Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1681: Battle of the Sea

Above the head is the blue sky, and the white clouds are blowing slowly in the direction of the wind. Below is the endless deep blue sea, which is rippled by the breeze. The color of the sea and the sky makes people upside down. Sense of.

But this sense of silence broke into an uninvited guest, and slammed the Phoenix across the sea at a speed of Mach 5. The violent sonic boom stirred up a huge amount of sea water, even if it was far apart, the loudness could be heard. The sonic boom and the sky full of water splashes.

The six people sitting in the Strike Phoenix didn't have the slightest intention of admiring the beauty. They stared at the various instrument displays in front of them very seriously, not daring to be negligent at all.

The Power Strike Phoenix, which flew in parallel on the sea at Mach 5, quickly caught up with the waves caused by the strong shock wave when the fallen angel Raphael fell into the sea, facing the over 100 meters high. Julang, when looking out from the cockpit of the Phoenix Strike, there is an illusion that there is a high mountain ahead. This is because the speed of the giant wave is too slow compared to the speed of the Phoenix Strike. Kind of illusion.

Starry night looked at this flood peak and couldn't help but raised his mouth slightly, pulling his left hand tightly on the joystick and pulling it back slightly, causing the parallel-flying strike Phoenix to change its flight angle, pouring upward for more than 30 degrees, and preparing to jump over. Hongfeng continued on.

Just when the belly of the plane was exposed to the front of the Hongfeng Mountain ridge, suddenly violent water splashed in the waves, and at the same time the fallen angel Raphael rushed out from the inside, and the huge blade of his left arm slashed from top to bottom. It hit the Phoenix, which was flying diagonally upward.

The time when the fallen angel Raphael appeared was to strike the Phoenix, and the belly of the plane was less than a hundred meters away from the huge waves. The fallen angel Raphael rushed out of the huge waves facing him without any weapons. The abdomen of the machine. More importantly, Nexus, Strike Phoenix, and Fallen Angel Raphael happened to be on the same line. Strike the Phoenix almost covered most of the fallen angel Raphael’s body, even if it was Nexus. If you intend to attack, you should also be careful to strike the Phoenix. If you don't attack, then there is no doubt that Raphael, the fallen angel, can definitely split the strike of the Phoenix in half.

"This is the time to wait." Although Xingye couldn't see the fallen angel Raphael below, the splash of water came into his field of vision. He did this deliberately for the purpose of seducing The fallen angel Raphael rushed out from the bottom of the sea.

I believe that the fallen angel Raphael also knows that Xingye did it deliberately, but he has no choice, either he has been lurking on the bottom of the sea and both sides are consumed like this, or he will venture out and take advantage of this opportunity to hack the Phoenix and solve it. Let's talk about losing one opponent.

"The spiral protective wall is on!" Hekura Eisuke quickly pressed the blue button in front of him, and hit the surface of the Phoenix. The thin light particles suddenly gathered, and they condensed into a huge sphere in the blink of an eye. The mask completely enveloped the Strike Phoenix.

After the mask was formed, the giant blade on Raphael's arm was able to be chopped off. As the giant blade on Raphael's arm slashed on the mask, Starry Night immediately launched a strong attack. The jets under the Phoenix’s belly, thousands of degrees of flames gushing out from twelve jets, the flames are ten meters long, and the fire tongue at the end licks the shoulders of the fallen angel Raphael and His chest made him feel a strong scorching sensation. If the giant blade of the left arm was not attached to the arm but held in the hand, then this unbearable heat was enough to make him unbearable and could not help but let the giant blade slip off. .

'boom! With a sharp sound of', the giant blade slashed on the mask, but the back thrust from the jet system that was activated instantly removed most of the force, and the addition of the slashing force made the Phoenix hit an instant later Moving hundreds of meters, the sudden increase in force brought about the overload force, even with the protection of the light particle energy layer, so that Ikki's eyes were congested to the extent that it oppressed the optic nerve and made his eyes go dark, and he almost fainted.

‘Crack! Click! "The place where the spiral protective wall was hit opened several cobweb-like cracks, and the cracks continued to expand, spreading to the entire spherical mask in the blink of an eye, ‘Ping! With a soft sound, the entire mask instantly shattered into countless golden light spots and disappeared without a trace.

"Maneuvering mode is over, return to cruise mode!" The mechanical synthesizer sounded, and then the layers of light wings on the Phoenix were converged into the Phoenix, and the light particles on the surface disappeared.

Kudo Ikki swiftly pressed several buttons in succession, activated the fine-tuning jets on the flanks, and assisted Starry Night in stabilizing the slamming Phoenix, which was leaning and retreating and tending to roll, ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and Wakura The four of Yingfu were busy checking the various systems of the Phoenix attack, in case there was a damaged line, but they didn't know.

Nexus suspended in the sky had already noticed when Raphael, the fallen angel, launched an attack, but when he raised his right arm to aim there, he found that the Phoenix Strike was blocked in the middle, preventing him from attacking. . While he was hesitating, the Strike Phoenix suddenly flew to the side, revealing the figure of the fallen angel Raphael, and the fallen angel Raphael had just launched an attack on the Strike Phoenix, and there was no way to dodge it.

'call out! The huge bow of light whizzed directly at the fallen angel Raphael floating on the sea, splitting the air with infinite aura.

The fallen angel Raphael immediately sensed the intense light energy falling from mid-air. He hurriedly raised his head and saw the bow of light whizzing towards him. He raised the giant blade he had just cut in his hand again, and the energy in his body continued to flow. Pouring into the giant blade in his hand, it enveloped the giant blade with a thick layer of dark energy, and the giant blade on the arm instantly stretched from less than five or six meters long to a full 15 meters long and five or six meters wide. .

"Haha!" As the fallen angel Raphael yelled, the giant blade that had gathered a lot of energy slashed at the fast-attack light bow, and the momentum brought by the giant blade's waving swept the sea below. Rolled up.

The black and purple giant blade and the golden bow of light collided fiercely, following ‘Boom! An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the terrifying shock wave spread to the surroundings. The sea water with a range of 1,500 meters near the collision point suddenly sank down, squeezing a huge amount of sea water. It leaned toward the surroundings to form a hemispherical depression more than 30 meters deep.

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