Ultraman’s War

Chapter 1140: false

Xingye squinted at the Dada star behind him and asked, "I said you just set up a gate here. What if you enter from other places?"

"Guest, although you can try it, but if you get lost in it, we won’t be able to rescue it. There are also 50,000 canais charged for the parking and maintenance of the spacecraft. If you drive the spacecraft away now, you can enter from other places. You don’t have to hand in Kanai.” The Dada star said with a smile: “Of course, as long as you can find other places to go in, one thing is to be reminded. There is no other spaceship parking lot besides ours. We don’t care if your spaceship is shot down."

"Okay," Xingye took out the IC card and handed it over: "Swipe the card!"

"Oh...Yes!" The Dada star was stunned. Although it was only a little bit of time, he was still seen by Starry Night. The Dada star hurriedly took out the IC card and swiped it away. Vancanai said politely: "I wish you success in getting the Samuel Sword."

The Dada star stretched out his hand and took out a manipulator, pressed it twice, and followed ‘Ka! Click! ’’S mechanical operation sounded, and the door covered with vines slid slowly, opening a crack ten meters wide, revealing the situation in the valley.

A door is like two heavens. There are steel brackets and buildings full of science fiction. On the other side, the ground is covered with grass and trees, and there is a thick layer of fallen leaves.

After the three of Xingye walked into the valley, the gate of the valley was closed again, and after the gate was closed, the smile on the face of the originally smiling Dada star disappeared, and hurriedly took out a communicator and said very anxiously. : "Aga, it's not good. Three Galactic Hunters have entered the valley just now. Please be prepared."

"Nani?" A roar came from the communicator: "Why would anyone come here? The news that this is a fake valley has been released for two hundred years?"

"Aga, the plasma galaxy is too big, the three of them should be Galaxy hunters who have not heard the false news, but rest assured that I have let them in through Taniguchi. Just pay attention to them and they will go back after a lap." The Dada star trembled and said: "I have opened the virtual reality system inside, and I will never let them discover anything."

"It's best to be like this." The opponent named Yajia directly hung up the communication, letting the Dada star breathe a sigh of relief.

The three of Xingye walked in the forest, observing the surrounding scenery. They had already passed through the narrow valley entrance, and really entered the Samjuku Valley. The thick rotting branches and fallen leaves stepped on without reaching their calves. It can be seen that no one has set foot here for a long time.

Xingye walked completely aimlessly, walking obliquely to the left and walking obliquely to the right as he pleased, there was no law at all.

After walking for a while, my dream finally couldn't help asking: "Xingye, are you looking for something?"

"What are you looking for? No," Xingye shook his head: "Three hundred years have passed since then, and countless people in the universe have been here. If they can find anything, they have long been discovered."

Musashi suddenly didn't understand: "Then what are we doing here?"

Starry Night stopped and turned around and said, "Because this place is too unreasonable. It obviously developed on the basis of Betelgeul Valley. Other places are prosperous, but the hotel just now didn’t even have a spaceship except us. . And the Dada star just now is not at all afraid that fifty thousand canais will scare people away, or that they deliberately want to scare people away."

"Why do you want to do this?" I couldn't help but frowned when I dreamed. I thought carefully about what I saw and heard on the road, and nodded in agreement: "It's really suspicious."

"Since I entered this galaxy, I feel strange? It is obvious that there are so many space cities that need to be built for prosperity outside, but the Samuel Valley is so lonely that there is not even a galactic hunter to explore. Isn't it too strange?" He frowned and said: "And when I came to the plasma galaxy for the first time, I heard a cosmic person who had a relationship say that one of his companions disappeared in the Samuel Valley a hundred years ago, proving that it was still a hundred years ago. Someone is missing here. If this is really just an ordinary valley, how can anyone be missing?"

"Is there a problem?" Musashi looked around carefully, but he didn't find any abnormality after watching for a long time. It was just an ordinary valley.

"It's weird because it's okay." When Xingye murmured, his pupils had turned golden, and he looked at the surrounding trees and scanned it around and found nothing unusual.

The three of Xingye walked several kilometers forward~www.NovelMTL.com~ and attacked a few trees with laser guns irregularly along the way, but they still didn't find anything. Everything was normal.

Xingye stopped, and had already walked five or six kilometers and found nothing, so no matter how far you go, you won't find anything. Xingye firmly believes that there must be a problem here, but doesn't know where the problem is.

Xingye slowly turned his neck, and his eyes slowly swept around. Musashi and I did not disturb Xingye in the dream. They stood quietly behind Xingye, watching the surrounding trees vigilantly.

Xingye watched for a long time and then raised his head, looking at the sky that was torn apart by the luxuriant leaves above his head, and staring at the white clouds slowly drifting across the sky. After a long time, Xingye showed a smile on his face and raised his right hand. He took out the silver-white shockwave transmitter.

"Let me see if it's really okay here!" Xingye grabbed the trigger with his right index finger, held the front of the shock wave launcher with his left hand and slid it back and forth, then aimed at the sky and pulled the trigger.

With a sound of "swish!", a beam of light whizzed into the sky, penetrating the layers of white clouds and disappearing.

"Oh, the simulation is very real." Xingye showed a smile on his face, and then said to my dream and Musashi: "There is a problem."

"Did you find anything?" Musashi and I smiled immediately.

"No way, although the simulation is very similar, it's a pity that the shockwave transmitter is my light." Starry night said, putting away the shockwave transmitter, and put her right index finger and **** together on her forehead: "Asuka, let the Firefly number immediately Take off, we are going to make a big news."

"Did you find anything? Got it."

Just after my own light was emitted, it stopped after flying 200 meters, and then disappeared. The beam that continued to fly upward was completely simulated.

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