Yuan Subaru patted his cheek hard, using the pain to drive out the fear. His eyes looking at Griza became murderous. If there is fear of it in my heart, then kill it and eliminate it. Get rid of fear!

Thinking of this, Nexus roared and joined the battle between Leo and Glizza.

To be honest, Leo's fight was quite uncomfortable. Among the Ultra brothers, he is more inclined to boxing and kicking, so when fighting against Grizza, who can switch between virtual and real at any time, he basically doesn't have much effective output. , if it weren't for the King of Ou's cloak, he would have eaten several light bullets in his face by now.


With the attack of three Ultra Disk Blades, the pressure of the battle was also shared on Nexus. Nexus opened his hands forward, crescent-like light waves spread around, and the surging Ultra power became As a barrier, it blocked Gliza's upper, lower, left and right spaces.

However, the monster shook its body and broke away from it, appearing in front of Nexus.

Upon seeing this, Nexus flashed his sword, and the mist slash passed through Gliza's body, but Gliza's claws landed firmly on Nexus's back, hitting him. flew out.

At the same time, Gliza shook his head, and terrifying shock waves spread out from his head. Leo, who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to materialize and pounce on him, groaned and covered his head with a splitting headache.

At this moment, a purple-black electric current appeared all over Griza's body and concentrated on his chest. He emitted a powerful beam of light and rushed towards Leo at high speed. In front of you.

However, he did not unfold the circular shield, but raised [Armed Nexus], and withstood Griza's dark lightning impact head-on. Nexus let out a labored low roar, [Armed Nexus] Thunder and lightning quietly flashed across Ses, but the power of this lightning strike was so astonishing that Nexus, unable to bear it, could only wave his backhand and deflect the lightning strike aside.

At this time, Grizza had already rushed backwards between Nexus and Leo. Leo covered the King of Austria's cloak in his hand and wanted to seal Grizza inside.

Before that, several purple energy light balls appeared next to Gliza, and several energy tentacles protruded from the light balls, knocking Leo away.

Then the light ball hit Nexus who was rushing behind him. Nexus still used [Armed Nexus] to block it. Between the two collisions, there was still purple-black lightning. Flow quietly into it.


Leo let out a war cry, and concentrated high-heat destructive light energy on his hands, transforming into a burning energy ball, and launched it towards Gliza. At the same time, Ouwang's cloak was turned into a javelin by his brute force. , followed by a throw.

But in the universe, there are too many directions where Gliza can flash. Even if Nexus uses his ultra-psychic power to control the javelin and change its direction, he cannot keep up with Gliza's weird movement pattern.

No, if we continue like this, we will never be able to enter the Cave of the Universe and find the Needle of the Universe.

Leo looked ugly and quickly thought about countermeasures. On the other side, Nexus seized the opportunity and attacked Griza again. However, several energy tentacles suddenly appeared on the back of this void monster. Messy and intensive whipping.

Nexus raised his hands, still using [Armed Nexus] to defend against attacks. Purple-black energy lightning was continuously introduced into it with each blow.

Yuan Subaru took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down the energy conflict raging in his body. Then he crossed his hands and activated the flash of Ultra-Psychic power. Gliza became virtual again, avoided this locking technique, and appeared in front of Leo in the next second. On the side of his body, he hit Leo's waist with his head upside down.

Leo, who was caught off guard, tilted his body in pain, but without hesitation, he stabbed Gliza with the King's javelin. However, the void monster had already appeared above Nexus' head. , shaking his body with a strange smile, an energy vortex appeared with his head as the center, and shot out a red energy beam.

Facing the menacing attack, Nexus calmly crossed his hands and continued to bear the energy attack with [Armed Nexus], but Gliza flashed behind Nexus, stabbing straight with his hands. Entering Nexus's back.


Leo couldn't help shouting when he saw this, but Yuan Subaru raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a long-awaited expression. Then, in Leo's unbelievable eyes, Nexus' body instantly burst out with dense purple and black thunder, and then the whole person turned into dark thunder energy, pouring into Gliza's body.

This...can this energy conversion still be used in this way?

Leo was stunned for a moment. He had thought of many ways and plans to think about how to enter the cave of Glizza's universe, but he had never thought of this, after all...

Integrated with the void monster, Yuan Subaru, can you really still find yourself from [nothing]? !

Of course, I am... the blood descendant of a hero, how could I possibly succumb to this!


Just as Leo was staring at Grizza nervously, a strange wave suddenly came from Grizza's body. In the afterimage of the void monster shaking left and right, Nexel seemed to appear. Si's figure.

Looking at the afterimage and feeling the impact of the waves passing through his body, although it was only a vague feeling, Leo still couldn't help but be speechless. What a terrible obsession this was. It made him, a battle-hardened Ultra warrior, so stubborn. They all feel a little creepy, how should I put it...this kind of warrior...luckily he is a teammate...

Leo thought secretly and began to accumulate energy at the same time. After all, it is not enough to find the Cosmic Needle. You must have power beyond common sense to take out the Cosmic Needle from Glizza!

The Needle of the Universe....Where is the Needle of the Universe?

Although Yuan Subaru has found himself from [Nothing], he has merged into Griza's body. In the home of [Nothing], his consciousness is still chaotic, but how can I put it, this feeling The teenager is quite familiar and adaptable.

As for why, I have to thank the projections of the Ultra Brothers again. Every night during the special training in the dream, Yuan Subaru was beaten in a similar mental state.

My body... my body can't move... I can't... The needle of the universe... I have to find the needle of the universe... let's move...

In this space where time and space have been obliterated, Yuan Subaru clings to a trace of the clarity of the spiritual platform. In this endless darkness, every time he moves his body, all the bones in his body seem to be crushed. The young man grits his teeth, without saying a word. Endlessly, arduously exploring forward.

In the real universe, Leo's face can no longer be said to be very pretty.

Ultra Guillotine, M87 Ray, Atomic Boxing, Specium Ray, Cross Ray Storm....

Just now, Glizza had thrown all these moves in Leo's face. One thing to say, if it weren't for the King of Austria's cloak, Leo would have felt like he was lying on the moon, covering his chest, opening his mouth and closing his eyes miserably. called.

Has Glizza also begun to assimilate Source Subaru?

Looking at the feather of particles flying past his ears, Leo secretly thought in his heart. Although Yuan Subaru had found himself very impressively, Griza's assimilation ability was obviously stronger.

Come on, Gen Subaru, at least... come back alive!

'call! ! ’

Looking at the self-destructing Gliza clone rushing towards him, Leo was silent for a moment and quietly opened his fighting stance.

Well, I have to work harder myself, Taylor... what have you taught me nonsense! ! !

On the other side, Yuan Subaru finally saw a scarlet light spot in the darkness. No matter what was there, he should go and check this unexpected place.

But just when Yuan Subaru tried hard to move closer, he suddenly felt a sting on his forehead. He looked up and saw that the scarlet light pierced Nexus's defense like a substance, hurting him. When it reached the main body, a drop of blood broke away from the wound and flew towards the light spot.

But... Yuan Subaru's cells were extremely unstable under this intense energy transformation. The blood evaporated as soon as it left the wound. The young man who saw this scene suddenly realized something and separated the lightsaber wristband. He came out and pushed towards the scarlet light spot.

At that moment, the scarlet light spot that was clearly far away from the senses suddenly appeared in front of him and was absorbed into the lightsaber wristband. At the same time, Yuan Subaru could also feel that as the two of them moved, Fusion, this dark and disorderly space seems to be undergoing some kind of change.

It seems...this scarlet light spot is the needle of the universe we are looking for.

But before Yuan Subaru could breathe a sigh of relief, he noticed cracks on the lightsaber wristband, and it quickly collapsed. There was no way, after all, this was just a counterfeit casually developed by Hikari, plus the presence of the Barossa Planet When I held it in my hand, I didn’t know how it had been treated. As a carrier for the Needle of the Universe, it somewhat exceeded its capabilities.

Therefore, without thinking, Yuan Subaru stretched Nexus's right hand directly into the scarlet light spot. In an instant, the young man felt that his hand was pricked and cut from the inside to the outside by countless blades and long needles. I could even faintly hear the sound of bones being scraped.

But this is not the focus of Yuan Subaru's attention. The point is that the scarlet light shows no signs of merging with Nexus' palm. At this time, Yuan Subaru begins to think whether he has made a mistake in his method. This cosmic needle does not It's not like that.

However, now that they have come to this step, the hand cannot be pulled out. The young man thought for a while and simply put his hand inside again. He felt that the space inside this small light spot seemed to be extraordinarily large. You can take a needle out of it.

And he stretched forward like this, and all the [Armed Nexus] were explored into the light spot. In an instant, a scarlet storm set off in this dark field, and the center of the storm was the weapon on the wrist of the Giant of Light. , this time, Yuan Subaru didn't feel any pain. He just stared in fear. If this one also cracked, then he would really suffer a big loss.

Fortunately, there were no surprises until the storm ended.

Next, according to the original plan, we have to consider how to leave.


Yuan Subaru looked at the empty space and recalled Griza's amazing performance. He gritted his teeth and felt his heart pounding. This Griza is an iron rooster, and he has to pluck out his feathers today!

In reality, Leo was struggling to deal with Gliza's random swinging skills. At this moment, he suddenly found that Gliza's movements suddenly froze and stood there, and then swaying residual parts appeared on the left and right sides of its body. film.

At first, the afterimage on the left was Nexus, and then the one on the right also gradually became like Nexus. Seeing this scene, Leo immediately understood that it was Minamoto Subaru, who was trying to reversely assimilate Gliza.

What a mess!!!

Leo raised his eyebrows, and without saying a word, he swung the King of Au's cloak, turned it into a rope, and threw it towards the projection of Nexus, trying to use the power of King of Au to pull it out.

Once again, Gliza's essence is [Nothingness]. Regardless of whether Minamoto Subaru has enough ability and light energy to complete this assimilation process, even if the assimilation is successful, the essence of [Nothingness] will not change.

In other words, if Minamoto Subaru continues like this, he will either be assimilated by Gliza due to insufficient light energy, or he will succeed in assimilation and become a Nexus version of Gliza.

Thinking of Gliza who just threw the clone as a bomb, Leo's hair stood up. He said that such a void monster could not be born.

The rope transformed by the King of Ultra's cloak rushed straight towards Nexus's projection, but in the end, it was Nexus's right wrist that was bound. Leo didn't think much about it, just thinking that Hikari's lightsaber wrist guard had successfully merged with Nexus's armament. He roared and exerted force outward, and the King of Ultra's cloak also emitted a bright light, passing through the boundary between reality and nothingness, and locked Nexus's body.

No, to be precise, it locked the [Armed Nexus] on the right hand. The previous scarlet storm also rolled up the fragments of the lightsaber wrist guard, and the breath of King of Ultra in it was naturally no exception.

But no matter what, the power of King Ultra is a real and extraordinary power. Even if it is not much, it is enough to pull Nexus out of the void space.

"You are really too reckless."

Leo reached out and caught Nexus who rushed over. He first looked at him and made sure that he had no missing arms or legs. Then he whispered with some complaints. Nexus also nodded. How should I put it? He really shouldn't try this when he is not in good condition.


"I also gained something."

Yuan Subaru looked at Leo happily and said. At this time, Gliza, who was freed from the assimilation of Nexus, returned to normal and continued to go crazy. He shot out a double-helix black thunderstorm energy beam from his chest, which was far more powerful than any previous moves.

Leo wanted to hide, but Nexus reached out and grabbed his arm, making him stop, and then...

The gray mist instantly enveloped the bodies of Nexus and Leo. The figures of these two giants of light were like burnt yellow paper ashes, as if a gust of wind could blow them away.

But just like that, the double spiral light whizzed past and passed through their bodies without causing any damage. When the light passed and the mist dissipated, Leo and Nexus returned to their original state without any damage.

"How is it?"

The sweaty Yuan Subaru said with a slight breath of excitement:

"This is amazing!"

"What's the price?"

Leo looked at Nexus beside him and asked in a serious voice:

"What's the price?"

"Just a little energy consumption."

"Then what?"

Leo looked directly at Nexus, and the King of O's cloak spread out on one side to block the impact of Gliza's light ball, and continued to ask:

"I'm not a child who just joined the battle, I still have to distinguish clearly in this matter."

"I won't forget who I am."

Yuan Subaru was silent for a while, and answered in the same seriousness:

"I won't get lost in In [Nothingness], what Gliza couldn't do, this little bit of power seed couldn't do either. "

"Then let's get rid of this monster first."

Leo noticed the determined look in Yuan Subaru's eyes, so he didn't say anything more. He silently shifted his gaze to Gliza and said softly:

"You got the Needle of the Universe, right?"


Nexus raised his right hand, and a golden-red sword extended from [Armed Nexus], then swung it downward, the sword flashed, turned into a ball of light and fell into Nexus's hand, and then transformed from a wrist blade into a long sword.

"Then seal this cave!"

As Leo's voice fell, Nexus raised his sword and rushed towards Gliza like a gust of wind. The attacking purple electric light ball was casually cut by the lightsaber, and the cut energy also turned into [Nothingness]. This phenomenon made Leo raise his eyebrows. The lethality of the Needle of the Universe was beyond his imagination.

On the other side, Nexus had already rushed in front of Gliza. The actions of this void monster were still unpredictable, but Nexus, who had already predicted it, raised his sword and spun like a storm. Gliza, who had teleported to the top of his head, failed to avoid the scattered sharp edges and was slashed in the middle of his chest.

Immediately, Gliza retreated with a strange smile, and its body began to expand and contract unnaturally. The wound on his chest took a long time to dissipate, and Gliza's body also showed signs of dissipating.

While Gliza was repairing the wound, Nexus had already grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands and raised it high. At that moment, an invisible force locked Gliza, and a layer of blood flames surged from the sword, illuminating the surrounding space, as if it was also ignited.

Then Nexus swung it out with all his strength. When the slender sword was swung, it was like a mountain falling, slashing towards the direction where Gliza was, and the slender blade disappeared from the hilt and appeared in front of Gliza.

The void monster flashed to the side with a strange smile, but at that moment, the slender sword blade also teleported with it. Gliza was ultimately unable to escape the stitching of the cosmic needle. As the lightsaber slashed through its body, blood flames instantly covered every part of its body, and then a violent explosion occurred.

Then, a black hole-like vortex appeared in the center of the explosion, which rolled up all the aftermath of the explosion. Then the black hole converged itself, and finally turned into a point of white light, and the universe returned to peace.

On the other side, Leo spread out the King of Osman's cloak and wrapped up the source subaru who had returned to the state of fitness to prevent him from being injured by the cosmic environment. The sweaty source subaru smiled and gave Leo a thumbs up, then lay back and stretched beautifully.

To be honest, the energy consumption of [Nullification] and the final lightsaber special move is quite terrifying. With just these two moves, most of the remaining light energy of Gensuba was consumed. The boy immediately realized that these were the arrival of two energy-consuming tycoons.

Leo quickly returned to Earth, but did not return to TLT-J, because the King of Ultra's cloak began to flicker. It was the means left by King Ultra on it that noticed the disappearance of Gliza and wanted to open the door for Leo to return.

"It seems that I can't stay here for long."

Leo looked at the boy in front of him and said with some regret, but he didn't mean to ask King Ultra to stay. After all, the reason why the king left Canopus to act outside was because he vaguely felt uneasy and that a huge change might happen in the universe. At this time, as King Ultra's bodyguard, he naturally had to follow closely and be ready to charge at any time.

"I had a lot of things I wanted to talk to you about, but now it's obviously not possible. I have a small gift for you."

As he spoke, Leo looked up, and a lion mask appeared in the starry sky, like the roar of Leo. Then the power beam from the lion's mouth fell on Subaru. In an instant, all the fatigue on Subaru disappeared, and Leo's fighting figure vaguely appeared in his mind.

"I'll give you some experience in fighting, I hope it can help you. When we meet again next time, we'll talk about it slowly."

After speaking, the King of Ultraman cloak unfolded on the side and turned into a mirror-like thing. Leo nodded to Subaru and turned away. To be honest, he was not really worried about the situation of this Ultraman. After all, the other Ultramen had even taught him their special moves. If he was in a life-and-death crisis again, I believe they would feel it and come to help.

But I still have to ask them after I go back. When did they join forces to teach the disciples? There is no movement at all. If it wasn't for this accident, I am afraid I would still be kept in the dark. How about I send an Ultra signature to ask?

Forget it, that's a bit too formal. It seems like I am asking for punishment. I'd better wait until I finish this matter with the king and go back to the Kingdom of Light to ask.

071 Guys Sally Go!

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