Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1141: Hippolyte

I think that some people have tried this unintentionally or deliberately before, and the flaws were revealed. Then the discoverer became the missing person. Then the virtual reality simulation system added the trajectory function of simulating laser weapons. Unfortunately, what happened this time Starry night, the visual deception effect is completely invalid in front of it.

Starry night said with a smile: "My dream, I transform myself and shoot light into the air. I don't believe it anymore. This thing can resist your photon blade."

"Hmm!" I nodded dreamily, although I didn't know what happened, but I immediately took out the two-wing logo and held it above my head: "Gaia!"

A red and blue beam of light appeared in the forest. Even if the tallest tree in the forest did not reach Gaia’s chest, Gaia stretched out his arms without any hesitation. A crimson light appeared on the back of his head. Then the rays of light quickly gathered and condensed into a photon blade like a whip.

"Haha!" Gaia lowered his head abruptly, and the Photon Blade rushed into the sky. After flying out more than 100 meters, it seemed to crash into a barrier instantly, and then the blue sky appeared. Long cracks appeared one after another, and they were spreading quickly to the surroundings, but the entire sky was covered with dense cracks in an instant.

"Bang!" With a crisp sound, the sky broke apart, and countless fragments rustled down, exposing another layer of blue sky behind, and the surrounding scenery quickly began to change.

The tall trees that were originally all over the valley disappeared one by one, the green all over the ground quickly turned yellow, and the sounds of birds and beasts stopped. But in a few seconds, the valley that was originally covered by endless forests has now turned into a withered yellow, and there are only a few but hundreds of trees left, sparsely distributed in the valley.

And what made Gaia even more surprised was that at the center of the valley, seven or eight kilometers away, there was not even a bit of green, but only the endless yellow and corrupt color. Dozens of black iron chains with a diameter of more than ten meters stretched out on the surrounding rock walls, and they gathered together to securely lock a big khaki sword on the ground in the middle.

"Wow!" Suddenly a light bronze mask fell from the sky and covered Gaia in it, and at the same time a gloomy voice sounded: "Damn you dare to destroy my barrier, I want to change you Into a stone statue."

"Boom!" Gaia slammed the cylindrical pipe that enveloped him, but his fist hit the translucent pipe, but he could only make a bang, not even a crack.

Seeing Gaia being trapped, Musashi immediately raised the Sun and Moon Tonghui in his hands and shouted, "Goss!"

The dazzling blue beam of light rose into the sky, condensing the blue figure of Gauss Ultraman. Gauss immediately raised his arms, turning his right arm to condense strong energy, and then his right hand launched a super-high temperature light-moonlight shattering .

The dazzling blue light hit the bronze translucent cover that enveloped Gaia, and when it was about to shatter the mask, it turned into a spot of light and disappeared, making Gaia a sigh of relief.

Goss stepped forward two steps and stood side by side with Gaia, making a fighting start to the sound of the front. A huge figure appeared in front of the big sword locked by the chain. He was wearing a gray armor. The chest, shoulders and joints were pink, and he held a long green capsule in his hand. The gun, with pale yellow eyes staring at Gauss and Gaia ahead, and his long red nose trembling slightly.

"It seems that everything here is the ghost of you," Xingye leaped up and jumped onto Gaia's shoulders, looking at the Hippolyte star ahead, especially the one behind him that was locked by heavy chains. The big sword who lives: "This is the Samuel sword. Let me guess. You found this sword for a long time, but you couldn't use it. So you tried your best to hide the existence of this sword. Slowly find a way to control this sword. Unfortunately, the news leaked out somehow, so that everyone in this valley who had the news of the Samuel Sword was known to everyone, so you created this virtual reality barrier, and released the true and false. The news is coming. Those who have disappeared should have discovered some clues in this valley and have been killed by you."

"Hehe, so what?" The Hippolyte star smiled twice and looked at the two Ultramans in front of him with gloomy eyes: "You are the Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light, your hands stretched out too much. Long, this is not your place."

"Oh, we're just here to have fun, by the way, bring some specialty products back. I saw the sword behind you~www.NovelMTL.com~How can we cut love?" Xingye looked at Hippolyte with a smile Starman: "With this sword we will leave here immediately."

"Since it's here, don't go, it's my collection." The Hippolyte said, suddenly raising the capsule-like gun in his hand, pulling the trigger, and a black liquid was shot out. , It burned directly after the boring, and turned into a flame column that raged towards Goss and Gaia.

"Huh!" Gauss stepped forward and raised his arms to prop up a blue barrier, blocking the blazing flame column, while Gaia behind Gauss flew up, and immediately jumped up when he turned over. In the high air, then a flying kick slammed towards the Hippolyte in front.

The Hippolite capsule gun pulled the trigger again, flew down from the air, and Gaia released the Hell blaster, and kicked and bumped Gaia.

"Wow!" Gauss slid his feet on the ground and rushed towards the Hippolyte. The Hippolyte immediately turned the muzzle when he saw this, but the tip of the gun was only turned halfway, and Gauss had already slid to the point. In front of him, the palm of his right arm popped out and slapped the Hippolyte's chest.

Gauss's palm looked light and fluttering, but his power was very powerful. He shot the Hippolyte out with one palm, staggering back more than ten steps before stopping. Before he could stand firmly, Gaia kicked over, even though the Hippolyte hurriedly raised his arms to block him, he was still kicked out hundreds of meters away and fell to the ground embarrassedly.

The battle between Gauss and Gaia against the Hippolytes is raging, and Starry Night here has already reached the huge sword that is inserted into the ground and is firmly locked by dozens of chains. The whole sword is It is khaki, and the sword has a V-shaped silver pattern, and the chain-like runes circulating on the sword combine to form the word'Samsu'.

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