Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1909: Goss VS Atalga

The people in the monster observatory on the mountain saw an unforgettable scene. A blue meteor fell from the sky, and a ball of flames fell from above at a faster speed, but most of them were covered by this blue. The tiny light beams from the bright meteor detonated, but there were still several flame bombs hitting Gauss's body.

The flames that burst out on Gauss almost engulfed Gauss' huge body in the turbulent flames. The huge impact force shot Gauss down from a high altitude, hitting the ground like a meteor.

‘Boom! With a muffled sound, Gauss’s fall was dusty, and the earth trembled for it. Many rocks on the surrounding mountains and hills rumbling down in the vibration, knocking the branches of many trees along the way Broken leaves fall.

The dust was filled with a large gray area like a sandstorm, and it was impossible to see what was inside. Atalga slowly landed on the ground, standing on a 100-meter high mountain, with a body of more than 30,000 tons stepped on the mountain peak, and the huge boulders piled up on the top of the mountain were suddenly crushed into powder. The trees on the top of the mountain were also trampled into sawdust.

"Huh!" Atalga folded his arms in front of him, standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the dusty place in front of him, and said leisurely: "It's just such a little strength, but I have done so much. Sure enough, the legend is not credible, and it is not Regeddo at all. Forget it, at least it is a research material, then grab it back.

Speaking of Atalga flicked the scarf-like cloth strips on his body, his arms crossed in front of him, and there was a strong light between his arms. The endless energy gathered around Atalga's body one after another. Howling and rushing to the dusty place in front, it was completely ready to cover bombing there.

Suddenly an endless red light appeared from the gray dust, and then a red light beam rushed up, breaking through the dust and flying to the sky in an instant. At this time, dozens of energy groups launched by Aitarga bombarded the earth, ‘Boom! boom! boom! There was a continuous explosion, like a burst of thunder on the ground.

The blazing flames mixed with billowing dust turned into huge mushroom clouds like bamboo shoots after a rain. The flames passed by turned everything into scorched earth, almost instantly, everything within a few kilometers. The forest or the mountains or the rivers were all razed to the ground in an instant, turning into a huge hollow pit. The walls of the pit were charred and went straight into the sky with black smoke.

When the exploding mushroom cloud rose into the sky, Gauss was almost overtaken by the flame. Half of his calf was swallowed by dust and flames. Even if it was 0.1 seconds away, Gauss would be swallowed by the flames.

"Yes, but it's too far from the legend." Atalga whispered, and a strong stomping of the mountain under his right foot made the mountain tremble, and Atalga took the opportunity Soaring into the sky, he chased Gauss in the sky, his right hand covered with hard golden scales stretched out, and the five sharp claws grabbed Gauss away.

Gauss, who had transformed into the form of the corona, slightly lowered his head and glanced at Atalga, who was rushing up. He immediately raised his arms, and released a number of colorful brilliance from the color timer on his chest, and gathered in front of Gauss. Shining ball of light.

"Ha!" Gauss yelled, swiping his right fist vigorously, knocking out the prominence ball in front of him, and flew at a very fast speed to the oncoming Atalga.

"Huh!" Atalga let out a cold snort from his nose, and his flight speed suddenly increased by three points. With a wave of his right hand, he launched a flame bomb to face the prominence ball. Two energy **** with long tails collided in an instant, exploding a sea of ​​fire hundreds of meters wide in the air.

'call out! ’

Aitarga rushed directly into the sea of ​​fire, and the hurricane that was blown up at an ultra-fast speed split the sea of ​​fire from the middle like a sharp blade, pointing straight towards Gauss. Atalga had just rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, and found that the red and blue Gauss had recoiled towards him. The palm of his straight right arm was surrounded by red energy, exuding endless light, like a small sun. Of shine.

The two sides collided almost instantly. In the fierce sparks, Atalga went straight to the sky, while Gauss fell towards the ground, his feet heavily stepped on the scorched ground.

The red feet were deeply plunged into the scorched earth. Even so, Gauss still staggered back seven or eight steps before finally taking off the impact, holding his right wrist in pain. In just the moment of the fight, the right wrist that collided with Atalga was painful as if it were broken, and he couldn't use any strength at all. This made Gauss more certain that the enemy was not ordinary.

Musashi's voice always resounded in Gauss's mind: "Gauss, absolutely can't admit defeat, Juran must rely on us to protect it."

"Yeah!" Gauss nodded vigorously~www.NovelMTL.com~, standing up straight, then raised his hands above his head, the dazzling colorful brilliance bloomed between his palms, spreading towards both sides like a rainbow bridge, at the same time The golden brilliance spread down from the Hongqiao Bridge, covering Gauss's body, allowing Gauss to quickly transform from a corona shape like a burning sun to a solar eclipse shape that represents courage.

'Aha! Gauss's crisp voice echoed all around, and he raised his arms at Aitarga who was slowly falling back to the ground without fear, and put on a fighting start gesture. Shining eyes stared at Aitarga, who was covered in golden hard armor on the opposite side, without fear. Although the time of the fight was short, he had already tested the defense of Aitarga's armor. It is far beyond his imagination.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Goss had already rushed in front of Aitarga, raised his right fist and hit Aitarga fiercely.

Atalga slid back slightly, and at the same time leaned sideways and easily escaped Gauss's straight punch. His right arm quickly raised an upper uppercut and hit Gauss's from the bottom up. In the abdomen, it was just that before the golden fist hit Gauss's body, it was blocked by Gauss's lowered left arm, and the red, blue and gold arm collided with the arm covered with golden scales and sparks.

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