Ultraman’s War

Chapter 869: Unreal strange bird

"Om! Om!" The harsh alarm sounded in the TPC base, awakening many people from their sleep. Asuka sat up in a daze, completely forgetting the others, and hit the upper bunk with a'bang' On the bed, Asuka screamed in pain, and the pain made him wake up suddenly, rubbing his head grinningly.

"Bang" Nakajima, who had already put on the uniform of the Super Victory team, jumped down from the upper bunk and said to Asuka, "Hurry up, Asuka." After that, he ran out quickly.

Asuka glanced at Hanajiro, who was sleeping soundly next to him, and hurriedly took off his nightgown and put on the Super Victory uniform.

When Asuka finally got dressed and ran to the command room, she found that everyone was there, even the youngest Lu Chuanwu was sitting in front of the computer with a headset, and began to process the data transmitted by the satellite.

"Asuka, take a look at what you look like," Captain Hibi shouted at Asuka, and his right index finger said that Asuka: "Look at what you are wearing, do you still look like a Super Victory team member? Pick it off for me quickly."

"Ah?!" Asuka was taken aback, and then realized that he had forgotten to take off his nightcap because he was in a panic. He hurriedly lowered his head to take off the nightcap, but found another problem when he lowered his head, and hurriedly moved to Captain Hibi , Pointing her right finger below to remind: "Captain, below."

"What? Huh?!" Captain Hibi looked down, his feet were still wearing a pair of fluffy bunny slippers, which was embarrassing. Captain Hibi looked up and saw everyone trying to sull their faces. Let yourself laugh. Captain Hibi coughed twice, pretending to be nonchalant, and turned his head to look at Mai Lu Chuan: "Dance, what happened?"

Wu turned his head to report: "The Earth's crust in East Asia is shaking. I don't know how the casualties are? The local TPC branch is carrying out disaster relief work, but it is suspicious that there have been explosions in power stations in many places. The explosion point was still a straight line, and it was suspected that something was flying eastward while destroying the power station."

"Did you find anything about the satellite?" Captain Hibi frowned and asked.

Wu shook his head: "The satellite did not find any abnormalities, so it notified our Super Victory team, and hope we can investigate."

"Yeah!" Captain Hibi nodded and turned to look at the team members: "Asuka, immediately drive the Alpha plane to the designated airspace for security patrol."

"Yes!" Asuka hurried out, took off from the base in an Alpha plane, and flew to the west. After flying above the clouds, the sun on the horizon could be seen, while the ground below was still shrouded in darkness. With.

Asuka flew all the way, but neither the radar nor the detector responded, which made Asuka very disappointed, and yawned a little sleepily: "There is nothing at all. Now I can make up for it when I go back. It's really old. It’s the midnight that disturbs people’s sleep.” When Asuka was about to return home, he found a black cloud like a cumulonimbus suddenly appeared in front of him. Astonishment was so high that there were no such heavy cumulonimbus clouds. Condition.

"Why is there a cumulonimbus here?" Asuka stopped turning, and slowly approached the cumulonimbus with the characters ‘I’m weird’ all over.

As Asuka was observing the cloud, the cloud shrank violently, and then rushed out of a huge gray body, rushing straight towards the Alpha machine.

Asuka suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the monster rushing in disbelief. To be precise, he stared at the monster's head, because the monster's face turned out to be a woman. Asuka subconsciously pushed the joystick, and the Alpha machine quickly avoided the oncoming monster.

Asuka immediately pulled the joystick to make the Alpha machine turn around, and saw the whole picture of the monster. This monster is very similar to humans. It has a long body and ten toes and fingers, but it has a pair of crow-like wings on its back. .

"Commander's room, I am Asuka, please answer when you hear it." Asuka immediately contacted the commander's room, and a clear echo from Lu Chuanwu came from the headset: "This is the commander's room. What's wrong with Asuka?"

"I found the monster, it's still a monster with a beautiful head." Asuka reported loudly, while increasing the speed of the Alpha machine to the maximum, chasing the monster ahead.

"A beast with a beautiful head?" Lu Chuanwu was taken aback, and looked at the radar next to him. There was nothing unusual. After tapping the keyboard a few times and rescanning the airspace where the bird was, he still found nothing: "Bird, are you still? I didn’t wake up, there was nothing at all~www.NovelMTL.com~ How could there be none? She was right in front of me." Flying Bird looked up angrily, but found that there was nothing in front of me except the blue sky and white clouds. The strange monster in front disappeared. He hurriedly turned around, and the strange dark cloud behind also disappeared.

Asuka opened his mouth and rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked forward again, but there was still nothing: "How is it possible?"

Asuka reluctantly searched back and forth several times, but still found nothing. Under the repeated urging of Captain Hibi and even the threat of expelling him, he refused to change the direction and fly towards the base unwillingly.

Asuka walked in the base, his face full of distress and doubt, and he couldn't help muttering: "How come there is no? It's impossible, I've seen it clearly."

"What's impossible?" Xingye stood in the front looking at the bird who kept his head down and repeated the impossible, and stopped the puzzled guy.

"Yes, Senior Starry Night," Asuka ran over happily, and asked in a very quick tone: "When I was patrolling today, I saw a monster with a beautiful head, but the radar didn't find anything. The camera didn’t capture anything. But I saw it, it’s really weird."

Starry night looked at Asuka with some amusement. It turned out that this guy was sympathetic and understanding because of his distress. He stretched out his hand and patted Asuka on the shoulder: "The instrument is not omnipotent. Many things can make it wrong or It is invalid, so if the instrument is not found, it does not mean that there is no."

Asuka immediately showed a happy smile. His teammates felt that he had hallucinations. He didn't expect to receive support and understanding here in Starry Night, but before he could laugh, Starry Night's next sentence struck Asuka into disappointment and The bottomless abyss of shame.

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