As for these two people, they turned a corner in the corridor and were still a little way from the designated interception point. The two people who realized this nodded.

But at that moment, the silent white orb monster floated close to their backs.

They were unaware of this.

The eyes of the sphere glowed strangely.


Ikki couldn't help but make a sound, but his voice couldn't be transmitted. He could only watch the rays emitted from the sphere. The woman screamed and fell down, and then the sphere continued to emit rays again...

Saijo! pity!

Gumen Yihui screamed in grief in his heart.

"How is it?"

"They will soon be eliminated by us."

The three of them, Gumon Ikki, returned to the French courtyard and found that they were sweating all over their bodies.

What a terrible guy.

The three of them realized this again, and they didn't care about killing people. I don't think of humans as human beings at all, I definitely just think of them as leeks or something.

"For those of us who have followed the history of the expanding universe, people like you are like the dust of the universe."

"Things like resisting us are in vain from the beginning."

"How's it going? You're in despair!"

Hearing these words, Gumon Yihui and the other three couldn't help but lower their heads. Indeed, we humans are tiny and powerless beings, and we may have no chance of winning. Even if there is a chance of winning, it is probably very small.


They are still alive. Human beings are still alive now. Human beings...even if they fall down, they still have the strength to get up!


Ji Yajun answered decisively.


"Why don't you despair when you are forced to this point?"

"Why don't you give up and move forward?"

They were still expressionless, but the words they spoke were filled with the smell of gunpowder.

"By the way, I want to ask you a question."

"It's just to ask this question that I summoned you here."

"That's not an exaggeration."

They stared at Saki motionlessly with their doll-like pupils.

"Now, the earth has become a paradise for mankind."

"That's exactly what we do."

"In this world, you can live without thinking about anything."

"I will provide you with a steady stream of information."

"Human beings can celebrate this eternal prosperity with us."

"If you don't do anything unnecessary."

"But you want to know the inside of this social system."

"But you are trying to dismantle this social system."


"Why are you dissatisfied with this society?"

"No doubt."

"As long as you can live a stable life, that's fine."

"Obviously if you do this, your life will be safe forever."

"Why do you want to know the truth regardless of danger?"

"What is the so-called truth that you still want to get to this point?"

"Why so,"

"Pursuing the truth?"

The three people's gazes were directed at Ikki and the others like knives, but it was Ji Yajun who answered first. He said:

"That's because human beings are creatures that after seeing a mountain, they will think about what is on the other side of it."

Ji Yaquan's voice was firm.

"Humans are such creatures that they leave the safety of the forest because they can't stand the burning desire to explore."

Ji Yazhun stared at the three people and the "truth" of the world in front of him with bright eyes.

The apes who left the forest undoubtedly embarked on a road full of suffering.

The storm that violently beats the body, the hungry beasts, the food that is gradually running out, I don’t know how many times I have regretted leaving the safety of the forest.

However, it never gives up.

Aiming only at the "truth" of the world ahead, it keeps walking.

Then, at that moment, it was this ape that started the history of mankind.


"do not understand."

"Sure enough, human thinking is incomprehensible."

"Indeed it is."

A hearty smile appeared on Gumen Yihui's face.

"How can you possibly understand?"

A man's eyebrows seemed to be twitching and moving.

Yes, it's strange that these guys understand.

"Now, it's almost time to end the conversation."

"Time is up."

"You must die."

Facing the three people who declared this, Gumon Yihui said with a calm smile.


"I'm proud to live like a human being until the day I die."

Gu Menyi waved and saw clearly that the man frowned.

"Why has the fear of death that existed until just now disappeared?"

"Incomprehensible. Leave this human alone and destroy it."

"Yes, eliminate..."

The last words could not be heard clearly in the consciousness surrounded by fuzzy smoke.

Alas, I really have to quit now...

Even the French garden is no longer visible. Everything disappeared from Gumon Ikki's body. Everything is gone.

However, even if we tear it off, human beings will not give up. Human beings will definitely stand up again.

Human beings have a strong heart that can get up no matter how desperate they are. Have the strength to overcome adversity and survive. These are what those guys are missing.

Thinking of this, Gu Menyi waved a peaceful smile on his face and slowly closed his eyes.

Then, as if melting, I fell into a warm and beautiful dreamland.

Finally finished.

Looking at the three people who completed the script, the Prime Messenger couldn't help but let out a breath. These capable people are really capable of tossing. After all, they are the degraded version of Noah's Light. But it is precisely in this way that there is no need to treat them. The meaning of hunting, let me come now....

Um! ?

Just when the Prime Messenger was about to extract the Light of Nexus, he suddenly discovered something. Even when Yuan Subaru saw this surprise, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Because in the world of the script that is about to dissipate, in the body that has lost its life and future, a terrifying power of will burst out.

It was Ji Yajun, this dead man, beyond everyone's imagination, stood up again. Although he was shaky, he was also full of tenacity...

Why pursue the truth so much? To this question, Ji Yaquan will definitely give the same answer no matter when.

"The ancestors of us humans are just apes. What do you think is the Chu-He-Han boundary that divides apes and humans?"

Ji Yaquan still remembers that at that time, he said to the latter with a confused face with his head tilted, as before, with a straight face:

"Apes live in the forest. There is plenty of food to survive in the forest. As long as you stay in the forest, you can guarantee a comfortable life for the rest of your life. The apes don't need to care about anything outside the forest and live peacefully.

But one day, an ape had a sudden idea. From the tall trees, you can see the mountains in the distance. What is there on the other side of this mountain? That is the intense thirst for knowledge that is almost burning. The apes, unable to suppress their curiosity, abandoned the safety of the forest and embarked on a journey to the mountains. This ape is regarded as a fool by his companions. but--

"That ape is our ancestor."

"We humans have a thirst for knowledge to pursue the truth without fear of danger. It is the endless spirit of exploration...that makes us human. Like the apes in the forest, living a life that stops thinking, I am It can’t be done.”

When saying this, Ji Ya stared straight ahead with stern eyes.

That firm gaze fascinated his junior. Like a child who is fascinated by the beautiful starry sky, she stared at him with gleaming eyes, and then ended with a sigh...

He wanted to record the truth with the camera in his hand, and always had a piercing gaze. Ji Ya must be such a man. Those eyes were always fixed on something else in the distance.

Today, he encountered many strange things, whether it was the underground paradise or the solitary Ikki who claimed to be an agent and his lover Riko Saita. These were too exciting for the curious Ji Yajun. Never in his life had he thought that something like this would happen.

But there is no doubt that they are people who have questions about the world and want to expose the truth.

And, they were lucky enough to encounter the final answer, but they were also unlucky because when they got the answer, they were about to die.

Ah, that underground paradise is a microcosm of the entire human race.

Ah, human beings are just playthings in the hands of cosmic beings.

What a sad answer.


Is humanity really about to collapse in response to such a sad answer?

Ji Yazhun didn't know what other people were thinking, but he himself didn't want to see such a disgusting paradise again. He didn't care what the background of these cosmic people was, and he definitely didn't want these bastards. Go to other planets to create new destruction.

So, who should stop them? Ji Yazhun didn't know, but he felt that he should stand up, even if his power was insignificant, even if his existence was so insignificant in front of these monsters who claimed to be gods.

However, what if there is one less person in this world who takes the lead in standing up? What if his death can inspire others? What if his standing up can let these cosmic people see the backbone of human beings...

Ji Yaquan's head was in chaos, and he felt like he was about to be immersed in darkness, but there was a voice in his heart that kept shouting, and a faint light was flashing.

Fortunately, he caught it at the last moment of death.

And the Prime Messenger, who was sweating profusely and desperately trying to wrap Ji Yazhun with silk threads, looked at the dead body, and his chest lit up——



the other side.

The laser beams were continuously emitted, crackling and scorching the floor. Each blue flash emitted illuminated thousands of chattering monitor screens around it, where images from surveillance monitors collected from all over the world were projected.

The world's information is concentrated here and managed uniformly.

The center where those guys control humans is this facility.

With their backs to the pillar, the two agents Rei Chishu and Nagi Saijo were desperately fighting against the enemy's attack.

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