Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1180: Fighting partner

Cerro looked at the dark one-eyed Cerro in front of him with fiery eyes, gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Damn fellow, go to me."

Cyro roared and rushed towards the dark one-eyed Cyro. His fists, legs, elbows, knees...every part of his body became a weapon for Cyro to attack. With infinite momentum, I am afraid that even if there is a mountain ahead, it has already collapsed. However, Siro launched dozens of attacks in this short span of more than ten seconds, and all of them were not bad enough to be avoided by the dark one-eyed Siro.

All his moves were empty, making Cyro angrily suddenly speeded up and kicked towards Diablo One-eyed Cyro, but unexpectedly, Diablo One-eyed Cyro just slightly tilted his head and easily avoided Cyro's blow. , Then raised his arms and both hands directly grabbed Siro's right leg.

Before Siro could pull his leg, the dark one-eyed Siro hit Siro's abdomen with a punch, smashing Siro back a long way, and then stepped forward and suddenly lifted his right foot and kicked Siro's jaw. on. The huge power directly kicked Siro into the air, and then the dark one-eyed Siro kicked the ground with his feet and jumped into the air, quickly catching up with Siro in the air.

Diablo One-eyed Cyro flew a kick, and a side kick slammed Cyro's waist fiercely, knocking Cyro down from the air and hitting a hill in the distance.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the hill nearly three or four hundred meters high was directly crossed by Cyro, and the huge force carried by it broke the hill to pieces, and collapsed into rubble on the ground.

The dark one-eyed Cyro landed steadily on the ground, looking at Cyro who was crooked among the gravel clutching his abdomen, and then stepped towards Cyro. After taking three or two steps, Diablo One-eyed Siro suddenly raised his head, and then his body advancing on the ground immediately retreated, flying backwards against the ground for hundreds of meters before landing on the ground.

'call! A red figure fell from the air, standing between Siro and Diablo One-eyed Siro, and opened his legs to make a fighting start position towards Diablo One-eyed Siro. The horn-like horns above his head and the mysterious symbols on his abdomen indicate his identity, Leo Ultraman, the strongest fighting master in the Kingdom of Light.

Diablo One-eyed Cyro stared at Leo, and then walked towards Leo, but only two steps later, Diablo One-eyed Cyro stopped abruptly, as if receiving some instructions. Suddenly raising his arms, the arms that were not covered by armor were combined to emit a cluster of dark purple rays, which quickly struck Ultraman Leo.

Leo Altman kicked the ground with his feet, and dodged to the left in an instant, causing the dark cluster rays to hit the ground. Amid the sound of the explosion, the ground was blown into a huge hole, splashing. The sky full of rubble and billowing dust obscured the vision of both sides like a sandstorm.

The dark one-eyed Cyro directly flew up without the slightest stay, and rushed to the distant sky at a very fast speed. When Leo found out, the dark one-eyed Cyro had turned into a black spot in the sky.

Leo took a deep look at the dark one-eyed Cyro in the distance, then turned around and looked at Cyro, who was holding his abdomen and stood up from the gravel, and walked towards Cyro with admonishment. Said: "Siro, you are too careless, even if the enemy is weak, you have to go all out to fight."

Siro stood up straight and looked at Leo and said, "Although I really want to say that you are nosy, thank you."

Cerro looked around and found that the guy had disappeared, and said with a trace of caution: "Who is that guy? He is wearing black Dicuta gear armor."

"I don't know!" Leo shook his head slowly: "Dikuta Gear Armor has never been used after you."

Leo warned: "The guy left directly after seeing me. It seems to have come to fight you. The person who came is not kind. Siro, you should not hang around alone for now."

"It's okay," Celos waved his hand indifferently: "The stronger the opponent, the more I want to defeat him. Next time I meet him, I will definitely defeat him."

"Siro, you don't have a partner yet," Leo said while looking at Cerro: "Alter fighters never fight alone. When in trouble, there will be a trusted partner who can help. Partners. Mutual trust and mutual help are the real strength."

"But Siro," Leo suddenly turned to look at Siro and said seriously: Up to now, your battles are still alone. You must find a partner in the fight and learn to trust your partner to fight. "

"Who said that, in the monster graveyard and the plasma galaxy, I was fighting with everyone." Sai Luo said unconvinced: "Tiga, Dyna, Gaia, Goss, Nexus, Meng Isn’t Bius~www.NovelMTL.com~ my fighting partner?"

"It is true that you have fought together, but the real combat partners have formed an incomparable fighting tacit understanding and mutual trust for a long time. You can give your back to each other without hesitation, and even sacrifice for each other." Ou turned around and said softly, "Siro, do you understand?"

"Are you a real partner?" Sai Luo whispered softly, and he couldn't help but think of the three of Hickel, Jante, and Zamsha encountered during this plasma galaxy journey. Although the time with them was very short, But Siro felt the deep friendship between them.

In order to cover Xickel's departure, Jante can drew his sword and rushed towards the extremely powerful Lukiel without hesitation, and used his life to cover Xickel. After Hickel informed the major civilizations of Lukiel's news and mobilized the fleet to attack Lukiel, he did not hesitate to hold Lukiel to death, just to avenge his friends.

In order to inherit the wishes of his friends, Zamsha can abandon his hometown and take over for Shikor to guard the peace of the plasma galaxy.

"A battle partner?" Cyro murmured with arms in front of him. He couldn't help but think of this plasma galaxy trip in his mind. He thought of Nexus. When the starry night needed it, those Ultramans from different universes traveled directly through time and space to this strange universe without hesitation. There is no excuse at all, this kind of friendship that spans time and space makes Cyro feel very envious now.

"Yeah!" Leo Altman nodded, without interrupting Cyro's thinking. Looking at Cyro with a trace of relief, Cyro has always liked to be alone, and he is not even willing to participate in the Space Guard. The reason is that he can't stand the rules of the Space Guard. Now Cyro is finally thinking about this. Something up.

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