Ultraman’s War

Chapter 868: Upheaval in the depths of the earth

Night has fallen on the earth, and on the distant asteroid belt, a spacecraft shuttles fast in this extremely sparse asteroid belt. Although there are more than half a million asteroids in the asteroid belt, its long orbit makes it impossible to run into an asteroid even if it travels a few hundred thousand kilometers.

The spacecraft flew straight toward an asteroid with a diameter of about 50 kilometers if it had a target. After arriving, the spacecraft began to slow down and descend towards the depression that looked like a crater. The spacecraft was 300 meters away from the ground. When it was about 200 meters wide, driven by countless gears and chains inside, the earth split and gradually expanded into an entrance with a width of 200 meters. The spacecraft landed on the tarmac inside, and the camouflaged steel plate was closed again.

Staff Quan Teng walked out of the spaceship carrying a box, and a man in a white research uniform stood there, apparently waiting for a long time.

Staff Quan Teng saw a smile on the man's face: "Dr. Yamazaki, I have brought what you want as promised."

The man named Yamazaki, with a smile on his gloomy face, looked at the heavily armed soldiers behind the staff officer Quan Teng: "Since then come with me, the things you want are inside."

Staff Officer Quan Teng followed along with the box, two rows of soldiers followed closely, and a group of more than ten people walked through the long corridor before entering a fairly intact room. The lights in many parts of this base are very dim, and there is a lack of power supply. The load-bearing columns made of steel are also rusty, and many places are full of dust.

"Crack!" Staff Quan Teng opened the silver-white box in his hand, revealing a tightly sealed test tube inside. The middle test tube nested one after another contained about three milliliters of liquid.

Yamazaki walked over and took a look, then nodded and turned and opened the iron door behind him, revealing a safe behind him. Yamazaki aimed his eyes at the scanner, and the safe made a soft "click", and the steel door with a thickness of twenty centimeters opened, revealing a space about one meter square inside, which is divided into five floors and filled with countless numbers. paper.

"All the things you want are here." Yamazaki stepped away and said to the staff officer Quan Teng. A middle-aged man with eyes behind the staff officer Quan Teng stepped forward, took out several pieces of paper and checked it carefully. He nodded at the Quan Teng staff.

Staff Officer Quan Teng waved his hand: "Pack them all." Soldiers came forward and took the boxes and carefully packed the papers neatly in batches.

Staff Quan Teng turned around and looked at Yamazaki with a smile on his face: "Thank you very much for the information that Dr. Yamazaki saved. This is of great use to us."

Yamazaki carefully set aside the silver-white box brought by the staff of Quan Teng, then raised his head and said, "I only have 75% of the information in my hand. You can figure out the rest by yourself."

"What?" Staff Quan Teng frowned, somewhat displeased: "Incomplete information? Why didn't you say it before?"

"Now that Plan F is in the hands of that guy, there is only here. Time was pressing and all the information was stored in the computer. As a result, it was all locked by that guy. It is already very difficult to be able to save these paper materials. It's not easy. If you don't want it, just keep throwing it here." Yamazaki waved his hand indifferently, not caring about the expression on the staff of Quan Teng.

"Huh," the staff officer Quan Teng saw that his subordinates had all the documents installed, and he held up his tie and showed a sullen smile at Yamazaki: "No matter what you are going to do with the Ablon cells, you are better. Don't go to the earth, because it has been monitored by his artificial intelligence. If you are caught, I won't admit that your Eblon cells are obtained from me. On the contrary, I will send people to kill you to kill you. ."

Yamazaki glanced at him: "It's not more convenient for you to kill me now."

Staff Quan Teng took his soldiers out and walked out: "I am a person who keeps promises. If you say a transaction, then it is a transaction. I will not kill you until you threaten me."

"Then I really want to thank you for not killing." Yamazaki said that the door of the laboratory had been closed heavily. Yamazaki didn't care but turned around, his eyes shining looking at the tube as precious. Incomparable Eblon cells.

Yamazaki seemed to be stroking some treasure, gently stroking the silver-white box: "Finally got my hand, wait and see, I must let you know that our Universe Development Agency's research is correct, and it can benefit the whole world. The key to human evolution is more than just creating monsters."

The soldiers carrying two heavy boxes lined up and boarded the spaceship. Staff Quan Teng wore spotless white gloves ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and took a final look at this long-abandoned base, turned around and boarded the base.

A police officer looked at the long corridor and whispered in the ear of Chief Quan Teng, "Staff, do you want to do him now to avoid trouble."

"Oh, don't!" Staff Quan Teng raised his hand to stop his subordinates: "There is someone who wants to cause trouble to the scientific research department. He keeps staring at us. Let's go and go to the Mars base."


The spacecraft rose slowly, quickly left the asteroid belt, turned its direction and flew towards the khaki-colored Mars, and quickly disappeared into the void of the universe, and several mountain-like planetary engines of this asteroid started. Pushed the asteroid out of its current orbit and headed toward the depths of the asteroid belt.

But something even stranger happened on Earth. Although Queen Monela was defeated by the three Ultramans, it was impossible to know how long Queen Monela had been hidden in the earth, let alone. Its roots penetrated deep into the earth, and the wailing released at the moment of death awakened many things that the earth was sleeping in the earth.

Just a week after Queen Monera’s death, in the middle of the night, with the muffled sound of "rumbling" from the depths of the earth, the earth in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains shook up and down violently. The strong earthquake caused the accumulation of the mountain top The snow rolled downward, forming a huge avalanche in an instant, destroying everything that was blocking the front with an unstoppable momentum.

"Ah!" A dark cloud like cumulonimbus in the sky shrank suddenly, and finally condensed into a lightning bolt that fell from the sky and struck the ground, splitting the ground into a deep crack, and a huge gray figure rushed through the crack. It quickly disappeared into the sky, and then the earthquake calmed the crack and closed again and was covered by snow, disappearing and invisible.

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