Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1682: seabed

Even though the Phoenix hit was five or six kilometers away from the collision point, it was still affected by the strong air current, and the body was shaking constantly, as if it would fall from the sky at any time.

The starry night sitting in front stared at the front like nothing. Through the dazzling light that filled the world, one could clearly see the black-red giant carrying the bow of light several kilometers ahead.

The giant blade of the fallen angel Raphael's left arm stubbornly resisted the flying light bow, and his body fell directly to the sea under the powerful impact at that moment, half of his body was submerged in the sea. At the point where the giant blade was hit by the bow of light, there was an extremely small crack, and I could only hear ‘click! With a crisp sound, the huge arm blade immediately shattered, and the dark energy contained in it immediately exploded, even detonating the light bow.

I only hear ‘Boom! The blast sounded like the sky and the earth cracked, everyone in the night raid team only felt their ears ‘buzz!’ The sound of ’immediately felt that the world had lost all the sounds, only the gentle screams echoed in the ears.

And a group of extremely bright light lit up in front of them. In front of the light released by the light group, the light emitted by the sun in the sky was covered, and for a while, only this group of seas could be seen. The light and the strength of the light made the five members of the night raid team had to raise their arms to block them, not dare to look at the dazzling light.

The energy contained in the terrifying explosion and the ultra-high temperature evaporated tens of thousands of tons of seawater in an instant, and a huge hole appeared on the sea surface, and the surrounding seawater surged toward the middle hole. , And finally collided in the middle, splashing water all over the sky.

Raphael, the fallen angel who was the nearest and faced the explosion, was directly blown into flight by the terrifying power of the explosion. The huge body rolled and slammed heavily on the sea, splashing hundreds of meters of water, unabated. Continue to fall towards the bottom of the sea.

Seeing this, Nexus turned around without hesitation, and flew downward in a vertical and sea position, ‘Oh! With a soft sound of ’, following the 100-meter-high column of waves splashing on the sea, Nexus immediately rushed into the sea and chased after the fallen angel Raphael.

The fallen angel Raphael rolled and fell into the sea. It didn't take long before he stopped turning under the strong pressure and friction of the sea. Only then did he notice his own damage. The giant blade attached to the left arm was completely broken, and only a few fragments remained attached to the left arm.

The bat wing formed by the dark energy behind it was even more tattered, although with the supplement of his dark energy, the broken bat wing quickly healed. However, the fallen angel Raphael didn't care about these things, thinking about the current situation extremely severely. He had prepared everything before, collected a lot of Nexus data, and worked out a strategy.

First gather the advantages of the alien beasts to create a set of high-strength armor to consume the energy of Nexus, and then defeat Nexus to absorb the light of Nexus and make yourself the most perfect giant.

In the beginning, his plan went smoothly, successfully consuming Nexus's energy, and even caused Nexus to fall into a coma due to lack of physical strength and energy. But then it was full of variables, tearing his plan to shreds. First, Nexus suddenly exploded, emitting endless light and wearing that unknown set of light armor. Then there is the fighter that has never seen before using light as energy, and the power is not bad, it can even be said to be far faster than the super high sound speed to strike Chester.

Even though the damage caused by the attack is not very high, but it can interfere with him and let Nexus, who is not weaker than him, gain the upper hand. The accumulation of a little bit of advantage has continued to occupy a great deal. Advantage.

Even though Nexus's bow of light abolished his arm blades in a way that almost died, but the bow of light is made of energy, and his arm blades are not. If it is destroyed, there is really nothing.

While thinking about it, Raphael, the fallen angel, saw Nexus rushing over at a super fast speed. Even in the dense sea, the speed of Nexus did not decrease too much. The light on his body Although Kai has dimmed a lot, the brilliance it exudes is still so dazzling in the dim sea.

"Uh!" The fallen angel Raphael roared. With a wave of the devil's claw on his right arm, he dashed back towards Nexus. The bat wings on the back were restrained by him. Even though it was composed of energy, it was still The friction between water molecules will still affect his speed.

Nexus stretched his right arm forward, and the gems on his bow and arrow immediately lit up, and endless light particles spewed out, quickly converging into a bright blade of light.

‘Ping! With a soft sound, the collision of the devil's claws and the lightsaber splashed fierce sparks, and the aftermath of the collision stirred up a huge amount of seawater ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and was transmitted to the surface of the sea, causing turbulent waves.

Nexus and the fallen angel Raphael passed by just a short time, rushing hundreds of meters away from each other, and while turning quickly, Nexus waved his lightsaber backhand and launched A bright blade of light hit the fallen angel Raphael and left.

The reaction speed of the fallen angel Raphael was a little slower, and he turned around and saw a light blade close in front of him. With a vigorous wave of his right arm, the demon's claw that pierced the water collided with the light blade. At the same time, the light blade was directly divided into two, and the scattered light spots disappeared.

The light particles lingering around the fallen angel Raphael had not disappeared. The fallen angel Raphael saw that the rushing Nexus was already close at hand. Before he could react, Nexus had already opened his arms. The arm clasped the waist of the fallen angel Raphael tightly.

The strong shock wave and dazzling light finally dimmed after more than ten seconds. Everyone in the night raid team finally recovered from their deafness and blindness, and hurriedly looked forward. The sea was constantly surging, and waves of giants continued. The waves slapped against each other, and some of the water splashed into the sky, and some even splashed on the Strike Phoenix, but only Niksus and the fallen angel Raphael were missing.

"Where is Ultraman?" Ikki Kudo was impatiently patrolling the surroundings, but he could only see the blue sea and sky, and he couldn't find Nexus at all.

"I rushed into the sea. It seems that the decisive battle is going to be carried out in the sea." Xingye pointed to the bottomless sea below.

"The sea..." He Cura Hidesuke heard this and fell silent. Their battles have always been carried out in the air and on land. The sea is still unfamiliar to them, not to mention that there seems to be nothing that can be used for undersea combat. Submarine.

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