Leo thought as he left the Earth and returned to the side of the Ultra King. Gen Subaru lay on the grass and called TLT-J, asking them to pick him up. Then he closed his eyes and fell into a baby-like sleep. There was nothing he could do. It was all because of those two energy-consuming tycoons. He was too tired and felt like a burden to open his eyes.

And this time, there seemed to be new changes in the deep blue space. In addition to asking you whether you want to enter, you can also choose your opponent after entering the deep blue space.

This is so wonderful. You can still choose your opponent? !

Gen Subaru silently gave a thumbs up to the disappeared senior Tiga, and then looked at the row of villains in front of him and thought about it. There was nothing to say. Senior Leo must be chosen, but before that...

The boy chose his old opponent neatly, the projection of the five Ultra Brothers. In the Kingdom of Light, the Ultra Brothers, who sensed the sleepiness, quickly synthesized "Super Taro" and prepared to go in and communicate with the child.

As a result, as soon as they entered, the five Ultra Brothers saw the golden red lightsaber whistling and slashing at them. The projection that was completely unprepared was immediately split into two and turned into [nothingness], and then...

There was nothing else.

In the Kingdom of Light, the Ultra Brothers who had canceled their Super Taro forms looked at each other in bewilderment. How could they say that this kid was a little narrow-minded. If they guessed correctly, he had learned a new trick and came to find the Ultra Brothers' projections as targets at the first time.

But you are already narrow-minded, so why not be a little more cautious and chop a few more times! Give Taro some time to release the clone beam!


Ace reached out and grabbed Taro's shoulder, and said faintly:

"I think we need to go to the training ground again to improve the speed of light release."

"Brother Ace, I think this is the limit, really, no, brother Ace, calm down, don't grab me, my wife is coming back soon, give me some face..."

Looking at Ace and Taro who disappeared in an instant, Zoffy sighed helplessly, looked at the first generation, and said softly:

"Keep busy with your own things, if there are any changes, remember to gather at the first time."

After that, the Ultra Brothers dispersed directly, but on the other side of the universe, Leo began to feel sleepy, and this subtle change did not escape the perception of the King of Ultra and Astra.

Astra was surprised that his brother was actually tired. It seemed that the battle with Gliza was really hard. The King of Ultra extended his sight from Leo to the universe. He recognized that this was the traction from Noah. How could Leo get involved with this guy when dealing with Gliza?

The King of Ultra thought about it and stopped, letting Leo rest to see if Leo had a new opportunity. But after waiting for a while, the King of Ultra noticed that Leo seemed to be having a nightmare, and his breath was a little disordered, which made the King of Ultra curious and wondered what Noah was going to do.

So, the King of Ultra focused his sight on Leo, caught the faint traction trace, and extended his telekinesis with it. In the blink of an eye, he also came to the deep blue space.

Noah? No... just an energy projection?

The King of Ultra first raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and then shook his head slightly with some regret. To be honest, he hadn't seen Noah for a long time. If he really saw him unexpectedly, he would be quite surprised.


Hmm? !

At this time, the sound from below attracted the attention of the King of Ultra. He looked down and saw that Leo's projection had broken Nexus's leg bones neatly, and then the red fists wrapped in high-heat, destructive light energy hit Nexus's chest like drumsticks.

While burning and knocking it away, Nexus's chest was also sunken. Then Leo clasped his hands together, and the red light bullet flew out, blowing Nexus to pieces.

However, the King of Ultra was not frightened by this scene. He had already understood the rules of this space. The King of Ultra frowned and raised his hand slightly. The time here was paused. He stared at the projection of Noah beside him, hesitated for a few minutes, and finally sighed helplessly.

This is the trial ground prepared by Noah for his successor. It is not reasonable for me to interfere too much, but Leo is not your successor of Noah. There is no need for him to bear the pain of witnessing me killing Ultra Warriors. Therefore, I will take Leo's consciousness away and will not let him come here again in the future.

The King of Ultra stretched out his hand to Leo, turned his consciousness into a ball of light and held it in his palm, then waved his cloak and left here.


At that moment, Leo's body suddenly woke up and let out a painful cry that Astra had never heard before. Leo looked at his hands in shock. Just now, it was these hands...

"Did you have a nightmare?"

The King of Ultra, who was sitting cross-legged on the stone next to him, released a gentle light, soothing the frightened lion and whispered:

"It seems that you are really tired. Rest for a while."

"My king..."

Leo clenched his hands. The feeling of broken bones and flesh seemed to still remain on them. He swallowed his saliva and asked anxiously:

"Was it really a dream?"

"Ah, it was essentially a dream. Go back to sleep."

The King of Ultra concealed the truth. He knew the character of his bodyguard very well. If he told the truth, the experience would torture him day and night, and his heart would be cut like a knife. So, let's let those things turn into nightmares. .

But then again.

Looking at Leo sleeping again, the King of Ultra stroked his beard thoughtfully. In the trial ground just now, there seemed to be other things hidden under the light of Nexus. Go on your own. I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to see clearly...

Hmm...forget it, I won't go back and look. Noah, that old bastard, probably won't harm anyone or do anything bad.

Thinking of this, the King of Ultra continued to sit cross-legged quietly, but with a slight shake of his hand, a ball of light flew out of his body and flew towards the deep blue space along the previous time and space channel.

Since you, Noah, have set up such a difficult testing ground, I will add a little bit of luck.

Yuan Subaru didn't know that just now, a big shot came to him in his dream. He just felt that his body was not his own now. Senior Leo was really a master of fighting. With the close-fitting fighting method, he was beaten. Just like a grandson.

At this time, Yuan Subaru noticed a message from Kira Zeyu on the communicator, asking about his status. The young man thought for a moment and sent a message. If nothing happened, he hoped to sleep again.

Naturally, Kira Zeyu agreed to this request without saying a word. This was his original plan.

After receiving the request, Yuan Subaru naturally went to bed again, planning to continue to the deep blue space, and then fight Leo. How should I put it, although he died miserably, some of the skills in it were really attractive. .

But just when Yuan Subaru closed his eyes and gradually fell into sleep, he vaguely felt that it was like the trees in the desert. Even if they were about to dry up and die, they still did not give up in the pursuit of life. This strange feeling Yuan Subaru was curious.

Therefore, the young man put aside his training plan in the deep blue space for the time being, and slowly disappeared into the dreamland along with the hazy feeling...

"In the future, I'm sorry, we can only go so far..."

"Hold on a little longer, after all, I'm already here."

Um? !

On a barren land, a white-haired old man covered his chest and whispered feebly. At this moment, a figure made of light appeared in front of him. The old man with his head lowered saw the figure covered by the light. The shrouded feet suddenly thought of something, and shouted with surprise in his tone:


"Sorry, I'm not who you expected to see."

When the light faded, Yuan Subaru bent down, put his hands on his knees, and said with a smile:

"But if you encounter any trouble, you can talk to me and I will definitely help you in any way I can."

"Are you...also an Ultra Warrior?"


Yuan Subaru tilted his head slightly in surprise and said softly:

"You... know about Ultra Warriors?"

"Hahaha, of course I know."

The old man looked at the slightly immature face in front of him, smiled kindly, sat on the stone next to him, beat his legs and said:

"Because my former team member was an Ultra Warrior... Ugh!!!"

Before the old man finished speaking, he suddenly made a painful sound, and a strange light appeared on his body. Yuan Subaru noticed strange spatial fluctuations from it, and such fluctuations also appeared in the huge fighter plane behind the old man. .

This is not a good thing.

Yuan Subaru's expression changed, and he slowly closed his eyes, but from the center of his eyebrows, gray mist surged out, wrapping the old man and the huge fighter together. Until the strange space fluctuations dissipated, the mist finally Disperse.

"Huh..." X2

The old man and Yuan Subaru sighed at the same time. The former was surprised by the mist, while the latter thanked Senior Leo for replenishing his energy before leaving.

"I didn't expect to survive."

The old man stood up calmly with a smile, beat his waist, greeted Yuan Subaru and said:

"Since you survived, let's go sit in the little phoenix nest. I haven't found anyone to talk to for several days. It's still quite lonely."


Yuan Subaru stretched out his hand to support the old man, and stepped onto the huge fighter plane step by step. After entering, the young man found that the interior of the fighter plane was much hollow compared to its shocking appearance, like a piece of equipment that had not yet been pieced together. Finished Lego.

And walking further inside, Yuan Subaru saw a row of cabins, in which five old men and women were sleeping.

"They were also my former teammates."

The old man smiled and pressed the button, awakening the old people from their deep sleep, and said softly:

"Originally, we thought we would stay here for a long time, so we decided to come out in shifts, but this space is much more dangerous than we imagined. If you hadn't been here just now, they would have died in confusion. It’s here, come on, go ahead, there’s a place to sit and something to eat.”

The awakening process takes a certain amount of time, and the old man was happy to chat more with Yuan Subaru. He punched his waist and said with a smile:

"My name is Shingo Masui, and I am the former captain of CREW GUYS. Counting the future of our departure, our team is reunited after a long absence..."

During Shingo's narration, Gen Subaru gradually understood everything. There was once an Ultra Warrior whose real name was 'Mumbius' and whose pseudonym was 'Hino Bimiku'. He joined CREW GUYS and fought against monsters and monsters. During the battle with the cosmonauts, he formed deep friendships with other team members.

But after the last enemy was eliminated, Membius left the earth. Although everyone in the GUYS team did not leave, with the passage of time, changes in positions, and helplessness in reality, these old teammates met each other. Opportunities are becoming less and less, and the number of times all members can gather is even more rare.

The Earth Defense Organization where GUYS is located created an opportunity for them to reunite. In order to promote the new generation of research results and inspire the new generation of GUYS team members, these veteran warriors who have fought side by side with the Ultra Warriors also After receiving guest invitations, they also realized that this might be the last chance to meet each other. After all, age was here and they could no longer be brave.

Therefore, Shingo Kasui and others overcame various difficulties, gathered together again, and among the many scientific research results, they neatly selected the display of the 'Miniature Phoenix Nest'. You must know that the prototype of the 'Phoenix Nest' was the activity of CREW GUYS A stronghold.

And it can be regarded as a small selfishness. Thanks to their relatively strong bodies, their driving skills that quickly recovered under training, and their small connections, the old GUYS team members got the opportunity to independently drive the miniature Phoenix Nest. , the moment we sat in the driver's seat and looked at the familiar people on the left and right, everyone seemed to have returned to decades ago and to the days of fighting side by side with the future.

There were no problems in the subsequent driving demonstrations, but when the new stage of 'Meteor Technology' was demonstrated...

"We encountered a dimensional rift, which was unfortunate and fortunate."

Shimizu Shingo knocked on the console, and the past video appeared in front of Yuan Subaru. The slender bright red crack suddenly appeared, swallowing the miniature phoenix nest.

But looking at the video that continued to play, Yuan Subaru frowned slightly. Although he didn't understand what the 'meteor technology' was, judging from the expressiveness of this dimensional crack and his current experience in contact with space forces, , 'Meteor Technology' should allow this miniature Phoenix Nest to rush out, but... why...

"That's why I still say lucky."

Shingo Kasui saw Gen Subaru's doubts, smiled and clicked on the screen, picked out a piece of data, and looked at the symbols on it. A bright smile appeared on the old man's face, as if he had seen some treasure. , said softly:

"Just when the Phoenix Nest was about to leave, the Phoenix Nest detected this set of data. It showed to a certain extent that this dimensional rift was artificially distorted. We believe that there is a core related to this dimensional rift. So we just jumped in."

"Come in?!"

This answer exceeded Yuan Subaru's expectation. He originally thought that some monster had emerged from inside and pulled the miniature phoenix nest in.

"Yes, we rushed in on our own."

Shingo Masui smiled and said:

"Although... the future is always in our hearts, and everyone will always remember his appearance, but if possible, we... still want to see him again. We are old and don't have much It’s time, but even with the latest meteor technology, the time it takes to reach the place in the future... is still too long..."

"So, are you borrowing the power of that possible dimensional core?"

"Ah, that's it, cough!"

Shingo Shimizu coughed a few times, calmed down his excitement, and said softly:

"We are all at this age, and most of our bodies are already lying in the coffin. It will be the same wherever we die. If we don't fight like this once, we won't be able to sleep well when we die."

"So... found it?"

Gen Subaru passed the light into the old man's body to make him feel a little better, and then asked cautiously, and then saw Shingo Osui's eyes flashing faintly:

"Well, I found it."

With a casual swipe of his hand, Shingo Osamizu, a broken blue gemstone block with strange sparks flying out appeared on the screen.

"This is the core that caused the dimensional rift. Of course, this is only a part of it. There are many parts scattered in other places, but those have been picked up by us. Although not all of the technologies involved can be fully understood by us, but in the past It is still possible to perform space jumps through the jump center.”

"What happened?"

Gen Subaru continued to ask in a low voice, and Shingo Shisui sighed and said helplessly:

"This miniature Phoenix Nest is not a finished product after all. We overestimated its energy supply system, so that the space node was forced to stop just after it was opened. Then it caused a radical change in the dimensional space, causing us to be trapped here now. , and... eh!”

here we go again.

Seeing the strange light emanating from Shingo Kasui, Gen Subaru released [Void Mist] again, allowing them to avoid this murderous intention. Then he wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked in confusion:

"What's this?"

"This is the dimension's rejection of us."

At this time, as the door opened automatically, the five old people in the dormant warehouse appeared in front of Yuan Subaru. One of them, an old woman, held a data terminal in her hand, looked at the data on it, and said in a condensed voice:

"Due to the intensification of the dimensional turbulence, outsiders like us will naturally be excluded. I never thought that the failure of the experiment would cause such a change."

"Hello, seniors. My name is Subaru, and I am also a Nexus Ultraman adaptor. It's nice to meet you."

When everyone arrived, Subaru politely stood up and introduced himself. The old people also smiled at the boy's actions, and then a slightly fat grandfather pointed at himself and said:

"My name is Aihara Ryu. Although it was short, I have also become Ultraman before."

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