While dodging Jiguzaku's attack, Jagula said as if he was mocking:

"The theme of your life is really exaggerated. Isn't it desecrating life by creating such an ugly and sad creature?"

Chebul Star Centaur Mabuze was furious.

"Shut up! Scientists' thinking must be free from ethics and morality!"

Jakula found that the voice was unexpectedly close to him.

"Crowley, please!"

A small snake brought from Okinawa flew out of Jigula's cuffs. Soon, Crowley climbed up along Jigu Zaku's neck and penetrated into Jigu Zaku's body through the suture.

After that, Jigu Zhagu's body began to rumble.


Suddenly, Jiguzhagu's head opened with a snap. The part equivalent to the brain was equipped with a cockpit of the same type as the Chebul star's enhanced unit - the Chebu launcher. Sitting in it was a slightly smaller Chebul. Starman Mabuze.

"Snake, snake, snake, snake! I hate snakes"

The Chebul star Mabuze used the jet device at the bottom of the cockpit to fly into the sky and escaped in embarrassment. Suddenly something made a noise again. This time it was the body of Jiguzhagu who had lost the command part and fell down.

At this point, Jakula successfully left the arena again.

When Jagula escaped from trouble in the past, Hong Kai in reality was also under a lot of pressure. Looking at the hand that was like a dragnet, he was sweating profusely. He could only watch the huge palm holding him down, and at the same time .....

"Lord Gen Subaru!!!"

This shout seemed to have a sweet smell. Minato Hokai and Minato Yonghai never expected that it would come out of the mouth of the beautiful sword Saki. Gen Subaru was also quite surprised, because the last time they met, Gricho She is still quite shy. In the words of Granny Sato, even a few sticks can't beat her out of her sight.

Therefore, almost at the same moment, both the Minato brothers and Yuan Subaru couldn't help but tremble. They couldn't adapt to this.

"Calm down first and let me handle Senior Hongkai's problem."

Seeing the beautiful sword Sha Ji who was about to rush forward, Yuan Subaru quickly waved his hand to comfort her, and to be honest, Yuan Subaru had not yet figured out how to deal with this strange little fan girl. It feels really weird. A child like me, who is less than six years old, has a fan who started out at least a hundred years old. This is really... very subtle.

At the same time, in the eyes of the Minato brothers as if they had seen a ghost, the monster transformed by Mikusaki Saki forced himself into a ladylike posture.

Man, this is scary.

Yuan Subaru also wanted to complain like this, but for now he still wanted to take care of senior Hongkai's affairs.

Yuan Subaru's eyes retracted and fell on Ultraman Orb. He had already seen the problem. By comparing the method of tearing the entry, although he could solve the problem neatly, but that way Come on, the enemy's traces may be that easy to track.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru waved his arm, and the giant energy palm turned into a piece of equipment similar to a laundry bucket, trapping Ultraman Orb inside, and then began to operate at high speed, reintegrating the pure white energy into Ultraman Orb's body. In the body, use this as a medium to better locate the green spider.

On the other side, after leaving the second arena and flying out from the air corridor connected to the clock tower, Jagula saw the new scene and couldn't help but whistle.

At this time, there were nearly a hundred mercenaries fighting for survival in the corridor in front of him, and the two-headed alien from Altair was also inside.

"What a lively party."

Hearing the whistle, the fighting mercenaries all looked at Jakula, and Jakura said in a leisurely and mocking tone.

"It's Jagulas Jagulla! Kill him first!"

Immediately, the mercenaries seemed to have reached some kind of consensus in an instant, and they rushed towards Jia Gula. Jia Gula used the Snake Heart Sword to deflect the bullets fired by the mercenaries, and then killed the killers one on the left and one on the right. The laser sword wants to attack the opponents in close combat, but no matter how many of them it cuts, new assassins will appear.

"Tsk, get out of here, I'm so annoying! New Moon Zhanbo!!"

Uh-huh! Red crescent-shaped lightning flew out of the Snake Heart Sword in an instant, and Jakula cut the air corridor itself in two.


The mercenaries on the air corridor screamed and fell down together with the corridor, while Jakura instantly jumped to the other side of the bridge. Jakura, who had turned back into a human, shook off the sand that fell on his body from his clothes and threw it away. He left the ruins of the corridor behind and continued to move forward. At this time, standing in front of him was the huge clock tower as his destination.

"The little princess is inside."

Jakura climbed up the tower using the ridiculously large clockwork mechanism as a stepping point, and then kicked open the iron cover of the ventilation hole, successfully invading the interior.

"It seems this is the last room."

From the outside, this room is on the top floor of the tower. The entrance is sealed with a solid steel door, and two mercenaries responsible for guarding have strengthened the security.

The guard who heard the sound was startled and raised his gun subconsciously, but in the next moment, the Snake Heart Sword cut the thick steel door in half with the two guards.

Jakula pushed the door open and saw that it was a place full of complex electronic equipment, similar to a laboratory. There was a bed in the center of the room, and the hooded princess Bilanchi was there. The princess was sleeping at this time. He opened his eyes and said with a smile:

"Ah, Master Gargulas, as expected you came to save me."

Jakula nodded silently, but just as he was about to take a step, he suddenly heard Ferraris' voice.

"Don't move, Jagula. The hood Bilanqi is wearing is a device for the initialization of her brain. If you don't control her brain waves, you don't know when this little girl will summon monsters."

From somewhere, Ferraris was watching every move in the room.

"If you dare to make a move, she will forget all her memories."

Hearing this, Bilanqi's expression changed.

"Shut up, you bitch! Don't interfere with my tryst with Lord Jaggeras!"

At this moment, Jakula laughed unexpectedly, and Bilanqi, who was a little confused by the laughter, couldn't help but ask softly:

"What do you mean by this, Lord Gargulas?"

"Stop acting, Bilanchi, you were caught on purpose, right? To lure me here."

Bilanqi's expression suddenly changed when he heard this.

"You, what are you talking about, Mr. Gargulas, I don't have that..."

Jagula carried the Snake Heart Sword on his shoulder and continued:

"Really, it does seem like a little clever thing that a little princess who dreams all day long can do."

"How could it be? I admire you, Lord Jaggeras. Get me out of here quickly."

Bilanchi's voice couldn't hide the anxious color, and Ferraris's voice became irritated because of this:

"Hey. Do you two understand the situation? Don't come any closer to me."

Bilanchi was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"You despicable and despicable weapons dealer...Didn't I tell you to stay out of your way!"

A demonic light began to appear in Bilanqi's eyes, and he breathed heavily.

"Hahahahaha I won't let anyone get in the way of the dream in the heart of a girl in love"

This time it was Jakura's turn to become anxious.

"Hey, hey, hey! Stop, don't summon monsters in such a narrow place!"

Bilanchi shouted some words that he didn't know what they meant.

"In the dream, the dreamer is the king... No one is powerless in front of the king!"

Then, a door to another dimension opened above Bilanqi's head, and an object similar to a meteorite flew out of the door. The meteorite was about to turn into a monster.

"Stop! Stop that girl! Maximum power of the brain wave control device!"

Ferraris' roar came, and the mercenaries rushed in. They wanted to suppress Bilanqi, but they still couldn't control her.

In response, Jakula shook his head and whispered helplessly:

"I can't control so much anymore."

So the meteorite became huge, broke through the ceiling and turned into the brainwave monster Yang Ge. Jagula picked up Bilanqi who was in a state of unconsciousness, and ran out of the collapsed room to take refuge. Yang Ge knocked down the bell tower, in order to find the next A prey and eyes the dome-shaped building.

At this time, Sajitali saw Yang Ge's appearance and rushed over. Sajitali's hair was disheveled and she shouted. Glowing blood vessels appeared on her beautiful face, and a black aura enveloped her whole body. Sajitali's hair was disheveled and she shouted. Tali began to grow in size. It looks like a dinosaur from the last century, with a huge turret on its back.

It turns out...Georgio Raiden's true identity is Sagitari.

"So you are...a biochemical electronic monster?"

Jakura responded with only the sound of electric current. Blue lightning flashed all over Georgio Thunder's body, and a flaming "thunder breath" was ejected from his mouth. Jakura immediately turned into a demonic state and protected himself from the flames. At the same time, the brainwave monster Yange began to walk towards Georgio Thunder.

The two monsters fought fiercely while destroying the desert. Georgio's thunderous breath hit Yang Ge, but Yang Ge was a brain wave monster so it didn't do much damage. To defeat Yang Ge, his body, Bilanchi, must be dealt with.

Jakula looked at the two monsters confronting each other blankly, and murmured:

"You can't just watch the monsters fight, you have other things to be busy with."

But looking back around, where are the Ferraris?

At this time, the Prosthetic Eye City was facing destruction due to the battle between monsters. The unexpectedly thin wall collapsed. "Bull Ferraris" sat in front of the small control panel. Ferraris wore the armor of a bull, but his body was Like a scrawny old man, the muscular Ferraris were nothing more than three-dimensional images.

"Your image is too P-shaped. The muscles are too much."

Jakula grabbed the arms dealer by the front and couldn't help complaining:

"Okay, quickly hand over the promised fruit of life."

However, Ferraris opened fire with the electromagnetic gun hidden in his hand in the next moment.


At the critical moment, Jagula avoided it, and the beam grazed his left arm.

"Wahahahaha! This is an electromagnetic vector gun. The sword cannot deflect its bullets."

Ferraris stepped back while raising his gun.

"Jagula-kun, once a weapon is made, it will never go back to what it was before. War advances science and technology, creates new desires, and then ignites the next war, endless!"

Ferraris' eyes were bloodshot, and his skin had the characteristic spots of old people.

"I'm tired. War is bad."

"Huh? As a weapons dealer, what are you talking about?"

"When I reach my age, I will pursue settlement. You will also understand in the future."

Ferraris continued in a hoarse voice:

"At that time, the Lord gave me something."

The words "that lord" caught Jakula's attention.

Ferraris took something out of his sleeve and continued:

“I took what he gave me and created the perfect item.”

It was a genetic factor bomb equipped with the "Fruit of Life".

"The next step is to equip it with a detonator. The planetary powers, no, the poisonous insects will fight each other around this bomb! The winner will get the genetic factor bomb. But I will also give it to the loser. De-bomb blueprints.”

The fruit of life in the center of the bomb emits a coquettish light.

"The so-called war between genetic bombs. This weapon will eradicate all living things! Then there will be no war. Then peace will come!"

Ferraris pointed his gun at Jagula. Jakura slowly moved to shorten the distance.

Ferraris aimed at Jakura while forcing him into a dilemma.

"I am the one who blows the trumpet of peace. By the fruit given to me by that Lord!"

"Who is that sir...?"

"It's someone who has wisdom equal to that of a god. You don't need to know."

The hand on the trigger began to tighten.

"Go to hell, Jagulas Jagulla!"

Suddenly, Jagula pointed to his head with his finger. The alert Ferraris looked at his finger, stopped involuntarily, and asked aloud:

"what do you mean?"

"Stupid people only look at their fingers. Smart people..."

Realizing something, Ferraris immediately looked up, and in the next moment, the heavy stone ceiling collapsed and turned into huge rubble, pressing down on the old man. Ferraris was crushed without even a chance to speak.

To this, Jagula just shrugged, then he picked up the genetic factor bomb from the dead Ferraris, took out the "fruit of life" from the core, and stuffed it into his pocket.

At this time, Bilanchi's voice suddenly came.

"Lord Gargulas, danger!"

The Electromagnetic Pulse Cannon of Georgio Thunder struck. Jagula, reminded by Bilanchi, avoided the attack at the last moment. However, the large amount of electromagnetic waves also caused damage to the surroundings, and the electromagnetic waves were activated by mistake. Bilanqi's hood, a large amount of electric current began to stimulate Bilanqi's brain, causing her to let out a shrill wail, and then she fainted unable to hold on.

"Hey, wake up, princess!"

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