Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1154: Mars

Lukiel felt very distressed when he thought of this precious thing that could not be more precious, and had to return it to the Lebrard because of Nexus. He just analyzed the things in it and created Sparkling. I don’t know how many good things there are.

But now it has to be handed over to the Rayblad star, otherwise the trouble will be even greater. At the thought of losing so much to that guy named Nexus, Lukiel was ticklish with hatred.

"It was he who disturbed my resurrection plan, otherwise I would have ruled this universe. With the God of War, I must tear him up this time." The Rayblad star is full of hatred when he speaks of Nexus. And anger, with full of anger, he flew directly to the pyramid in front of him, standing on the small platform at the tip.

"Yes, two more enemies." Zaki was very satisfied. When Zaki was happy, the Lebrard star held the ultimate fighting instrument sideways, and then hurled it towards the platform below.

When the Ultimate Fighting Apparatus was falling, the patterns engraved on it all lit up, and the pictures of the Ultimate Fighting Apparatus on the platform also lit up, and then the pictures were raised and slowly condensed into shape, completely matching the Ultimate Fighting Apparatus falling above It's exactly the same, even if it's the rune engraved on it, there is no difference.

"Crack!" The two ultimate fighting instruments collided, and immediately merged into an ultimate fighting instrument, which fell on the picture on the platform and stuck in it along the seams.

"Wake up, God of War!" The Lebrard star raised his hands as if showing off, and shouted frantically. Following his voice, the huge pyramid under his feet quickly reacted.

The dark purple light illuminates one after another along the gaps in the pyramid. In this light, the huge unidentified metal bodies that were stitched together slowly separated, but within a few seconds, the pyramid that was hundreds of meters in size The energy radiated from the Rayblad star was completely enveloped in it.

Under Lukiel’s fiery eyes, the huge pyramid is ‘click! Click! In the mechanical sound of', a drastic change began, as if reorganization. First, the four small columns were separated up and down, and in the process, they changed constantly, directly turning into huge legs and arms. .

The pyramid can no longer see its original appearance, its thickness is decreasing, its height is increasing, and it almost bears the ceiling of a kilometer high.

Lukiel looked at the huge robot in front of him with enthusiasm and regret. He had estimated that it was a spaceship before, but he did not expect it to be a huge combat robot.

Not to mention that just by looking at the size of this robot, you can feel its huge combat power, not to mention that this is something made by the Rayblad people who once ruled the universe to keep the secrets of monsters. It is absolutely exhausting. To build.

The Lebrard Starman has entered the control core of the robot's chest. Following the manipulation of the Lebrard Starman, the huge robot raised its hands and touched it together, making a loud "Kang!" The painting of the whole body is mainly purple and gold. There are several obvious spray holes on the back. The forearms of the two mechanical arms have very obvious bulges. I don't know what is hidden.

The robot called the "God of War" by the Lebrard star raised his right arm, and then slammed it against the wall with the sound of "huh, huh".

"Kang Dang!" A loud thunder-like sound echoed in the room. The violent sound wave bends the iron frame that originally held the pyramid. Under the gaze of Zaki and Lukiel, the robot punched directly up to a hundred. Duomi's steel wall was smashed through, and the relaxed look of the robot seemed to be piercing a piece of paper.

"Shit!" The harsh metal friction sounded, the robot pulled the arm out of the wall, and the Lebrard star nodded with great satisfaction: "There is no damage, hahaha, great, I Reb Rad is back."

Zaki kept curling his mouth on one side, and he couldn't help feeling embarrassed in his heart: "It's enough to be satisfied with just such a robot body. No wonder it was defeated by the ill-conditioned Ultraman. It is not at all to rely on the power of the weapon. Really powerful, just as unreliable as the Dark Shadow Mage, and become arrogant without understanding the true strength of the opponent. I'd better go quickly, it won't be good to be involved."

The Firefly has already begun to decelerate. The process lasted for 500 million kilometers before the Firefly stopped slowly. Dozens of satellites were released and flew towards the galaxy ahead at super fast speeds.

These satellites do not have a deceleration system ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and do not need to decelerate. What they need is to fly past at a high speed that ordinary radars cannot lock on. You don't need any precise information as long as the general situation is enough.

Starry Night summoned everyone to discuss the current situation: "Now we are less than 2 light years away from the Galactic Union headquarters. The defense deployment here will never be weak. Don't fight hard. Play guerrilla warfare with them, wherever we are weak. Wherever you are attacking, spread out and fight and run, sweeping away the defenses of this galaxy little by little."

"It's too much trouble! Just rush in." Zhu Xing really felt tired when he heard it, and he still liked the way of playing Huanglong straight.

"There is no way, not to mention that one million more warships will be enough for us to play. We must save energy. This kind of guerrilla warfare and wheel warfare is just right. Fight for a while and rest for a while, slowly grinding away this galaxy. The defense." Xingye raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "There is only one star here. There is no resource star for them to produce warships. If one is destroyed, one less will be destroyed sooner or later."

Sitting in front of the console, I dreamed of turning my head and said: "The probe satellite has transmitted the spectrum back."

The large screen has been divided into more than a dozen pieces, each of which represents a picture taken by a satellite. Most of the satellites are hovering around the galaxy, taking pictures of the spectrum from the galaxy.

There is only one star in this star system, without any planets, which is very strange. Not to mention that this star is extremely large, more than 300 times the size of the sun, and its brightness is 8.7 million times that of the sun. This brightness is as bright as the explosion of a normal star supernova. This star is also the belief of the plasma galaxy. This bright star can be seen in the night sky no matter how remote it is. On many uncivilized planets, there are countless groups that believe in this star.

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