Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1971: Ultraman Galaxy

"How could it be over like this?" The hall in the light was sullen, with trembling arms propped on the ground, and suddenly he used force to make him stand up. When he raised his head, he saw a piece of gold. color.

The dark golden King Gurant stood in front of him, his armor gleaming in the sun, making the Milky Way stunned, but he immediately raised his right fist to gather his last strength and smashed towards the nearby King Gurant in front of him.

It’s just that his weak fist has just been slammed, King Gulant’s huge iron tongs have been opened, one of them clamped the wrist of the Galaxy, and then under the hydraulic support, King Gulant’s arms were high. Lifting it up, even the arm of the clamped Galaxy was forced to pull it up.

Without waiting for the galaxy to struggle, King Gulante's great sword suddenly swung over, but instead of using the blade, he slapped it on the abdomen of the galaxy with a broad blade, and said, ‘Boom! With a loud bang, the terrifying impact smashed the Milky Way to one side, but the right arm was clamped tightly by King Gulante and was completely immobile.

This heavy blow made the galaxy's strength that had been gathered with great difficulty suddenly lost. The severe pain made his eyes go dark, and his whole person collapsed softly.

"Xiaoguang..." Victory was anxious when he saw this, and struggling to crawl towards King Gurant, but his body just squirmed, King Gurant suddenly raised his leg and kicked him. On Victory's body, a huge force kicked Victory away, and his body continued to roll on the ground.

"Let's go, King Gulante." Zhou Da said with a wave of his left arm, the black cloak behind his back fluttered, and Zhou Da flew high into the sky.

The iron tongs of King Gurant moved quickly, and the parts quickly wrapped around the arms of the galaxy, and then the other parts of the body became parts and quickly attached to the body of the galaxy, but in the blink of an eye, Gu King Lant's arms became two thick iron chains that entangled the Milky Way around King Gulante's body, and King Gulant directly turned into a cage to tie the Milky Way around him.

"Let go of me, let me go...me!" The Milky Way struggled feebly, but the firm chain didn't move no matter how hard he struggled. King Gurant's slender eyes suddenly lit up with crimson light, and immediately There was a glimmer of electric light on the iron chain, and a strong current was conducted along the iron chain to the body of the galaxy, causing the galaxy to twitch violently.

Even though the strong current lasted for only a few seconds and then stopped, it made the Galaxy extremely painful. He fainted all of a sudden, and hung his head and stopped moving.

King Gurant raised his head, and then his heavy body flew out of thin air. The Milky Way, which weighs more than 260,000 tons, flew without any jet power at a very high speed. So fast, it broke through the clouds and disappeared into the blue sky in the blink of an eye.

"Xiaoguang, Xiaoguang..." Matsumoto's heart-piercing shouts resounded through the sky, but he could not hear any answer.

"Don't want to take away Xiaoguang..." Victory's right hand lifted with difficulty, but it was only just lifted up to seven or eight meters before it fell weakly, hitting the ground with a ‘bang! A soft bang.

Victory’s raised head hit the ground, and then a dim light appeared all over his body. In this light, Victory’s huge body quickly faded and disappeared, leaving only on the ground. The next man in UPG uniform was lying there.

There is a temple in the UPG base, staring blankly at the empty and messy land: "If you lose, do you just lose?"

"Xiang!" The female team member Shu Ye yelled anxiously, and then ran to the door strode, panting all the way to the garage, opened the door of the UPG car, and then started the car at a very fast speed. The direction of the battlefield.

Captain Jinno Yoshiaki's face was extremely ugly, his face twitched a few times because of anger, and word by word squeezed out from his teeth: "Start all the satellites, and you must find Ultraman Galaxy."

"Understood!" A temple immediately sat down, tapping the keyboard quickly with both hands, mobilizing all the satellites in the direction of King Gurant's disappearance, and inspecting the whereabouts of King Gurant.

In the dusty battlefield, a thin layer of dust has fallen on the orange UPG uniforms, and the hair has been dyed from black to earth. I don’t know how long it took, Xiang’s fingers were slightly bent, his consciousness gradually Wake up.

"Uh!" With a slight movement, Xiang felt sore all over his body, especially in the chest area. Even breathing made him feel a bitter pain, but even so, Xiang still clenched his teeth, his face was because It was severely painful and looked very hideous, large drops of sweat dipped on his forehead, and they slid down Xiang's face, dripping onto the ground covered with layers of dust.

The body that was lying on the ground climbed up a little bit with Xiang's movements. It was just a simple gesture of changing from lying on his stomach to half-kneeling on the ground. Xiang actually took a few minutes, breathing heavily. She was sweating profusely, soaking her clothes.

Xiang, however, completely ignored the weakness and pain of his body~www.NovelMTL.com~ He looked up at the blue sky and white clouds, and muttered in a low voice: "Xiao Guang...wait for me, I will Go save you."

As he said, Xiang raised the Victory holy gun in his right hand with difficulty, and looked forward. A faint light appeared on the Victory holy gun, like a candle in the wind, jumping and flashing for a few times. It is extinguished, disappeared and invisible.

This incident made Xiang's eyes widened, and looked at the unresponsive Victory Gun in disbelief. Then a strong sense of dizziness struck, causing Xiang's body to sway a few times, and then tilted towards the ground. Away.

It was just that he hadn't waited for him to the end, a pair of solid and powerful arms stretched out from the side, hugged the weak and weak Xiang, and pulled him from the ground. Xiang turned his head slightly, looked aside, and saw that the gray-headed Matsumoto was half kneeling and hugging him, and Sugita Arisa, whose face was covered with dust, also came running out of breath. Xiang twitched the corner of his mouth to reveal a very ugly smile, and then lost consciousness and passed out.

A slight engine roar came from a distance, and an orange car galloped at a very fast speed. Dust was thrown up behind the car. The car slammed to a halt at a distance of less than ten meters from them. , The scraped dust flew over, making Matsumoto Haoqi and Sugita Arisa hurriedly turn their heads and close their eyes at the same time, so as not to be blinded by the dust like a sandstorm.

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