Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1636: Rainbow in the sky

"It was given to you by Starry Night," Rei tilted his head and looked at the golden yellow potion in Gumen Ikki's hand, looking up at the sky and said: "He is still working hard, spending so much energy for me, if it weren't for him, I probably died long ago."

"At the beginning, he tried so hard to save Lizi, but... if he and Mr. Ji Ya hadn't been for him, I would have been soaked in darkness. So I can't give up. Starry night can save even those alienated people. , Those people can’t create Raphael’s Starry Night.” Kudo Kazuki said, piercing the syringe in his hand into the blood vessel of the pity, and gently pushing the medicine into his blood vessel.

"Yuan Xing Ye... he also knows Ji Ya Jun?!" All four of them were taken aback by Kura Hidesuke. They didn't expect that the person Ikki Kotomon mentioned before that dragged him out of the darkness with Ji Ya Jun turned out to be I've seen a young and excessive doctor of biology.

"Yeah!" Gumen Yikhui straightened up, nodded silently, and said with a trace of sadness and recollection: "At the beginning he wanted to rescue Lizi from the darkness, but he was interrupted by the devil. When I was most disappointed, he and Mr. Ji Ya pulled me out of the darkness."

Ishibori Mitsuhiko quickly tapped the armed Bereg on his arm, and then stretched the screen in front of a few people. The small screen showed a picture taken by a surveillance probe, and a black shadow appeared on the black and white picture. After flashing, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the woman, and then the woman fell down, hugged by the figure before landing, and then jumped directly out of the scope of the screen.

"This is... the picture taken by the hospital's surveillance probe that day. One person took away Saitian Riko, and that person jumped up to the 20th floor." Ishibori Mitsuhiko's words were full of incredible.

"How is it possible? It's too exaggerated," Shiori Hiraki curled his lips, his face was full of disbelief: "It's probably because I jumped a little higher, which was rumored to be false, and then it became a twenty-story building."

"No, this is true. Many people at the scene have seen it. I found the testimony of many people in the base's database. It doesn't look like exaggeration and falsehood." Ishibori shook his head solemnly.

He looked at each other with Kura Eisuke, Saijokaze, and Shiori Hiraki, and his eyes were full of surprise and disbelief. The twenty-floor building was sixty or seventy meters high, which was taller than Ultraman. It's too exaggerated, Superman doesn't bring that.

Hekura Eisuke sighed and said, "It seems that there are too many things we don't understand in this world. Although he is very mysterious, it seems that he should be our friend."

"Don't worry," Lian said with a smile, "Xingye is a very good friend."

I don't know when there were twisted rainbows in the sky of Shinjuku City, but no one noticed this. The conflict between the noisy crowd and the soldiers has become more intense. The soldiers were busy maintaining order, discouraging the crowd from returning home to wait for the government's next notice. However, the panicked crowd wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. After all, there was a terrifying monster here, in their opinion it was not safe anymore.

The twisted colorful rays of light extend slowly, and have fallen from mid-air to a distance of only thirty or forty meters from the top of the building, and the rainbow will continue to spread around, from hundreds of square meters to tens of thousands of square meters. Meters, and the speed of expansion is still accelerating.

One person in the crowded crowd inadvertently raised his head and saw the twisted colorful bands of light in the sky that almost obscured the sky. It looks like a rainbow, but when you look closely, it is very different from the rainbow. There are seven distortions. The order of the colors and the normal rainbow colors is completely opposite, so it looks weird.

"What's that?" The man raised his finger in the air in amazement, causing the people around him to look up at the sky subconsciously. The twisted rainbows that looked like aurora bands filled the entire sky, no way it looked like Normal look.

More and more people noticed the anomaly in the sky, pushing and arguing temporarily disappeared under this strange weather. Everyone looked up at the sky and couldn't help feeling more uneasy.

At this moment, a black vortex rotating counterclockwise suddenly appeared in the sky. This familiar vortex instantly silenced the entire city. Then panic and panic spread among the crowd. The crowd just quarreled with the intercepted soldiers, just a little bit. It's a bit of physical conflict. But now that the familiar black vortex appeared, many people desperately ran outside, ignoring any obstacles, and crawling away from the black vortex~www.NovelMTL.com~ When the black vortex appeared last time, the monster was brought, and people still remember it. Now that the black vortex appears again, I am afraid there will be monsters. The desire to survive has made the crowd desperate. No one Can be stopped in their lives. The obstacle that had barely stopped the crowd before was overwhelmed by the crowd. More than a dozen soldiers disappeared in the crowd in front of thousands of panicking people without even a single splash.

Immediately a huge object flew out of the black vortex and quickly descended towards the city below. The gradually enlarged figure in the eyes of the citizens made the fleeing crowd even more panic. When a group fell into collective panic, they would Running desperately, he would never notice if someone had fallen under his feet. Even if he noticed the blank brain, he couldn't remember what to do. Instinctively, his body stepped directly on it and continued to run forward.

The monster flying out of the whirlpool quickly dropped from a height of one thousand meters to a height of about two hundred meters before stopping. This alien beast looked like a snail with a huge spiral shell on its back and a sharp tail shell. There are hard vertical spines like feathers.

The head protruding from the snail shell is fluffy and looks like the head of a snail. There are two huge air-jet-like oval openings on both sides, which are like a combination of rain tiger and nautilus. Into a monster.

This alien beast just hovered in midair out of thin air, and slowly turned around. The twisted rainbow around was also stirred, and the aurora bands were drawn out and fell towards the city below, with lightning speed. In the blink of an eye, he landed on the crowded street from a height of 200 meters.

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