Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1654: Amnesia

Kudo Ikki nodded heavily at Nexus, and then turned his head, staring at the alien beast Megaforrash hundreds of meters away, and the super-high sonic blast on Chester continued to move forward. At this moment, Kudo Ikki saw the extremely small gap, and the aiming ring on the goggles immediately covered the gap that almost flashed past.

"Ultra-high-speed assault ray...launch!" Kudo Ikki yelled and pressed the attack button at the same time. The ultra-high-speed assault on Chester’s two giant cannons immediately lit up with dazzling light. Immediately two dazzling beams were launched, and instantly bombarded the gap at the upper end of the alien beast.

Under the impact of this terrifying energy, the shells on Megaforrash were cut apart by Nexus and played a scene of an internal burst lightsaber. Although it is not visible on the surface, the inside is actually But there was a dark injury.

Now he was hit hard by the super-high sonic slamming Chester, and the snail shell that faced the energy impact was gradually shattered due to internal and external troubles. The energy heat in the super-high-speed blasting rays is as high as thousands of degrees, and the scorching high temperature makes the alien beast Megaflash roar in pain.

"Moo!" The voice echoed in the field of Meta, causing Mephistopheles, who was holding his chest in pain, raised his head quickly, and saw the alien beast Megaforash he had summoned in the sky. Under the impact of the fighter's two beams, the spiral shell was directly penetrated, and endless energy rushed into the body of the alien beast, stirring up the body of the alien beast, and then exploded, and the huge body became flying in the sky. The fragments and more body matter completely vaporized and disappeared in the high temperature.

"How is it possible?" Mephistopheles' eyes widened sharply, shocked. He understood that the super-high speed of sound hit Chester, and that degree of rays could not penetrate the defense of the alien beast. But the reality slapped him again, slapped him with sparks and dizziness. Everything was so different from what he imagined, it can be said to be totally different.

"Uh!" Mephistopheles stretched out his arms like a beast and roared at Nexus. Then he raised his arms high, and the energy of his whole body was concentrated on his arms, making his A black and purple light appeared on both arms, and Mephistopheles' arms immediately joined together, emitting a deep dark light, rushing forward with an infinite aura, and the shock wave carried would crush the gravel on the earth and The dust was rolled up.

Nexus raised his right arm, and the energy core in front of his chest immediately glowed with a strong golden light, which condensed on the right arm of Nexus to form a shining light bow. Immediately, Nexus straightened his right arm and pointed his five fingers at Mephistopheles ahead.

In the face of the roaring dark light, Nexus did not dodge. His left arm buckled the bowstring of the light, and then pulled the bowstring to its maximum force. Numerous golden light spots converged with Nexus's movements. Come, condense into a shining lightsaber.

The ultimate bow and arrow beam composed of the Nexus lightsaber and the bow of light, flew out with a whirr, and only flew out only a hundred meters before colliding with the dark light of Mephistopheles. The collision of different energies splashed intense sparks.

However, the stalemate lasted for only a few seconds. The extremely sharp lightsaber split the dark light from the middle and rushed towards Mephistopheles. No matter how much Mephistopheles enhanced the output of dark energy, it could not stop the ultimate bow and arrow beam from approaching. .

"No..." Mephistopheles looked at the sharp light magnified in his eyes with horror. Before the sound fell, the ultimate bow and arrow beam had completely cut the dark light, and slashed at Mephie mercilessly. Steward's body.

‘Puff! With a soft sound, Mephistopheles' defensive action froze, and the dark light disappeared at the same time. The ultimate bow and arrow beam hit the ground behind Mephistopheles, and a large piece of the hard rocky ground disappeared silently, and the flat ground immediately turned into a huge depression.

Mephistopheles stood tremblingly, and in the middle of his body, a golden gap split Mephistopheles into two halves from beginning to end. His body trembled like a sifting chaff, and he said in disbelief: "How is it possible...how could I lose...I want to rule the world..."

Nexus raised his arm, and the bow of light on his right arm slowly dissipated as light particles flying all over the sky, and all the scattered light poured into Nexus's energy core. Nexus turned around and walked forward.

With ‘Boom! 'With a loud noise, a flame mushroom cloud rose into the air behind Nexus, and the flame light emitted illuminated Nexus's back, but Nexus still continued to move forward without any delay. When I walked, it seemed that I didn't hear the movement behind him. It felt like a real man never looked back at the explosion.

Nexus raised his head and looked at the super-sonic strike Chester hovering high in the sky~www.NovelMTL.com~, and the five members of the Night Assault team were also observing Nexus standing on the ground.

'jingle! 'With a crisp sound like a clear spring, the energy core on Naxus' chest burst out with dazzling golden light. In this light, the Mita realm quickly dissipated, and Naxus' huge body followed. Disappeared.

The sudden transition from the bleak Mita realm to the sunny outside world made the night raid team a little uncomfortable. The strong light through the cockpit glass made them hurriedly raise their arms to block them in front of them, so as not to be suddenly strengthened. The bright light burns the eyes.

The huge plane suddenly appeared in the sky, arousing the surprise of the citizens in the city below. Many people raised their heads and looked at the plane hovering in the sky. But immediately the trace of the plane and the sound of the engine disappeared, making people who saw the plane appear and disappear, so a new urban legend: the ghost plane floating in the sky was born.

With the optical camouflage function turned on, the super-sonic strike Chester merged with the surrounding environment and slowly descended towards the square in the institute. When they landed more than fifty meters, the square seemed to spot them Generally, it opened slowly, revealing the tarmac below, allowing the fighter to land steadily inside. This closed the huge steel gate and blocked all prying eyes.

On one of the streets in the noisy city, a man in a black-gray coat limped out of the alley. His clothes and face were dirty as if he hadn’t been washed for a long time, looking at the noise. City, the man said with a hint of astonishment: "Where is this? Why am I here? Who am I...?"

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