Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1653: Bait

Seeing this scene, Kudo Ikki's inner anxiety and worries made him eagerly yell: "Danger!" He didn't realize that he and Nexus were hundreds of meters away, and his voice couldn't pass.

Nexus on the ground with his arms erected in front of him, the gap between his arms was shining with strong electric light, he was gathering energy and preparing to launch the ultimate ray to completely smash the alien beast in front of him. The strong energy he gathered And the energy dissipated by the destructive light explosion emitted by the alien beast Megaforrash in front of him makes the surrounding darkness and light energy mixed together, so that Nexus does not sense the plum that is a kilometer away. Pfister is gathering energy.

While Kudo Ikki yelled, Nexus seemed to be sensitive, raised his head slightly, and then turned his head slightly to look behind him, and saw a dark light rushing towards him, fast. Flew a distance of kilometers in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it!" Nixus whispered eagerly and jumped up, while twisting his body parallel to the ground and striving to use the smallest contact area to contact the dark light gathering, so as to minimize the damage.

However, Nexus is not a person who can't fight back. The energy used for the ultimate ray that has not yet been gathered in his hand is converted into a light blade in the shape of a boomerang. As Nexus flies in the air. , Tossed out the flashing blade that was curved 120 degrees.

‘Wow! Whoosh! Whoosh! The fast-rotating flashing blades cut through the air quickly and made a scream, passing by the dark light emitted by Mephistopheles, and attacking each other. Before Nexus was parallel to the ground, he was hit by a dark light on his left shoulder. The dark light ran across Nexus’s left shoulder, splashing fierce sparks, causing Nexus to fall from the air, heavy. Smashed to the ground.

And the flashing blade slashed fiercely on Mephistopheles' chest, splashing fierce sparks that almost swallowed Mephistopheles' upper body, and Mephistopheles’s were sent from the endless sparks. With a scream, Mephistopheles flew out and fell to the ground two hundred meters away.

'Well! Mephistopheles clutched his painful chest for a long time and couldn't stand up. The pain made him feel like he was cut in the waist. He made a cry of pain. He wanted to stand up, but just a little move. He was so painful that he didn't dare to move at all.

"Unexpectedly, I was still a little bit brainy, knowing that I used a bait, **** it, I actually took the bait." Nexus clutched his left shoulder and slowly stood up from the ground. He understood now that the alien beast Megaforrash was just a bait released by Mephistopheles, in order to attract the attention of Nexus and create opportunities for Mephistopheles' attack.

Mephistopheles’ brainless behavior and arrogant personality made Nexus a little ignore him. He was eager to end the battle, he just wanted to eliminate the alien beast Megaforrash as soon as possible, and he almost didn’t get caught. Mephistopheles' dark light hits.

"Huh!" The five members of the Night Assault team saw Nexus stand up. Although he was injured, he didn't seem to be seriously injured. The heart that had been holding him relaxed slightly.

Then they saw Nexus standing on the ground raising his right arm and passing the energy core in front of him. Nexus's whole body was immediately enveloped in the bright water, and then it burst into dazzling blue. Luminous, directly transformed into a blue form.

"That's it..." Shiori Hiraki suddenly shouted, with excitement in his tone: "This action is exactly the same as it was in the End of the Land. I remember that before, Nexus also had gold in its silver form. The stripes are exactly the same as the land of the end."

"Could it be..." Gumon Ikki thought of a possibility, and said with a hint of expectation and surprise: "Ultraman in the Land of the End is actually Starry Night. In this case... it's not Mr. Ji Ya. Then Mr. Ji Shi is still alive."

"It's possible," Nodded in agreement with Captain Kura Hidesuke, and then said with a stern expression: "Destroy the alien beast first, aim at the gap in the alien beast, that is the child's desperate victory. If the attack fails, it will be discovered by the alien beast. We only have one chance to attack, and we absolutely cannot fail."

"Gumen, you come to attack, I will create an attack opportunity for you." Saijokaze said that he was already driving a super-high-speed sonic blasting Chester down toward the alien beast.

Kudo Ikki stared at the alien beast below with full concentration, the display on the goggles lit up, and the aiming halo was constantly moving, Kudo Ikki held his breath and waited for the opportunity to attack.

"You must be destroyed, absolutely!" Kudo Kazuki's eyes revealed firmness. He thought of the sorrowful Shinjuku area, the people crying in the ruins, and the plumes of black smoke rising in the city. He wanted to eliminate this strangeness. The beast avenges people and also avenges Lizi. Although he will no longer be driven by hatred~www.NovelMTL.com~, this does not mean that he has forgotten hatred. On the contrary, he always remembers hatred. He will never forget the heart-piercing pain of losing Lizi. Yes, it will not slow down how many alien beasts are eliminated, because no matter how many alien beasts, they can't get his love back.

Niksus moved his left arm lightly, his shoulder still aching, which had a lot of impact on his movements. I am afraid it would be impossible to launch a smooth combo like before. But...Nixus looked up at Mephistopheles in the distance. It was only now that the guy was able to get up from the ground, clutching his chest and shaking his body, and he would fall down at any time. The appearance of the down, no matter how you look at the injury situation, is much heavier than Nexus.

Just glanced at Mephistopheles, Nexus tapped the ground with his right foot, his body retreated violently, and quickly avoided a dark red lightning-like destructive light. At the same time, he turned his head to look at Mei Mei. Gaforash moved restlessly again, and the plume at the top shot out another destructive light to hit Nexus.

Before Nexus could counterattack, a dazzling ray fell from the sky, accurately hitting the destructive ray, and intercepted it.

With a burst of crisp engine sound from far to near, the blue-painted supersonic hit Chester and swooped down. When he flew to the same height as Nexus, Ikki Koumen turned his head and looked towards With this blue giant, Nexus also turned his head to look at Ikki.

"Starry night..." Gumen Yikki stared at Altman and remembered that he was walking into the darkness step by step in that dense forest, but was pulled out by the boy and Ji Ya Zhunlian, so that he did not become a sad puppet. Can continue to live in this world as a human being.

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