Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1910: Defeated

At the moment when he blocked Atalga’s attack, Gauss’ right arm quickly shrank back, and a swing fist slammed into Atalga’s left waist. Although the distance of his swing was very short, he broke out instantly. With the strength of an inch of fist, she still possessed extremely strong power, hitting Aitarga's body, causing Aitarga to stagger a few steps to the side. Before Atalga could stand still, Gauss had already raised his right leg, hitting Atalga's abdomen with a heavy kick, knocking Atalga back several steps again.

Gauss took a few steps again, chased forward, swung his right fist and attacked Atalga, but the punch was still halfway, and Atalga threw out his right arm like lightning and blocked Gauss's right. The arm, and then pushed outwards forcefully. This tremendous force made Gauss unable to help but take a step back. Before he could stand still, Atalga turned his fist into a palm and slapped Gauss's chest fiercely.

‘Boom! With a muffled sound, Gauss grunted in pain, and staggered back, clutching his chest. Every step taken made the ground a deep footprint, but he did not wait for Gauss to stabilize his body at all. Atalga had already deceived him to come forward, and once again hit Gauss's left shoulder with a punch, the huge force inclined. As he flew Gauss out, his huge body slid quickly on the ground, and his head hit a high mountain directly, smashing the mountain into pieces, and the dust was flying like a sandstorm.

"Ultraman Gauss, your hesitating attack is impossible to defeat me." Atalga stepped towards Gauss who fell to the ground step by step, his tone full of contempt and disdain.

Gauss clutched his chest and shook his head vigorously to make his brain clearer, and then slowly stood up. As he stood up, the dirt and gravel on his body were ‘huh! ’Dropped to the ground, splashing strands of dust.

Gauss clenched his fists, his unyielding eyes fixed on Atalga, who was walking slowly step by step, and stood up straight, holding his hands together on the left side of his body, and his palms moved from left to left. The one on the right draws a semicircle to form a large crescent-shaped destroying light blade.

"Haha!" Gauss pushed with both hands, pushing out the rapidly condensed eclipse blade, and hitting the opposite Aitarga.

Facing the whirling eclipse blade, Atalga snorted coldly, and immediately stretched out his right hand, actually resisting the eclipse blade forcibly, the powerful collision force only made Atalga take a step back. That's it.

"Is that only a little bit? It's really disappointing." Atalga said with his fingers hard, the eclipse blade collided with the scales of the five fingers and splashed fierce sparks. Click! In the unpleasant sound, the Eclipse Blade was crushed by Atalga abruptly, and it quickly disappeared into fragments of light.

Atalga raised his head with a sneer, and through the diffuse light spot, he could see Gauss's arms stretched out on the opposite side, and endless energy emerged from the whole body, quickly converging on Gauss's arms, and then this was intense. The energy transferred to Gauss’s right wrist.

The golden flame-like energy quickly condensed, so that half of Gauss's right arm was enveloped in the golden flames. Goss stepped forward suddenly, and his right arm pushed forward forcefully, turning into a golden light-the Gosmum light, hitting the opposite Atalga directly.

"I'm no longer interested in playing with you, so let's end it like this." Atalga said, his right foot slammed on the ground, and his body suddenly flew forward, instantly colliding with Gosmum's rays.

The ultra-high-temperature light collided with the golden scale armor on Atalga, and fierce sparks appeared, causing the temperature of this golden scale to rise to hundreds of thousands of degrees, but Atalga seemed to be unable to feel it. Just like that, he pushed the Gosmum light forward and went forward, and the Gosmum light hit him and even diffused into the original energy and disappeared quickly.

"What?" Goss widened his eyes in astonishment at this scene. This scene had just entered his eyes. Before he could respond, Atalga had already broken through the Gosmum light and came to him. , Slammed into Gauss's body at an extremely fast speed, intertwined with Gauss in an instant, and then landed steadily on the ground.

But Gauss behind him was severely injured, and the terrifying impact was transmitted to his body without mercy, making Gauss feel as if his body was torn apart, and his huge body shook twice, all of a sudden. Kneel to the ground.

The colored timer on his chest immediately flashed a red light, and then retreated from the form of the corona to the form of the moon god. Only a single blow made Gauss lose his combat effectiveness, and even his consciousness was a little tranced under the collision of Atalga.

Atalga turned around and looked at Gauss who was half-kneeling on the ground. He lifted his right hand and stroked his forehead, and then swiped down suddenly. The third eye covered by the red mask released a dazzling beam of light to cover Gauss. Inside, Gauss shrank quickly in this light, and flew towards the space-time city that was slowly rotating in the distance.

"Musashi..." Gauss was a little awake, turning his head to stare at the viscous and substantive light around him, gathering all the remaining energy in his body, and the colored timer on his chest glowed from it. A stream of light flew out, and when I looked carefully, Musashi was inside, falling downward under the protection of the light, but at this time he had entered the space-time city~www.NovelMTL.com~ Musashi watched Gauss shrinking continuously until he It turned into a card and disappeared in his field of vision. No matter how he called, he couldn't get any response. Only his own voice echoed in his ears.

Outside of Time City, Atalga nodded in satisfaction, ignoring the huge potholes and the scorched earth around him, and the lush forest scenery before, the ruined look like the end.

"Aitalga..." A loud shout rang in Aitalga's ears, and Aitalga, who was about to leave, couldn't help but raise his head and look at the place where the sound was coming. I don't know when a huge colorful vortex appeared in the sky, and Siro, wearing the ultimate armor, rushed out of it at a very fast speed, and pointed directly at Aitarga standing on the scorched earth.

"Ultraman Cyro, I met again, I got rid of King Hypa-Elei so quickly." Aitalga said softly, his tone was as relaxed as he was chatting with a friend he hadn't seen for many years. The feeling of facing the enemy of life and death.

"Finally found you, I will never let you run away this time." Sai Luo yelled, the ultimate armor on his body turned into several silver streamers wrapped around Sai Luo's left arm, condensed into a shimmering light. Palaji bracelet.

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