Even the powerful energy of the special agent gun is unlikely to be effective against those guys. Perhaps the special agent gun was designed to be ineffective against those guys from the beginning. Because the TLT that supplies weapons is actually the guys who rule over humans.

The enemy's overwhelming attack shows no signs of fear. Even they are fighting desperately. If this place is destroyed, humans will be freed from their control. This is tantamount to death for those guys.

However, the detonator used to destroy this place was left about five meters away from the pillar where the two people hid. Now, there has been a terrifying space turned into a torrential rain of laser beams. If you don't have the determination to die, you can't get it.

This is the last battle.

Nishijo Nagi realized this. It is no exaggeration to say that she has been fighting for this day. In the summer when she was nineteen years old, the battle she started after the death of her predecessor Nishijo Nagi was all for this day.

In her mind, the faces of people who have left this world appeared. The mother who was killed by aliens, and "Hiraki Shiori" who is more important than anyone else... I inherited the wishes of the deceased and am fighting at this moment. No matter how desperate the battle is, I will never give up!

She whispered to herself in her heart.

Mom, I am no longer a stupid child...?

Chishu Rei, who continued to shoot beside her, showed an anxious look on her face.

Ikki Komon should be fine, right?

Nishijo Nagi suddenly felt uneasy and opened her personal terminal.

"Ikki Komon, how are you doing?"

"Answer me quickly, Ikki Komon!"

Chishu Rei also shouted loudly to the personal terminal. However, the communication machine remained silent, without any response.

Is it because there is no time to communicate during the battle? Or...

"Ikki Komon..."

Could it be that Ikki Komon was killed by those guys...

Chishu Rei, who was beside Nishijo Nagi with tears in her eyes, was silent and said nothing.

He recalled the girl with green eyes. That day, he failed to protect the girl. Facing her gradually fading life, I still feel powerless in the end.

Qian Shulian made a vow in front of the girl's grave.

I have never thought of this to anyone again.

I have never regretted it again. Qian Shulian's eyes reflected the detonator left in the storm-like laser beam.

He did not hesitate. The time to gamble his life has come, now!


Qian Shulian turned around and rushed to the detonator with all his strength. The fierce laser beam burned his back mercilessly.

"Qian Shulian!"

Qian Shulian gritted his teeth. Feeling the pain as if his body was pierced. Even so, he picked up the box with the detonator and rushed back behind the pillar with all his strength.

Qian Shulian, who was having difficulty breathing, only heard the girl's cheerful and comfortable singing in her mind...

At this time, the movements of the light ball monsters stopped, and Qian Shulian and Nishijo Nagi felt an unprecedented huge vibration. Even the ceiling was blown away by this vibration. Qian Shulian and Nishijo Nagi looked up at the sky in shock, where they saw the giant...


In the garden of the three so-called gods, Himeya Jun transformed into a silver-black giant, and the bright light tore everything in it apart, leaving only a faint green light and a raging fire.

The huge explosion caused by this tore the empty ground apart, and the giant appeared from the red lotus flames. He easily flipped his body in the air and landed on the shaking ground.

After Himeya Jun gently put Ikki Komon and Riko Saita, who were protected in his fist, on the ground, his bright eyes keenly patrolled the surroundings.

Where is the enemy?

Jun Himeya was looking for the invisible challenger. In the vast forest by Lake Nochu, he could not see the enemy firing the flame bomb. He could only feel the murderous aura like a knife, so sharp that it seemed to cut his body.

At this time, the lake was swaying with colorful lights on the water. The time for the door to the parallel world to open was imminent, and the invaders who ruled this world would soon launch a new round of invasion. Before this nightmare becomes a reality, they must be eliminated.

Save this world.

Although he did not even understand why he had the power to transform into this giant, he had to save the world by himself. This strong sense of mission, which was almost like a compulsion, ignited the fire in his heart again, and it burned in his heart without changing.

Jun Himeya, who turned into a giant, looked around cautiously.

The invisible enemy was somewhere. No doubt the enemy was wrapped in camouflage and became transparent, trying to take their lives. It was impossible to predict from which direction the attack would come. Although Jun Himeya was driven by anxiety, he also tried his best to make his nerves sharp.


The ground cracked nearby. Here it comes! The moment he wanted to turn his body there, the glittering silk threads from three directions swirled around the giant at lightning speed.

Oh no, I can't move my body!

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, three spider monsters materialized. The monsters surrounded the silver-black giant and shot strong energy lines from their mouths to tie him up.

The spiders fired fire bombs continuously, hitting the giant who was desperately resisting.


There was no place to escape, and the fire bombs hit the giant one after another. Under the endless onslaught, the giant couldn't help but let out a miserable wail.

Severe pain as if his body was about to be broken hit him, but even so, the threads that tied his body tightly did not move his compassion.

The spiders' attacks stopped. The red giant sighed feebly and lowered his head in exhaustion.

However, spiders have no emotions.

They jumped toward the silver-black giant as if they were about to hit him.

Their bodies soar through the air. Following the movement, the giant's body was forcefully pulled high into the sky.

When only dots were visible from the ground, they began to spin at super high speeds. Dazzling light flashed in the dark sky. After a while, there was a sound of something exploding.

Then the spiders suddenly pulled away from the thread that bound the giant. With nothing to do, the giant fell from a height of several hundred meters and hit the ground heavily like a meteorite. The roar that shook the earth spread all around, and a large amount of sand flew into the air.


The groaning sound stopped, and the giant body that could not move was left with only a faint light and disappeared without a trace...

Is the giant going to be defeated...?

Qianshu Lian stared blankly at the fallen silver-black giant. A memory suddenly appeared in his mind, a memory lingering with pure white light.

When he was on a mission at that time, Qianshu Rei actually didn't remember having such an experience at all, but such memories appeared in his mind.

As soon as he arrived at the after-sales service at the mission location, a strong odor penetrated his nostrils and went straight to his brain. Qianshu Rei, who got off the car, couldn't help but wrinkled his face and instantly noticed the people around him who were screaming and running around. The crowd, the half-eaten building by some giant monster, the secret agent's mission, the loan for the new car that was about to be paid, etc., were forgotten in the sky.

"What the hell, this stink..."

My head was dizzy, and it felt like the rotten household garbage that had been sitting there for a whole year was suddenly dumped from my head. Although it was a rare opportunity to be surrounded by the aroma of a new car and make a grand debut, all my efforts were in vain.

"A huge creature has appeared in the β area. Everyone nearby, please evacuate quickly."

Chisuki Rei, who covered his mouth and nose with the sleeves of his windbreaker, had a monitor screen projecting a woman's face suspended over his head. The dissonance between his calm tone and the chaos around him was even a little ridiculous.

Oops, the starry sky is so beautiful but...

He shook his head. Chisuki Rei, who was immersed in sentimentality, was caressed by a nasty feeling. This intuition of feeling that something was coming was the first ability he mastered after becoming an agent.

It seemed that the evacuation was over and there was no one around. "Click, click, click, click," came the sound of a huge thing moving on the ground, and Qianshu Rei's feet were shaking like an earthquake. Then, the sound immediately stopped nearby.

Chisuki Rei slowly turned his head back while putting on an expression that said, "It's over now."

The face of the giant rat stared here from the corner of the street, motionless as if it was about to be eaten clean.

Although it can be called a mouse, it already has a terrifying size and ferocious temperament, but it can only be called a mouse. On the face covered with dark body hair, only the eyes are shining and focused on Chisuki Rei. . It feels like it was born just to bite the enemy to death. The mouth with exposed teeth is drooling like a waterfall.

With a chirp and white breath coming out of his mouth, Qianju Rei almost figured out the cause of the stench surrounding him, the prisoners who were biting the building, and the enemies he should defeat.

The confrontation did not last long. The monster made a sharp sound, then shook the ground, and rushed towards Qianju Rei and the new car.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Qian Shurei opened his mouth wide, then hurriedly turned around and headed towards the narrow alley. The next moment, the monster passed through the street at the speed of a train. When he opened his closed eyes, his new car was no longer there. After a while, it fell from the sky with a bang. It was upside down and the car body was flattened. It was undoubtedly scrapped.

"Here, this damn beast, give me my new car...!"

Chisuki Rei, whose voice was trembling as he calculated the remaining loan amount in an instant, pulled out his secret agent gun.

Absolutely can't spare it!

A huge face suddenly approached Rei Chiju who ran out bravely. It was less than ten meters away from the mouth showing its fangs.

Am I going to die?


Qianshu Rei ignored the sweat on his forehead and pointed the gun straight at the monster.

Ha, before I die, I will have a good play with this beast...

At this moment, a dazzling red light illuminated the surrounding area. He covered his eyes subconsciously. The rat-shaped monster also shook its body in pain.

The light disappeared. He found a silver-black giant standing there.


The silver-black giant faced the monster head-on, assuming a strong fighting stance.

Seeing an enemy of the same size as itself, the mouse roared and rushed forward. It rushed towards the giant's chest like an arrow.

The giant took his time and clenched his fist to meet the approaching behemoth. The mouse was bounced back, squeaking and knocking down the building.

"News came from the β region that giant creatures are rampant. The silver-black giant has reappeared and is now fighting with the giant creatures. Dear viewers, please take a look at this situation."

The floating monitor shows the desperate fight between the silver-black giant and the mouse.

The mouse was thrown out by the giant's strong arm and crashed into the building again. The fragments of the building hit Qian Shulian's car perfectly, and the final result was that the car was turned into nothing.


Damn, I can't just watch like this. If I leave it all to that giant, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the agent?

Qian Shulian's hand holding the gun rekindled and he ran out.

It seems that the mouse is on guard to avoid being captured by the giant, and it is running around him quickly. If this continues, the damage to the city will become more and more serious.

"Hey! I'll stop this guy! You are responsible for knocking it down!"

Qian Shulian was already opposite the giant when he came to his senses, and he shouted loudly.

The silver-black giant turned his face towards this place, and it felt like he nodded in agreement.

He pointed the special agent gun at the mouse's round eyeball. He concentrated his mind on one point and pulled the trigger.

The flying energy heat block twisted the air and pierced the eyeball.

Unable to bear the pain, the monster screamed and rolled around in the gap between the buildings.

"Take advantage of now!"

As if responding to Qian Shulian's words, the giant made a cross with his hands, and with a "boom", the giant's body was filled with energy, and then the light from the cross of the giant's hands was aimed directly at the mouse. The surroundings were illuminated by the light of day. In the light, the mouse's dying wail came.

Then, a big explosion occurred.


Qian Shulian took a victory pose without thinking.

After confirming that the mouse had been eliminated, the silver-black giant flew high into the sky, and then disappeared on the other side of the starry sky...

Ah, yes, this giant... I once fought side by side with him, his name is...





The sudden memory of Ikki Komon not only appeared in himself, but also Nagi Nishijo who was standing beside him also "saw" a similar experience. They all remembered the light called "Nexus". They remembered that they had been connected with this light because of all the memories that seemed to not exist. Now they realized that this light needed their help!

So, in the next second, the Essence Messenger who was about to breathe a sigh of relief saw with a dark face that Nexus, who had been controlled by him, obtained the light power of the other two "protagonists" who should have died, and stood up again.

This made the Essence Messenger almost bite his teeth. What is this thing? What is this thing? The degraded version of Noah's Light can actually toss so many moths. It is simply unbearable. If the main body sees this memory, I am afraid that it will be disgusted with itself and want to wipe itself out directly.

Therefore, it is necessary to take down this Nexus ruthlessly and take away all the Light of Nexus. No matter what, this mistake cannot continue to stay!

Thinking of this, the Essence Messenger began to use the same trick again, infinitely strengthening the three monsters in his own script.

But at this time, he noticed something was wrong, because the Essence Messenger was realizing that he was losing all control over this script, and even he himself began to be unable to get out of this script.

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