Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1972: Zeuda's declaration of occupation

"Xiang!" Shuo Ye hurriedly opened the door of the car, ignoring the dust in the sky, and strode over the soft floating soil, looking anxiously at Xiang who had passed out in a coma.

Sugita Arisa said eagerly: "If you have anything to say until later, now quickly send Sho back to the base for treatment, member of Matsumoto..."

"Yeah!" Matsumoto nodded vigorously, then gritted his teeth and hugged Xiang, carefully placing it on the back seat of the car.

UPG's car turned a bend flexibly, and then drove faster in the direction it came from, but it took more than ten minutes to reach the UPG base, which is more than 30 kilometers away.

Just after stopping the car, the ambulance team that had been on standby for a long time rushed up, lifted Xiang from the back seat to the stretcher, and then hurriedly ran to the medical room, Shuo Ye hurriedly followed.

Matsumoto's pride wanted to keep up, but he was stopped by Sugita Arisa just as soon as he stepped forward. In Matsumoto's arrogant gaze, he eagerly said: "Even if we follow the past, we can't help much. Let's go back. War room, we should be more needed there."

"Yeah!" Matsumoto nodded in agreement, and then the two rushed to the war room. Just stepping into the door of the war room, they felt the solemn atmosphere in the room.

Jinno Yoshiaki made a call to answer a call, all of which were asking various departments to cooperate in using satellites, radars, telescopes, etc. to find the traces of King Gulant and Ultraman Galaxy, and a temple was also full. Khan sat there, tapping the keyboard quickly with his fingers, swiping rows of data on the screen.

And the main screen is constantly repeating the battle scene of Ultraman Galactic and Ultraman Victor against those two powerful cosmic humans and robots, especially Ultraman Galactic Viktor launching colorful light. That scene even attracted the attention of Matsumoto's arrogance and Sugita Arisa. Everything happened before between electric light and flint. Before they could see what was going on, Zhou Da was already standing in the Milky Way with his sword. Behind Ketley, and Galactic Victory was already defeated.

Playing at a hundred times slower speed, the two of them saw what the situation was like at the time: they saw the Galaxy Victor Ultraman launching a broad colorful beam, and it instantly arrived in front of Zhou Da. And Zhou Da suddenly swung the big sword with gray-black mist in his hand and slashed it fiercely on the Otter Fusion Rays. At the same time, the black-gray energy mist on the sword condensed into a crescent-shaped blade, and it slashed hard. When the Ultra Fusion Ray was turned on, it disappeared only a few meters away from the Galaxy Victor Ultraman due to exhaustion of energy.

At the moment when the crescent-shaped blade disappeared, Zhou Da, who was standing in the same place, suddenly disappeared. Even if it was a hundred times slower, he just saw a vague black shadow flashing on the screen, and instantly appeared in the Milky Way Vic Behind Terry, the giant sword in his hand showed a slashing posture. Obviously he had just slashed Galactic Victory with the sword, and then it was the situation where Ultraman Galactic Victor fell down.

After watching this video, I also understand how things happened, but Arisa Sugita and Matsumoto were more surprised in their hearts. With just one blow, they defeated the Galaxy Victor Ultraman, who claimed to be the universe. The power of Da's universe is beyond their imagination.

Matsumoto thought with arrogance and despair. It was only a King Gulant, and UPG fighter jets would have no effect. So how can this Zuda, who is more powerful than King Gulant, be defeated? Ultraman Galactic Victor was defeated, Ultraman Galactic was captured, Ultraman Victor was seriously injured and unconscious, how can only humans protect their planet?

The more I thought about Matsumoto's arrogance, the more depressed he became, and even a sense of despair, standing there dejected, not knowing what to do to save the auditorium, and defeat the incomparably powerful Zhouda.

At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly flashed, and then the battle picture disappeared, replaced by a dark universe. One Siyou also let out an exclamation, and the screen in front of him also changed to this, making him hurriedly tapping on the keyboard, looking for the source of the invasion or virus.

Not only the base of UPG, billboard players on the streets, huge LED screens on commercial buildings, TVs, computers, mobile phones, etc., everything that accepts satellite signals or connects to the Internet are all converted at the same time. The emptiness of the black and boundless universe.

Then the camera moved down, revealing a barren rocky area, a dark golden figure appeared on the screen, and Ultraman Galaxy was **** and down by iron chains, firmly tied to King Gulant's body.

Seeing this scene, people all over the world were shocked, their eyes widened and they couldn't believe what appeared on the screen.

"It's Ultraman Galaxy!"

"Why is Ultraman Galactic here?"

"It seems to be caught, how could this be?"


All kinds of discussions broke out all over the world, some were surprised, panicked and some didn't believe...

Immediately ~www.NovelMTL.com~ a voice came from the screen. It was the voice that resounded around the world before: "Humans on earth, this is your savior, Ultraman Galaxy. The patron saint you rely on is This kind of vulnerability, I said before, you only have three days to consider whether to submit to me, but I think three days is too long. After twelve hours, if you don’t all surrender, then I will send This Wraith Super King Gulant gradually cleans up the cities that have not made a gesture of surrender until no one on this planet dares to resist me. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer."

After that, the picture on the screen suddenly disappeared, and the picture changed back to the TV series, movies, news, etc. that were previously played, but people have nothing to watch. The video that was shown on TV just now is really amazing. , Those words also made people shudder, and the gloomy voice that rang through the world half an hour ago made all this seem so real.

Suddenly the calls of major TV stations, government agencies and other related departments were blown up, and the topic of this voice and this video on the Internet also became the first hot search in an instant, which is really true. What is positive is that all people participate in this topic discussion.

Some guesses are pranks, some think it is empty and unorganized, and more think it may be monsters. After all, this world has experienced many monster attacks.

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