Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1155: Game(1)

This extremely large star is the center of the plasma galaxy, and this is also the special place of the plasma galaxy. Generally, the center of a galaxy is a massive black hole. The galaxies are also gathered together by the huge gravitational force of the black hole and surround the black hole. Slowly turning.

However, the plasma galaxy revolves around this extremely large star, and the second doubtful point is this star. Xingye checked the data of the Galaxy Union. This star has never stopped emitting and emitting light for hundreds of millions of years. heat. However, according to astronomy, the energy released by a massive star is also greater, just as the energy released by this star in less than half a minute is equivalent to the total energy released by the sun in one year.

The energy released by a star is actually the star converts its own mass into energy to emit. According to the energy released by this huge star, it can be considered long to last for tens of millions of years, but this star can sustain more than ten. For billions of years, this is simply challenging the laws of astronomy.

"Here...there is weird everywhere." Starry night frowned and looked at the spectrum transmitted from each satellite. I dreamed of analyzing the spectrum quickly to understand the situation ahead.

As the satellites approached, more data came over. Looking at the dense light spots on the screen, everyone sighed together. The worst happened. The Galaxy Union headquarters was full of large and small spaceships. And various battlestars, the total number reached two or three million. Dispersed into five lines of defense, the huge man-made celestial body was impenetrable.

Even Zhu Xingzhen also condensed his intent to fight, and began to seriously think about how to destroy these spacecraft. After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think of a reason. There are so many spaceships. Even standing and letting the stars run out of energy, they can't finish it.

"Well, let's play the game of hitting moles, hit anyone who shows up." Xingye laughed, his tone was very relaxed, without any tension.

"I'm going to play first, don't grab it with me." Xingye said that he had already taken out the Evolution Truster, turned into a golden light and flew out of the Firefly, and rushed forward quickly.

"I'm going to have fun too, just stay here." Zhuxing really chuckled, and directly summoned the Ottesello glasses and put them on his eyes. It turned into a stream of light and quickly caught up with Nexus ahead.

Cyro looked at Nexus next to him and said in a very relaxed tone: "How can you leave me if you have fun?"

"Oh, this is not fun."

"How do you know if you don't try, don't think of going out alone, this young master won't be behind." Sai Luo had already rushed forward first, Nexus shook his head and speeded up to catch up with Sai Luo. Originally, Nexus was thinking about trying it out by himself, and then deciding where to attack. Unexpectedly, Cyro followed suit. He was obviously worried that he would challenge the millions of spaceships by himself. After all, he followed. Compared with a couple of millions and a couple of millions, the number of each other is equal to half less.

"Siro, come on, there is a time limit of one minute, to see who destroys more spaceships." Nexus said as he raised his right arm and swiped across the energy core of his chest, and a bright wave of water surged all over his body. Then burst out a dazzling blue light. Then the golden rays of light gathered together, condensing a pair of light armor on Nexus.

"Then you will lose." Sai Luo had raised his hands on the ice axe above his head, aimed at the warship that was patrolling in front of him, and waved forward, two silver streamers flew. After going out, they swept across the hulls of thousands of spaceships.

'boom! boom! boom! Two neat rows of explosive flames burst out one after another, making the originally neatly lined patrols chaotic, and all kinds of detectors were turned on to look for the attacker.

"That's not necessarily!" Nexus raised his right hand, and the armor of light on his body immediately spread out, forming a huge light bow on the Nexus bow and arrow weapon on the right arm of Nexus.

‘Wow! Whoosh! Whoosh! 'Several bowstrings sounded, five shining arrows of light flew up, flying forward with an overwhelming aura, like a string, cutting the hulls of thousands of spaceships in half. , And then exploded.

"Om!" The legion in the distance had already discovered the situation here, and a large number of spaceships flew toward here quickly, and at a glance, they couldn't count the number.

"The wind is tight, scream!" Nexus said that he had flew into the distance, causing Cyro to mumble two times in dissatisfaction, and flew in the other direction. This group of five to sixty thousand spacecraft clusters immediately divided into two groups, and they chased down Nexus and Cyro separately.

"Oh yo, it's all here~www.NovelMTL.com~Nixus glanced back at the spaceship cluster that was chasing behind him, and then there was also a spaceship in front of him who was volleying, completely preparing for front and back flanking.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!" A wave of lasers and particle cannons whizzed at Nexus from both ends. The intensity of firepower can completely sieve Nexus, provided that it can hit Nexus. S.

"I'm not going to stand here stupidly." Nexus flew upwards in a ninety-degree sharp turn, and the speed increased several times in an instant, and he rushed out of the spacecraft's attack. range.

Nexus flew upwards quickly, and under his feet was a burst of flame light, densely like the stars of the Milky Way in the sky. These are the intense explosive responses of dense lasers and missiles flying from both ends when they collide.

"It's time for me." Nexus said and turned around, the light bow on his right arm was facing the spaceship below which was adjusting its formation, and the five fingers of his left hand once again pulled the ray of condensed bowstring, powerful explosive energy. Gathered and condensed into a twinkling crimson arrow of light, and immediately released the five fingers of Naxus' left hand, the fiery arrow of light flew out and rushed into the spaceship's queue with lightning speed. Then, it exploded in the spaceship cluster below, directly blasting a large hole in the black spaceship sea. The violent explosion pushed countless fragments to disperse, and brought a greater blow to the surrounding spacecraft.

The bowstring is pulled one after another, and each shot of the arrow of flame light can clear the spaceship in a large area. But it’s nothing more than seven or eight arrows of light. Tens of thousands of spaceships below have been swept away. The formation of the opposing team is so neat that the space between the spaceships is also very small. Every attack can destroy one. A lot of spaceships, it's really too easy.

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