E said painfully, red and warm blood seeping into the ground.

"Instead of calling someone, why don't you stay with me... okay?"

"What are you talking about..."

Saijo Nagi bit his lip, tears falling down.

"It took a lot of effort for me to meet you, and it wasn't long before I met you... How is that possible? There are so many things I have to learn from my sister, right? So please, stay alive. Go down!"

Nagi Saijo hugged the little sister tightly, why do the things I want to hold tightly always slip from my hands and disappear without a trace... Nagi Saijo can't bear this grief.

"Look at you, don't cry."

E gently put his hand on Saijo Nagi's head.

"Even if you are alone, you are considered a perfect agent. There is nothing that would make you feel uneasy."

"E, I still don't understand it..."

Saijo Nagi's tears mixed with E's blood.

"That child... Sayuri, she just said 'goodbye' to me before she was hit. She looked so lonely."

Sayuri should have resisted, but she did nothing.

In addition, the person who fired the bullet and injured E was not an alien, but a fellow human being.

"I have no idea what to protect or what to believe. I have been trying to become an adult like my sister. But, it is really impossible to catch up with my sister..."

"It's okay, just live your life in your own way. Just believe in what you believe in. Your heart that believes in others will one day be able to save someone."

"...Will there really be such a day?"

"Yeah. Definitely."

E's words seemed to make people believe it for some reason. Saijo Nagi believed what she said.

"Is that okay? From tomorrow on, you will inherit my name and become E."


"Look at it, I'll give this to you."

E took out the silver box from his pocket and put it in Saijo Nagi's hand.

"Have a piece."

Afterwards, the young lady and Nagi Saijo ate chocolate one after another. Uncontrollable tears fell again.

"The new E, I will give you the first task."

The young lady said with a smile.

"Don't cry anymore..."

"As commanded."

Saijo Nagi replied cheerfully. Then Saijo Nagi asked.

"Can I ask you one last thing?"


"Tell me, E's real name."

Saijo Nagi said embarrassedly. The young lady hesitated for a long time and whispered the name to Saijo Nagi in a serious voice——

"Shiori Hiraki."

Under the sky full of stars, E quietly closed her eyes.


Saijo Nagi put away the memories of the past and looked at the figure not far away. It was Rei Chisuki. Was he the helper Ikki had recruited?

After checking the code, Saijo Nagi handed the weapon into Rei Chisuki's hand and said in a solemn voice:

"Let me ask, why did you come here to help that idiot to fight against the entire TLT?"


Qianshu Rei tilted his head, and seemed to think about it seriously, and then said softly:

"Let's just trust him. Senior, he is quite reliable. As long as he is not crazy, he can still be trusted."

"Trust, it's really interesting. Let's go, get ready for war."


"Hey, can I ask you something?"

Rei Qianju, who leaned his small body against the pillar, suddenly asked a question.

"E, can you tell me your real name?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden? It's like you don't know that the agent wants to erase your real name?"

Saijo Nagi said in a panic as he recalled old things.

"Now that we've fallen into this situation, why do we care about being an agent or not? I really want to know. Just tell me."

Saijo Nagi was impressed by the enthusiasm of Rei Chiju and replied:

"Nagi Saijo, my name is Nagi Saijo."

That's right, Nagi Saijo became E on the day his predecessor E died. Did the girl on that day become an adult properly? Saijo Nagi doesn’t even know this.

Before dawn, Nagi Saijo hugged E like he was hugging his knees. Soon the agents rushed over. According to E’s previous instructions, I was soon officially recognized as an agent of TLT.

From then on, I was like that E, wearing a black trench coat and fighting against the invaders, in order to protect mankind and for what I believed in.

Saijo Nagi didn't know whether this was the right thing to do. However, Saijo Nagi thought this would be good. Because he worked so hard, he was dubbed "the most extreme martial artist"...but that's fine too.

And now, Saijo Nagi and Chishu Rei are in the final battlefield.

This place is equivalent to the center, in other words the heart, where those guys manipulate intelligence to rule mankind. If this place is attacked, everything those guys have built so far will be in vain. In this way, mankind can get rid of it, and I don’t know. Unconsciously reduced to a slave status.

The bombs used to destroy this place can be set up in front of them. However, neither Nagi Saijo nor Rei Chisuki has the physical strength to escape from this place.

“We will definitely see you again”

After making such an agreement, we and Gumon Ikki split into two groups. However, it seems to be poisonous milk.

We knew what to do.

At this moment, Qian Shulian held the switch of the bomb firmly in her hand.

At this moment, the large number of monsters surrounding us burst into flames at the same time, and the explosion occurred. The ceiling collapsed with crackling sounds. This sound sounded like the dying screams of those guys to us.

It was Ikki Komon! Saijo Nagi was sure that Ikki Komon and Riko Saida who went to Lake Nozhu had completed their mission.

‘Your heart that believes in others will save someone one day’

I remembered what Sister E said, I believe in Ikki Komon, he can do it, I really didn’t misjudge him, Saijo Nagi said to herself in her heart.

Thank you, Sister E.

Saijo Nagi reached into her pocket and touched the chocolate box. This gave her a little sense of security. It was passed from Sister E’s lover to Sister E. And then from Sister E, it was passed to me.

The memory of chocolate was passed on well. I am not fighting alone.

Nishijo Nagi opened the chocolate box and took out one. Then, Chishu Rei also took one.

The two put the chocolate into their mouths and smiled naturally. Even if they died here, it would not be the end. The memories here are like this chocolate. There is no doubt that someone will take it and pass it on.

Yes, that must be the case.

Nishijo Nagi and Chishu Rei looked at each other and reached out to the bomb switch.

The chocolate was sweet... but a little bitter...

"Success, success, success, success!"

After Nishijo Nagi and Chishu Rei finished the "script", the green silk thread completely tied them up. The original messenger who controlled the big hand laughed wildly and began to close the net, intending to extract the light of Nexus from the bodies of these fit people.

However, just as the thread passed over Nagi Nishijo and Rei Chiki and pulled Ikki Komon, an accident occurred. Ikki Komon, who had given up struggling, appeared in the accident. The Essence Messenger peeked over and actually...


How is this possible?

A series of question marks appeared in the Essence Messenger's head. He began to try to look back at the past script and found that Ikki Komon, who sank into the water, was found by his girlfriend Riko Saita and brought to the shore. In the sound of the call, he woke up and got rid of the shackles. He regarded the possession of the giant as a dream and forgot it.

No, is this reasonable?

For the first time, the Essence Messenger began to doubt his ability. It stands to reason that his ability is unlikely to have an accident because of this. When will the power of human heart break through the distortion of the Essence? They are just two humans, not a group of humans!

I can't figure it out. I really can't figure it out.

But no matter what, now this human couple has broken through the "script", this won't work, we have to find a way to get them back in our hands.

Thinking of this, the Essence Messenger once again activated his ability, but if this Essence Messenger kept staring at Ikki Komon, he would see that when Riko Saita touched Ikki Komon, a pure white light flashed in the body of this human woman, and the light turned into silk threads, changing the original "script" into a completely different appearance.

On the other side, Ikki Komon and Riko Saita were continuing to avoid TLT's pursuit. Ikki Komon and the two came to Qian Shulian's former shelter, but this place could only last for a very short time.

At this time, Ikki Komon remembered that there seemed to be a huge ancient tunnel network under this street. According to legend, in the past, when a large-scale war broke out in the world, a huge tunnel was built to allow national dignitaries to escape from the city that was attacked by air strikes. However, after the war, the tunnel was abandoned and the insider was gone.

If I hadn't checked some more things in TLT when I helped Qian Shulian build this shelter, he wouldn't have known it himself.

In this case, he could only go to this underground tunnel network. No matter what, only by staying alive can he continue to fight against those monsters and save the world!

Speaking of which, Ikki Komon couldn't help but remember that when he was looking up this information, a colleague came to chat with him and said that the information in this world was controlled by the government. In the eyes of the public, what would the so-called government be?

Ikki Komon didn't think much at the time, but just answered calmly that he didn't know. The colleague then said to himself:

The government and the like don't actually exist. Those who control us in secret are not humans but other things. They are not in the sight of the eyes, but they are controlling humans underground. There is a blocked tunnel network in this city. Do you know? That road connects their base, but it seems that no one who can go through hardships to reach there has ever existed--

How did you know?

Ikki Komon asked curiously, and the colleague in pure white smiled and answered softly:

"So, whether you believe it or not is up to you."

Then, Ikki Komon set off on his way home with a confused feeling as if he had been teased by a fox fairy.

Afterwards, friends who heard this story laughed and said that they might be dreaming. Even Ikki Komon felt that he might be dreaming, and tilted his head in confusion.

However, when he really walked in this tunnel, Ikki Komon felt that it might not be a dream. Since before, the road has been extending downwards, and the sense of time has been paralyzed. He has no way to estimate how far he and Lizi have walked. He just feels that there is something in the depths. He has to think that it may lead to hell. Even if it is the nest of the ruler of this world, he will not be surprised.

At this time, Ikki Komon heard a whirring sound beside his ears, and Lizi Saida felt that the weak wind was caressing her skin.

Here it comes again. The wind I felt when I came in was indeed blowing from the tunnel. At first, I took the wind inside as a signal that this road leads to the outside, but it seems not right. It feels like the wind is blowing from a place deeper than the underground. That is contrary to natural phenomena and it is impossible. What is ahead...

Rustle, rustle, rustle, rustle...

Ikki Komon and Riko Saita stopped at the same time. Their ears caught some other sounds, which made them alert immediately, worrying about what to do if the enemy chased them.

But at this moment, in the swaying lights, a man rushed out. The man was in a mess and had blood on his body, but there was no doubt that he was just an ordinary person, more like a cameraman, because he was holding a camera tightly in his hand.

Jun Himeya?

Seeing this scene, the Essence Messenger fell into silence again. In his script, Jun Himeya should have died long ago. Why did he appear here? This was completely out of the scope of the script!

And in the dark, Subaru was also a little surprised, because he really hadn't had time to interfere with Jun Himeya. In other words, Jun Himeya relied on his own strength to struggle until now.

In the tunnel, after Ikki Komon and Jun Himeya exchanged information with each other vigilantly, they gradually let down their guard and prepared to walk together. The former wanted to see what was at the end of the tunnel, and the latter wanted to use the power of Ikki Komon and Riko Saita to make everything in the camera public, because Jun Himeya was too tired and he didn't think he could walk out of the tunnel.

So, the three of them continued to move forward in silence, but Riko Saita had an accident, and the ground where she should have stepped did not appear.

Her body fell into the void, and Ikki Komon and Jun Himeya subconsciously wanted to hold Riko Saita, but they didn't hold her, as if there was a huge force that pulled her down.

Just like that, in the dark and deep, unknown darkness that extended to who knows where, the three people kept falling.

When Ikki Komon, Jun Himeya, and Riko Saita woke up again, they found themselves in a green French garden.

There were well-trimmed green hedges around it, and white, yellow, and orange flowers were blooming in its garden. Those flowers were still in their prime, and on the symmetrical central axis, where the axis extended forward, there was a magnificent mansion.

This landscape is indeed perfect. If it is regarded as the composition of the painting, it has achieved an ideal layout. The beauty of the flat geometric garden is flawlessly reflected. However...

This garden is too beautiful.

It is too perfect. Such scenery cannot exist in reality. Therefore, the three people who saw this scenery would feel disgusted. Venus is beautiful because of her missing arms, but this garden is Venus with intact arms. This overly perfect beauty is far beyond the range that humans can accept, and the beauty beyond the range makes people crazy.

"Hey, someone is coming."

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