Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1637: Alien Beasts over Shinjuku

People who were always paying attention to the sky only saw a flower in front of them, and then a rainbow light band wrapped around a human being retracted. This time the retraction speed was not fast, and those caught screamed in horror. , But can't break free of these light bands.

People on the streets watched the people at the end of the rainbow light get higher and higher, but the shouts of panic and despair still echoed in their ears, panic and panic spread rapidly in the crowd, originally still Faced with the terrifying monster, the soldier who was reluctant to persist also collapsed as the crowd began to flee.

The people who were swept away by the light belt kept uttering desperate shouts. With a flick of the light belt, these people were thrown into the wide-opened mouth of the alien beast, and the desperate shouts stopped abruptly. The people on the ground who witnessed this scene could no longer bear the panic and despair in their hearts. More and more people looked at the monsters in the sky and the scene of extreme fear, and joined the fleeing army with full of fear. Fear swept the Shinjuku area like a plague, and expanded toward other areas with the fleeing crowd, just like the expanding rainbow area emanating from the alien beast in the sky.

This alien beast is suspended in mid-air like a fisherman, stirring more than a dozen light strips from time to time to roll up dozens of people on the street to swallow them, and it will not launch two attacks in one area, each time it swallows people. After that, he drifted forward several tens of meters and attacked again.

His attacking method caused a deep sense of fear in the hearts of all the people who saw him. They didn't dare to stop running away, for fear that they would be caught and swallowed by this monster in the sky as soon as they stopped. After the monsters attacked and moved to other places, the people who survived had a faint feeling of rejoicing in their hearts. Fortunately, the monsters just devoured them, but other people, and went to other places to attack other people.

The castle of Freedom, which had just been quieter, once again sounded a harsh sirens, and at the same time, the castle of Freedom played a screen of Shinjuku command center on the screen of the Shinjuku Command Center. The sky was distorted like the sky and the rainbow light shrouded most of Shinjuku , Through the colorful mask, you can see the alien beast floating in the air.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Manager Matsunaga looked at the alien beast on the screen and couldn't wait to bite the alien beast to death. He took pains to control the situation a little bit. The appearance of the alien beast made all his efforts. It was all in vain, but it also caused a greater impact. This time I am afraid that it is not just Shinjuku area. According to the current movement of this alien beast and the expansion speed of the rainbow light, the entire Kyoto will soon be enveloped in his attack range, that is, the predation area. By then, the situation is absolutely absolute. It will get out of control.

But Manager Matsunaga thought of more terrifying consequences. He could comfort himself by saying that it was because of the mimic alien beasts that the alien beast was able to appear in the urban area, but the alien beast was made directly from unknown hands. Flew out of the dark vortex and landed in the city, putting the cruel reality of the potential barrier really ineffective before all the insiders, ruthlessly breaking their flukes and illusions.

"Human..." Manager Matsunaga clenched his fists, and then said loudly: "Order the Night Assault Team B and Team C to attack immediately. Don't take it into consideration. We must eliminate this alien beast as soon as possible."

"Yes!" The people in the temporary command post immediately relayed the order, preparing the B team, which had been established only a year ago, and the C team, which had only been established a month ago.

"Management officer, I think it is necessary for Team A to go to Shinjuku at this time to cooperate to destroy the alien beast." Yoshizawa Ryoyu's voice sounded in the command room, and the holographic projection condensed the figure in white clothes.

Manager Matsunaga did not answer directly, but turned to look at Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki and asked in a deep voice, "How is the communication with the visitor? The potential barrier has failed. Humans need a new barrier.

"Visitors are afraid. I saw destruction from their spiritual message. Fire enveloped the entire world. A black and red giant stood on the ruins, and the sky and the earth were shrouded in destruction and despair." Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki The words made Manager Matsunaga's heart tremble.

He opened his mouth, feeling as if his neck was pinched, and then said for a long time: "Is there no hope anymore? Visitor... By the way, there is also Altman. I will immediately find a way to contact Captain Hecang and tell him Now there are alien beasts in Shinjuku, asking him to take the night raid team to attack immediately, and tell him that humans are now in danger and need people of the right."

Yoshizawa Ryoyu looked at all of this with cold eyes, his eyes full of coldness and contempt, but he concealed it well, and quickly recovered his previous ordinary appearance, and continued: "But in the future I see It’s still chaos~www.NovelMTL.com~Although the hope is very small, the future of mankind has not been cut off." At the same time, he silently thought in his heart: Nothing is bad, it just depends on the method used, this The world can only have the right to speak and control everything if it has a powerful force. This is a magnificent era. Those old guys with stiff heads don't deserve to have so many, and they don't deserve to be there.

At this time, in a factory on the outskirts of the country, Eisuke Kakura and the others were busy building a shelter for the fighter jets to avoid being spotted by satellites, while Shiori Hiragi was responsible for looking after the poor health, so that they could cover up the Alpha. Closed eyes, Rei's eyes suddenly opened, and Shiori Hiraki's eyes were extremely sharp.

‘Goo! Goo! 'The sound of a beating heart sounded in Shiori Hiraki's arms, making Shiori Hiraki stunned for a moment, and then he blinked. It sounded like a hastily rushing out the shock wave transmitter and evolutionary trustee in the clothes. .

The three translucent gems on the silver-white cone shone like a beating heart. Shiori Hiraki was taken aback, and then handed these two things to Rei. Rei reached out and took it, staring at the evolving trustee who was constantly shining, and whispered: "Alternative beasts have appeared again."

"Oh? Can you sense alien beasts?" Shiori Hiraki was surprised. There were no signs of alien beasts nearby. This is simply a long-range specific target detection radar.

At this moment, the armed Bereg on Wakura Hidesuke's wrist rang, ‘Dip! drop! The crisp sound of ’was extremely loud in the silent factory. When everyone heard the sound, they couldn’t help but stop and focus on Wakura Hidesuke.

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