Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1181: Voice of Noah Calling

Cerro and Leo returned to the Kingdom of Light from the K76 galaxy. They had just entered the Space Guard headquarters, and they saw Mambius and Hikari hurriedly approaching.

Leo looked at the hurriedly driving Mambius and Shikali, knowing that something must have happened, and immediately asked, "Mambius, Shikali, what happened?"

"Yeah!" Hikari nodded very solemnly: "Just now, there was news from the Space Intelligence Agency that the monster cemetery has changed again, and the number of monster souls has been reduced. Although there are not many, it must be investigated. "

Sai Luo shook his head very uncomfortably: "Why do people always pay attention to the monster cemetery?"

"There must be someone who wants to do something with the soul of the monster cemetery. It must be investigated clearly." Leo nodded in agreement.

"Brother Leo, at point N458 of the universe, I found an unusual spatial distortion wave. I'm going to investigate." Mambius also said, "Maybe there is a connection between these two things."

'call! 'The sound of the wind blowing on his clothes sounded, and the red cape Seven fell lightly and said with a heavy tone: "The Salome people are not at peace anymore. There is information that they have set up a huge building in a secret location. The base is manufacturing some mechanical Ultraman, and they must not be allowed to succeed."

"Salomé? Is it the guy who made fake matches on earth?" Sai Luo patted his hands: "I will let them know what the real Ultraman is. It is not comparable to a group of broken copper and iron."

"Siro, you must never despise them." Saiwen immediately warned: "The power of the fake Saiwen they made at the beginning was completely not mine. You must be careful."

"I see, daddy, you are too careful." Sai Luo flew into the Space Guard headquarters, took the mission about the Salome, and read about the Salome with intelligence.

After coming out of the Space Guard headquarters, Cyro originally wanted to fly directly to the destination, but only a few steps away, he thought of what Leo had told him about his combat partners. Sai Luo hesitated, turned around and flew towards Xingye's home.

Siro half-kneeled on the roof of a building, looking at the small house in front of him that was only thigh-high, "Why not at home? Forget it, this time I will go by myself. I will look for it next time. Let him!" Thinking of Sailuo soaring into the sky, quickly passing through the floating continent layer by layer, flying towards the destination.

In a galaxy far away from the Kingdom of Light, the Helios, which had been painted in ice blue, was docked on the synchronous orbit of a planet, slowly rotating around the aqua-blue planet.

Mayumi and Xiaozou got together and watched the surface environment of this planet enthusiastically. After returning from the plasma galaxy, he accompanied Mayumi around the neighborhood. After all, after a while, Mayumi can only stay in the Kingdom of Light. Now Mayumi is slowly evolving toward the light quantum life form. After the real evolution begins, she needs to go to the plasma spark tower and use the almost endless plasma energy there to complete the final stage.

This process will continue for nearly a hundred years, during which time it is impossible to leave the vicinity of the plasma spark tower. Once there is no sufficient energy, it is likely that evolution will fail. After all, Mayumi uses a step-by-step approach instead of doing it all at once, which is not only a lot more cumbersome, but also more time-consuming.

Xingye sat in the middle of the control room, with a cheerful smile on his face looking at the enthusiastic Mayumi. He wanted to accompany her more, and then talk about going to another universe. After all, he said other things sincerely when he was so happy. So disappointing.

Suddenly Xingye stood up abruptly and turned his head to look into the distance. He heard a slight call again, which finally reached his ears after passing through the universe. Although it had no basis, Xingye subconsciously felt that this voice and the breath of Noah that came out of the space loopholes punched by the Milky Way last time came from the same universe.

"Why call me so anxiously?" Xingye frowned, and his heart was full of doubts. Xingye has always heard Noah's voice in his dream or in the light of consciousness. Although it was from a different universe this time, it was indeed a voice from the real world.

"What happened again?" Mayumi didn't know when she turned around and stood at the window looking at the starry night.

Xingye hesitated for a while before nodding, turning his head to look at the dark cosmic void in the distance, and said: "There is a voice from the distant universe calling me, maybe...Noah's."

Mayumi asked with a hint of hope, "Then can I go together this time?"

"No," Starry Night walked forward and said softly, holding Mayumi in his arms, "I can see clearly, there is nothing easy for Noah."

Starry night talked and stopped in a hurry. Looking at Mayumi’s worried face in her arms, she rubbed it mischievously: “Don’t worry, maybe Noah just came to me to chat and then came back, rest assured. The kingdom is to stay, and when I come back, we will continue to tour the universe together."

"Yeah!" Mayumizhan smiled ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then thought of something, and raised his right hand. The Saijia Miracle Bracelet on the right wrist immediately glowed with a dazzling light, and then turned into a stream of light and flew onto the arm of the starry night, recondensing the Saijia Miracle Bracelet.

"Oh, how can this be?" Mayumi pouted her small mouth and looked at the Saiga Miracle Bracelet directly on Xingye's wrist, staring at Xingye and said: "Take this, remember to give it to me. Come back, don't run around, you know?"

"Okay! Okay!" Starry night nodded and agreed to the girl's condition. Mayumi just didn't worry about herself. The Saijia Miracle Bracelet can at least make herself become Noah for a long time anyway. A trip to another universe adds a piece of insurance.

The two were tired and crooked for a while, before Xingye let go of Mayumi reluctantly, and retreated back, glowing with a golden light, and then flew out of the Helios. Nexus suspended in the cosmic void, took a deep look at the ice-blue Helios, then turned around, his arms were already raised, and two dazzling light beams were converged in front. Form a huge colorful space tunnel.

Nexus turned his head and waved at Helios. Mayumi stood by the ship window and waved at Nexus very reluctantly, watching Nexus flying into the space-time tunnel. It disappeared, and it took a long time to look back.

Mayumi sighed deeply and moved back to her seat step by step. Starry night left her and she had no interest in playing. Mayumi sat down in her seat with a low expression and whispered: "Small, let's go back!"

"Yeah!" The vocalist nodded gently, manipulating the Helios to slowly turn the direction, the tail engine spewed a dazzling light, and quickly flew forward, leaving the blue water in the blink of an eye. The gravitational range of the color planet flies in the direction of the kingdom of light.

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