered in his hand whizzed towards the supersynthetic orc Gilganod.

As soon as the Libolum light passed through the supersynthetic orc Gilganod, the light bomb had not had time to burst, and Dina's figure flashed, turning into a streamer and appeared next to the Libolum light. With his right hand, he once again grabbed the light bullet condensed by Libolum's rays, and pressed it on the body of the supersynthetic orc Gilganod.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the light bomb burst open immediately, and the supersynthetic orc Gilganod was blown into fragments at the moment when the black hole was formed, and the intense attraction from the black hole destroyed all the fragments. They all sucked in, and then disappeared.

"Ye... everything is over." Dina crossed his hands in front of him, and a dazzling light glowed all over his body. The huge body immediately shrank and shrank, condensing the figures of birds and starry nights on the earth-colored ground.

Asuka's legs softened and almost fell to the ground, Starry Night hurriedly grabbed Asuka. This guy was already weak because of the energy drawn, but in the end he was still fighting.

"Asuka!" Liang ran from the exit of the base and saw the scene of Asuka almost falling to the ground. He hurried over and supported Asuka.

"It's okay, don't believe it!" Asuka still wanted to show herself, but just barely straightened her back and grinned, almost silently shouting.

"Don't behave, take a good rest for a few days." Xingye glanced at the flying bird, then took out the communicator and began to call the Discovery Mars base: "Let the space expedition send people to my current location, with more people."

"Yes! Doctor Starry Night!"

Xingye put down the communicator, turned around, and saw Quan Teng's staff standing at the gate of the base. This guy no longer had the spirited spirit he had before, but instead had a sense of old age, as if he was in his twilight years. The same for the elderly.

Staff Quan Teng walked over slowly, looked at the blue sky of Mars, and asked without turning his head: "Do you think human beings can really survive in this universe by their own power?"

"Isn't what humans have always done very well?" Xingye put his hands in his pockets and said softly: "I just proposed an outline for transforming Mars. The plan that is one or two meters thick is from the scientific research department. The specific actions were formulated and implemented by the TPC. Ultraman is just a light to guide humans forward, but if humans are really hopeless, then there are no more Ultramans."

"Really?" Quan Teng's staff was noncommittal.

Starry night chuckled and took out the tablet, and said casually, "Neomax cannon is a weapon that has long been obsolete~www.NovelMTL.com~Speixium, the real human killer. In theory, a cannon has the power to destroy the earth with one cannon."

"What are you talking about?" Staff Quan Teng's expression finally changed, and then he shook his head: "This is impossible."

He knows the science and technology theory of mankind. The extinction of the earth's creatures and the destruction of the earth are two concepts. The former is enough for 8,000 nuclear bombs, but the latter is not enough if the number is increased by a hundredfold.

"The research work of the Spacer Cannon actually started ten years ago," Xingye said as he handed the tablet to the staff of Quan Teng: "Why do you think I should vigorously promote the development of Mars plan, is to enrich the Mars The sample of Spaxium ore was produced five years ago, but the research base of the Sparxum gun has always been on Mars. It is TPC’s top secret and no one except the director has the authority to access it."

"Then why..." Staff Quan Teng was puzzled, and he didn't understand why such a powerful weapon was not used in the battle a week ago.

"Why don't you use it? One is the problem of energy consumption, and the other is the reason why it is too powerful." Starry night glanced at him: "If Prometheus was equipped with the Spatial Cannon, I am afraid that humans would have died long ago. , Besides, the Sparexum cannon is still in the experimental stage." (To be continued.)

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