Then, as if to end this memory, the chocolate box was slowly closed.

"I forgot to mention that the other agents will soon kill Reiji Ichijo."

Saijo Nagi was shocked. A smiling face appeared in front of his eyes.

"Eh? But the result is not yet..."

"The TLT doesn't seem to want to wait anymore. At the same time, maybe they are invading. Can't wait for the exact information."

Saijo Nagi made up his mind.

Sure enough, you can only rely on your own eyes to confirm the truth.

Late at night, Saijo Nagi stood in front of Ichijo's mansion.

You must never act on your own initiative - recalling E's words made me feel a little sad. Hidden in Saijo Nagi's belt was the secret agent energy gun borrowed from E without permission.

Unfortunately, this is something that Saijo Nagi must do. Saijo Nagi's goal is to become an agent to protect people's lives. Saijo Nagi couldn't do anything like turning a blind eye to ordinary people being killed. And...if her father dies, what should Sayuri rely on to survive?

That kind of thing must never happen.

Searching Ichijo's house, if no sign of the invader is found, let them escape for their lives, this is what Saijo Nagi thought.

Invading the mansion can be easily accomplished by stepping through the door. During the day, Saijo Nagi just happily went to a tea party or something, which was hard to even think about. Saijo Nagi carefully checked the weak points of the security. Then, the password was confirmed.

Saijo Nagi entered through the entrance hall openly.

The room was shrouded in darkness and there was no sound. Saijo Nagi tiptoed into the corridor. When he visited during the day, there was something he cared about.

Saijo Nagi groped his way to a metal door. Only this door was new and unnatural compared to other places. If Saijo Nagi thought there was anything, it would be here.

With a push of his hand, the door opened quietly. Behind the door, in the bottomless darkness, there were steps leading to the underground. Nagi Saijo held the flashlight steady with his hand and carefully walked down one step after another.

Nagi Saijo thought about what Sayuri should do if Ichijo was an alien. Her mother is gone, and her father is gone too. How can such a weak girl survive?

OK, it's okay.

Saijo Nagi shook his head. Even Saijo Nagi lives like this. You have to risk your life to protect what you want to protect... right, mom.

‘Yes, that’s it. ’

In a daze, Saijo Nagi seemed to hear her mother's voice, which made her go on even more determinedly.

But what Nagi Saijo didn't see, and what he couldn't see, was that above her, a huge green energy palm was suspended above the house, spreading dense threads to the whole world. Hime Yajun, Gumon Ikki, Qian Shu Lian has been entangled like a doll.

At this time, on Saijo Nagi's body, the turquoise silk threads also began to climb up her limbs. Perhaps when the winding is completed, the purpose of this pure messenger will be achieved.

In this regard, the Prime Messenger was very excited, so excited that even his big hands were trembling slightly. Among the Nexus capable people on this planet, the only one left now is Saijo Nagi. As long as this Saijo Nagi does what he wants. When the modified 'script' reaches the end, the light of Nexus in her body will also become part of the original energy. As long as this energy is assimilated, maybe a breakthrough point can be found, so that the main body can target Sexual confrontation with Noah!

However, what the Prime Messenger failed to discover was that there was also a figure standing behind it. It was Yuan Subaru. This child was carefully observing the actions of the Prime Messenger, and the pure white light in his palm was also It's shaking slightly, and seems to be learning something from the comparison...

Saijo Nagi reached the bottom of the steps, where there was a door with a faint light coming from the gap.

Suddenly Saijo Nagi became nervous and his heart was beating fast.

Saijo Nagi told himself that no matter what he encountered, he would never be unconscious again in this life. With his sweaty hands, Saijo Nagi tightened the gun in his pocket, bit his lip, and opened the door.

Then, Saijo Nagi felt dizzy.

There was a huge disc there, and Nagi Saijou seemed to have suddenly collapsed there. However, Nagi Saijou desperately stood up and scanned the vast underground space. Inexplicable machines spread like plants, and others. A black disk is placed in the center.

Sure enough, Ichijo is an alien!

"What are you doing there?"

Suddenly, Ichijo appeared from behind the machine, and Saijo Nagi immediately raised his gun.

"Don't move!"

"Hey, stop messing around, who are you?"

"You've been lying to Sayuri this whole time!"

Saijo Nagi's body seemed to be engulfed by the burning fire in his heart.

"NO, I have not."

"Shut up!"

Saijo Nagi realized that he was pulling the trigger, and then he fell down clutching his feet.

I obviously trust you so much, I obviously trust you so much...

Saijo Nagi allowed his anger to control his body and attacked the surrounding machinery with his gun. An unknown device broke. Along with the sound of cracking, the surroundings were surrounded by flames, like hell.

"Please stop."

Suddenly there was a voice that seemed to emanate a chill. Saijo Nagi turned around and saw the figure of a girl shining like the sunrise in the flames. It was Sayuri.

"You made a mistake."

Sayuri's expression twitched, but she still spoke without moving.

"Please take a look at Father."

One is covering his feet, his face is twisted in pain, and the color of the blood flowing from his feet is...


Saijo Nagi noticed that Ichijo's blood was undoubtedly human blood.

"Father is from Earth!"


Sayuri peeled off the band-aid wrapped around her finger. There was still a trace of the injury from the kitchen knife, a blue scar.

"I'm sorry for not telling you yet, but I'm an alien."

This time, Saijo Nagi seemed to be really about to faint.

"...Did you lie to your father?"

"No, there is no deception or anything like that. Father has known that I am a cosmic person from the beginning."

"Know? So, you are knowingly assisting the invaders? Why? Why?"

Saijo Nagi shouted at Ichijo, which she couldn't understand at all.

"My wife and daughter both died in the accident..."

Ichijo said groaningly.

"When I returned to China, the two of them were no longer in this world. I thought it was pointless to live in such a world anymore, so I decided to die. But at that time Sayuri came back..."

"That's not your daughter, is it an alien?"

"Even so, it's okay. Sayuri is very good to me. She gave me the courage to live again. Thanks to her, I..."

"Are new energies also taught by aliens?"

"That's right."

Sayuri nodded into the fire.

"Father, you did a great job."

"Are you crazy!"

Saijo Nagi shouted, she felt like she couldn't bear it anymore.

"No, I feel very happy..."

"As Father said, we put the happiness of humanity on this planet first."

Sayuri said, with the innocence of a girl remaining on her face.

"The earth is getting worse and worse due to human relations. If it continues like this, it will be destroyed. If it were our advanced civilization, that kind of thing would not happen. Moreover, just like what happened when I met my father, Even you can meet your mother, how about it?”

She tilted her head and peered at Saijo Nagi with her round pupils.

Saijo Nagi suddenly stopped thinking. The word kept echoing.


"Don't fall for her."

At this time, a sharp sound sounded in Saijo Nagi's ears.

Standing in the entrance door was a dark figure holding a gun.


Saijo Nagi blurted out, seemingly about to shed tears of joy.

"So I said you must never act on your own initiative. Thank God, I installed a transmitter on you. Okay? Don't be fooled. Once these guys invade the earth, they will enslave mankind. This child has not been resurrected. . It’s just an alien mimicry.”

E pointed the gun at Sayuri.

"Come on, shoot!"

Saijo Nagi pointed the gun at Sayuri like a conditioned reflex and said in a solemn voice:

"...I trusted you so much, and you cheated on me."

Sayuri's eyes seemed to reveal a sad look, and she said:

"What are you talking about? Aren't you the one who lied to me? You concealed the fact that you are an agent's subordinate to get close to me. Don't you understand? Even if I am a human, I can't change anything."

"Don't be fooled by her!"

E shouted.

"You have to shoot, otherwise you won't be able to cross this threshold. Aren't you determined to protect everyone?"


Until just now, Saijo Nagi wanted to protect the girl standing in front of him, but...

"Honey, don't shoot."

The girl looked at Nagi Saijo with pleading eyes.

"I am indeed an alien. But aren't you and I true friends?"

Saijo Nagi's hand holding the gun trembled. Saijo Nagi wants to take this child...

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Happy time spent with Sayuri...I...


Saijo Nagi pulled the trigger.

Before being hit, the girl looked at Saijo Nagi and muttered something to herself lonelyly. Sayuri's body slowly disintegrated on the ground.

The girl, no, the alien, gurglingly turned into blue foam and dissolved.

"Hey, run away."

The flames unconsciously occupied almost all the space.

E grabbed the hand of Nagi Saijo, who was standing there in despair, and said.

At that moment, there was a loud noise that ripped through the air, and E fell down clutching his chest.

At some point, Ichijo was crawling on the floor with a pistol.


"...It doesn't matter, let's go."

Saijo Nagi supported E's body and walked towards the stairs with the open door.

Saijo Nagi looked back at one point. He was holding the blue foam in his arms and kept calling his daughter's name, "Sayuri, Sayuri, Sayuri..."

After walking up the steps, the mansion was completely engulfed in flames. Saijo Nagi searched for a gap in the smoke and tried his best to leave the courtyard. From the outside, such a heavy mansion fell apart as fragile as a matchbox.

"I'll call someone!"

After placing E horizontally, Saijo Nagi wanted to run to call someone.

"No's definitely too late, I understand."

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