"It hurts! Bitch!"

The two-headed cosmic man was about to hit the female Salome, but someone twisted his hand and raised it. It was Gagula.

"It hurts, what are you doing?"

"It's too early for you to drink Galaxy Cocktail. Drink the milk and get out of here."

"Fuck you!"

The cosmic mercenary group of five or six people surrounded Gagula and pulled out the electromagnetic knife and laser gun. They were going to attack in one go, but Gagula quietly pulled out the Snake Heart Sword.

The next moment, the Snake Heart Sword cut the two-headed man's laser gun in half.

"Ah, ah, ah"

Gagula grabbed the head of the two-headed cosmic man and used all his strength to make the two heads collide.

The few soldiers who attacked and refused to give in were kicked and thrown away by Gagula one after another. The glass cups made of cosmic crystals were shattered all over the floor.

"Fuck you, remember this!"

The mercenary group threw down this sentence and ran away.

"Are you okay?"

Gagula picked up the female Salome.

"Brother, thank you. Are you from Earth?"

"Forget it."

"Drink the cosmic coffee before you go. There is the Black Star brand."

"Sorry, I don't drink the coffee that others buy me."

"Are you a wanderer too?"

"I am alone, following the trend of the universe, blowing the solar wind, and taking a happy single trip."

"Same as me."

The Salome star flirted with Gagra.

"If you don't have a place to stay, do you want to come to my house?"

The Salome star wanted to snuggle on Gagra's back.

"Don't be like that," Gagra avoided the Salome star, "I'm good at chopping and killing people, not good at making strangers."

"Tsk, a man who doesn't understand romance."

The Salome star pouted and muttered in dissatisfaction, while Gagra noticed that the Godra star put the fainted mercenary outside.

"Come to think of it, the presence of these mercenaries means there is a war going on somewhere. Do you know anything?"

"This is what I heard..."

After crossing this desert and walking for a few days, you can see the ruins called "Artificial Eye City", which is the remains of the legendary demon god who once dominated this land. The nomads are afraid of the demon god and dare not approach, but some people say that they see some discs flying towards the ruins from time to time.

Gagula took the Bagulaba, a giant snail driven by the nomads, across the desert to the place where the Artificial Eye City is located. The Bagulaba glided leisurely on the gravel and soon sent Gagula to the other side of the desert, a place with ancient ruins.

The keen Gagula observed the surrounding environment, then drew out the Snake Heart Sword, pointed it at the sun, and reflected the huge building - "Artificial Eye City" on the mirror-like surface of the sword body.

"Heh, it seems that in order to prevent the Interstellar Alliance from finding them, a camouflaged stereoscopic image was set up."

Gagurula, who had seen through everything, flashed the Snake Heart Sword in his hand, and the machine that projected the image was cut in half. The huge and evil fortress appeared. Seeing this scene, the nomads and Bagulaba fled at an incredible speed. Indeed, no wonder they were afraid. This strange-shaped building added a touch of weirdness to the ancient ruins.

Several aerial corridors connected the steel dome that looked like a huge eyeball. The gears peeled off from the outside kept rotating. The shape of the entire building was constantly changing due to the mechanical device. In the center of the dome group stood an exceptionally tall clock tower.

"It's a veritable artificial eye city."

Gagurula sighed, stepped on the gear peeled off from the outer wall, and was teleported to another gear, stepping up to the fortress step by step.

There was a device where a huge fan was rotating at high speed.

"This is the ventilation device, right?"

Gagurula entered the artificial eye city from the rotating huge fan. The internal structure of the artificial eye city was strange and varied, and the corridors in front of him made people feel close to infinity.

Gagurula stepped on the stairs that looked like those in Escher's paintings. But the stairs that made people feel like they were going up were heading downwards at some point. The light coming in from the skylight was like a huge evil pupil.

This is one of the domes.

At this time, Snake Crowley in his arms moved.

"Oh no, is it a trap?"

The masked sniper Sajitari chased after him. Sajitari's laser sword attacked Gagurula, and the Snake Heart Sword blocked the laser sword, sparks bursting.

"I was also knocked down by a sneak attack last time, don't think it will work this time."

The Snake Heart Sword is just as its name suggests. Sometimes it avoids the opponent's swordsmanship like a snake, and sometimes it instantly entangles the opponent like a snake. Gagurula's Snake Heart Sword bounced off Sajitari's helmet, and then a long-haired beauty appeared from it.


For some reason, the woman looked very sad. Gagra felt that he had seen these eyes somewhere before. The next moment, the cave under his feet opened and Gagra was swallowed by the darkness of the abyss.

'Hong Kai waved his baton and directed the symphony orchestra to play the song of Orb. '

"What do you mean, Kai! Stop it! Can you be quiet when I fainted?"

Gagra shook his head and screamed in pain. It was a beam of light that shot into the abyss that made Gagra regain consciousness, and the huge eye peeking down from the skylight turned into a three-dimensional image of another eye, with real blood flowing in it. That was the person who was looking down at him now. It must be the image of the weapon merchant Faralis wearing bull armor.

"....Are you Faralis?"

"Finally here, Gagra."

Ferraris's voice sounded kind, but there was something unfathomable about the meaning behind his words.

"What are you going to do with me?"

"The actors are now here. I welcome you, a rare poisonous insect in the universe."

Jakura frowned.

"You say I'm a poisonous insect?"

"If you have also come back from Earth, you must have heard of poison, right?"

"...it's poisonous"

Poison is a kind of spell. Put scorpions, poisonous spiders, poisonous snakes and other creatures into the pot, let them kill each other, and use the one that survives to make the strongest toxin.

"Poisonous insects will call poisonous insects. Now this city has gathered the famous terrorists, killers, and mad scientists in the entire galaxy. They all come after genetic factor bombs made from the fruit of life. I am now ready to start the campaign for the most powerful villain. A battle for survival. To the one who survives to the end, I will grant him the most powerful weapon - the seed of life."

After the words fell, the stone door on one side of the room where Jagula was sitting opened, revealing the steps made of stone inside.

So does this mean letting yourself go down this path?

Jagula did not hesitate and took a step forward. After walking for an unknown length of time, he finally passed through the corridor leading to an unknown direction and arrived at the first arena.

In the center of the room stood a playing card jester, or what might be described as a slender man in a court jester costume.

"My name is Doman Saiman."

The dull purple skin indicated that the man was from Akenem, and cards with drawings of monsters were flying around the man.

"I have been exposed to the power of darkness since I was a child and gained this kind of divine power. Come on, Lord Jagula, hand over your life."

The next moment, the card spun around dizzyingly, and a card flew to Doman Saiman's fingertips. The man confirmed the painting on the card.

"Barton, the volcano monster? Then let's start the battle!"

The phantom of Barton appeared above Doman Saiman's head, and Barton's mouth began to spray fierce flames. Jagula rolled on the surface of the sand while avoiding the flames.

I see, this guy can draw a card and use the ability of the monster drawn on the card.

Jakura instantly transformed into a demon form, but Barton's flames were too powerful and he couldn't even get close. As long as he could step into the opponent's arms, there might still be a slight chance of winning. The monster cards continued to fly in the sky dizzyingly. At this time, the next card came into Doman Saiman's hands.

"Humph, the underground monster Taylor Stone?"

The next moment, Daoman Saiman's figure disappeared.

"Tsk, where did you go?"

Jiagu La held up the Snake Heart Sword and stepped forward cautiously. In an instant, Daoman Saiman emerged from the ground behind him, and the sword in his hand approached Jia Gula's neck.


Jakura used the Snake Heart Sword to counterattack. The dark magician flew gently across the sky and landed a little further away. The man waved the third card towards Jakura.

"Coin Monster Kanegon? What's the use of this kind of card now..."

A large number of coins fell from the sky and fell to the floor.

"Could it be that you...can't choose monster cards freely? Is it a matter of luck?"

"I'm so annoyed! I'll kill you with my next move!"

The next card appears in Doman Saiman's hand.

"Here it comes! It's the light monster Prizmo! Go to hell!"

Doman Saiman's fingertips shot out light, and Jakura caught the light with the Snake Heart Sword. The light was reflected by the Serpent Heart Sword, which was polished like a mirror, and shot towards Doman Saiman, hitting him.


Doman fell to the ground, and at the same time the last card flew into his hand

"Gliza, the void monster...hehehehehe..."

The high, undead laughter echoed throughout the room.

"Stop...don't pull me into the void!"

Many blue-white translucent hand-like things stretched out from the void and began to pull Daoman Saiman in.

"Stop it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Daoman Saiman's figure disappeared in front of Jagula as if it had been erased.

"Oh my, it's true."

Jakula put away the Snake Heart Sword, left the dome and continued moving forward. Jakura, who was advancing through the intricate passage, suddenly stopped.

It's the end.

Jakula touched the stone wall with his hand and discovered the slight difference in height.

"This is the secret door."

Jakula kicked open the secret door and planned to run out...


The outside was not a room but high in the sky. Below was a cliff with a strong wind blowing. This frightened Jakula and couldn't help but curse. However, Jakula could touch something with his extended hand.

This is...,...a rivet made of fused steel.

Jakura realized something and began to climb the outer wall on the welded rivets, and then entered the second dome.

"I finally meet you, Mr. Jagula. I am Ma Buze, a man from Planet Chebul."

"Come out!"

"Hufufu... You are just throwing yourself into flames and destroying yourself."

"That thing is called a moth!"

"Shut up! How could I not know that, moth?"

Jagula looked carefully at this giant who suddenly appeared from the ground and shot straight into the sky. His expression was a little subtle, because this giant was really weird in appearance.

The arms are from the Baltans, the sword is from the Zulu Nemesis, and the one eye that shines in the center of the body is from the Sams... It's just like a poor-quality children's doll, a Stitch Monster.

"His name is Jigu Zagu, and his body is made up of various alien parts. I sewed up the corpses I found in various parts of the universe and gave them life!"

The next moment, Baltan's arm fired a freezing ray. This time the attack was extremely fast. Gagra hurriedly avoided the ray, and the stone pillar behind him collapsed immediately after being hit.

At this time, Jigu Zagu began to use Zuluk's sword to kill Gagra. Although he took out the Snake Heart Sword to fight, the opponent's strange power forced Gagra into a dilemma step by step. At the same time, the voice of Mabuze from Chebul sounded from somewhere:

"I have a lifelong career..."

"Lifelong career?"

"My lifelong career is to unravel the mystery of the universe and the mystery of the birth of life. I want to obtain the seeds of life and create more beautiful, smarter and more powerful life! In other words, I want to become the new creator of the universe!"

"I see."

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