At the same time, the selection of the first test pilots of the special aircraft has entered the final stage. In a physical test selection, quite a number of volunteers were eliminated. This is the most demanding level of selection in the Earth Defense Force. And the eliminated volunteers were ruthlessly sent back to their original teams.

These are soldiers with rich practical experience. They came to participate in the selection because of their inner yearning, but they all refused to be sent back to their original teams. The officers of their original teams were very angry about this and protested to Deputy Commander Kuriyama, but Kuriyama ignored them.

Facing the first harsh ability test in the recruitment of special aircraft pilots, there are not many warriors left. The second round was an interview conducted by Deputy Commander Kuriyama and Mr. Ye Hu in person, and various soul-searching questions were conducted on the remaining people.

"Only physical advantage? That's it? Then why don't you stay in the original team?"

"So far, you haven't killed a monster in the battle with monsters. What have you been doing?"

Even among the warriors who passed the first selection, many psychologically fragile personnel cried and returned to the original team in this soul-searching.

The next person to come in for the interview was a female driver from Osaka-Yasuko

"You are impeccable and have excellent test results. But you are from Osaka, and I hate Osaka people, so you are eliminated. If you still want to come, then continue to come for the next recruitment and re-test. But I believe the result will be the same."

Faced with the examiner's arrogant words, the female driver did not get angry, and said calmly:

"Okay, I will continue to challenge you next year", and then prepared to leave.


At this time, Deputy Commander Kuriyama and Ye Hujiro stopped her. It turned out that these were all psychological stress tests set by the two. In this way, the first person who successfully passed the test was born, a female driver from Osaka.

However, after her, no new driver who passed the test appeared. Kuriyama and Ye Hu welcomed the last interviewee, whose name was Shota Jakura!

Deputy Chief Kuriyama and Mr. Ye Hu welcomed the last interviewee. Although they were very tired at this time, they still concentrated their energy on their faces and made a stern expression.

The man who came in took off his hat beautifully and completed the standard salute with a "snap". Before the interviewer said "please sit down", the man sat down by himself in an incredible way.

Kuriyama looked at his face, which was a face that could not leave a deep impression. He thought to himself, "Well, it is also important to be inconspicuous on the battlefield." So Kuriyama cheered up and continued to say with a straight face:

"I haven't asked you to sit down yet."

If it were someone else, he might have stood up in a panic at this time. But this inconspicuous man did not do so. The original serious expression disappeared, and he smiled and said without hesitation, "Ah, I'm sorry", but he just sat up straight and did not stand up.

So Deputy Chief Kuriyama started various pressure assessments on him, but they were all resolved by him. Deputy Commander Kuriyama finally turned his attention to his resume. The photo on the resume was as unremarkable as the person himself, and the information on the resume read:

"Shota Jabura, third-class special officer, from the armored department of the ground force, serving as a tank driver"

Deputy Commander Kuriyama looked at Shota Jabura's resume and thought, "Sure enough, neither the person nor the photo can leave a deep impression, and he is a newcomer who has just taken office not long ago. But his operation is really impeccable, and he has extraordinary courage. His friendly smile is neither stupid nor arrogant, as if he can see through the minds of both of us."

Yeh Hujiro next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and nudged Kuriyama with his arm, so Kuriyama asked the last question:

What do you think of manned robot weapons?"

Shota Jabura replied:

"It's great! "

And so, he was hired. Only two people passed the first special aircraft test pilot selection - Shota Jakura and Yasuko.

So the two began the special aircraft simulation training. Although they had only driven fighters and tanks before, they both successfully completed the special aircraft conversion training course. At this point, the real development experiment of the special aircraft has officially begun, but what awaits them is a more difficult journey...

The special aircraft development experiment has officially begun. Faced with the constant occurrence of failures, they are not discouraged at all. Investigating and studying the failures is also their important work.

But there is one worrying thing. The global monster disaster will not wait for them slowly. While they are developing the special aircraft At that time, the monsters were still wreaking havoc. The comrades in the actual combat unit were fighting monsters every day. Many of the comrades who participated in the battle never came back after they set off and passed away, including many comrades who failed in the selection and returned to the original team.

When the combatants died on the scene, we hid in the mountains of Gifu all day... We can't go on like this, we must put the special air machine into practical use as soon as possible! In this high-spirited development unit, the idea of ​​focal length is also spreading.

On this day, regarding the actual combat deployment of the special air machine, a heated discussion was held on how to quickly deploy the special air machine in the area where the monsters are rampant.

"Although it is an airborne landing, the specific plan has not been established yet, which is really bad."

"We can only use three or four helicopters to lift the robot over."

"I don't think it's appropriate, let's transport it by land and sea."

"By the time you arrive, the city has become a ruin!"

"Let the special air machine stand by in each city"

"We don't have that kind of budget. Don't forget that the word 'aircraft' has the word 'aircraft' in it."

"Send the aircraft with a transport plane and then airdrop it?"

"We don't have a transport plane that can transport the aircraft yet."

"Then we should develop a new transport plane? But the budget..."

"We can only let the aircraft fly by itself!"

That's all we can do!

So everyone started to study how to make the aircraft fly by itself. In battle, the aircraft consumes a lot of energy, and it is not expected that it can be wired for power transmission on site. Therefore, everyone agreed that the built-in battery should not be used outside of combat time, otherwise there would be no energy to fight.

"Let's use an additional rocket thruster."

Shota Snake's words once again woke everyone up.

Although everyone had different opinions on whether to use rocket propulsion or jet propulsion, they chose rockets after consideration.

The next step was to discuss whether to use solid fuel or liquid fuel.

Solid fuel is easy to use and can obtain great thrust, but once ignited, it cannot stop until the fuel is burned out. Liquid fuel can be re-ignited even if it stops once in the middle, but it is complicated and the thrust is not as great as solid fuel.

The final result of the discussion was that since the booster is no longer needed after reaching the combat area, it will not affect the budget even if it is discarded after separation, so it was decided to use solid fuel rockets.

In this way, the prototype special spacecraft was equipped with solid fuel rockets and was about to start the test flight. Yasuko was responsible for driving, and Shota Jakura was responsible for driving the jet training plane, accompanying the prototype special spacecraft for testing.

However, with the arrival of a record cold wave, the experiment was shelved. At the same time, due to the cold wave, the special spacecraft and the thruster were frozen. After the weather recovered, everyone planned to remove the thruster for testing, because there had been a spacecraft that caused a major accident due to negligence.

However, the Earth Defense Force US Headquarters issued an order through the Japanese branch to conduct tests immediately after the weather recovered.

Although the special spacecraft project was a proposal by Deputy Commander Kuriyama himself, it was not the Japanese government or the Japanese branch of the Defense Force that was responsible for the funding, but the US headquarters. Although everyone, including the Japanese branch commander, disagreed, they had to carry out the plan due to the lack of funds. The female pilot Yasuko also agreed to take off in the special aircraft because she believed in the efforts of her partners and believed that compared with the previous major accidents, the technology has improved.

The test flight began. Shota Jakura flew the training plane in the air early, looking at the lonely special aircraft standing in the mountains.

The countdown for takeoff began, but Shota Jakura began to feel uneasy. After all, if liquid fuel was used, the aircraft could be stopped in time if abnormalities were found after takeoff. But now solid fuel is used, and after takeoff... it can't be stopped...

Everything was normal at the beginning. When the special aircraft reached a cruising altitude of 30,000 feet and was about to enter horizontal flight, an accident occurred.

"Alarm, alarm, the temperature of the back sensor is abnormal."

Then Yasuko's wireless communication was interrupted, and the atmosphere fell into silence.

Shota Jakura, who was accompanying him, witnessed everything silently. The special aircraft exploded and turned into countless fragments scattered in the world.

Yasuko, who was both a friend and a colleague, remained calm until the end. She did not panic, cry out, or ask for help from the team members. "The temperature of the back sensor has risen abnormally" was the last sentence this hero left to the world. She stayed at her post until the end.

The cause of the accident was the thruster that Shota Jabura had proposed.

Regret, sadness, regret, anger, and all kinds of emotions spread in an instant. Ye Hu and Kuriyama, who regretted, also planned to resign. But under the leadership of Shota Jabura, the members of the Special Forces Group tried their best to stop them--

"Yasuko would not want us to give up like this!".

Yasuko's funeral was solemnly held in the base, and the ground was filled with flowers sent by the team members...

Then what happened next was that Shota Jabura was almost killed during the test.

And Subaru had good reason to believe that Senior Gagula replaced Shota Jabura when he failed the test and fell.


Minamoto looked at Shota Jagura's photo. How should I put it? This is really a good replacement. Compared with Senior Gagula, there is really no sense of disobedience.


I still can't find the reason why Senior Gagula wants to be the captain here. Is it just to experience the feeling of leading a newcomer...

Wait, what's the matter with that team member? He has the breath of an Ultraman!

The name of this team member is...

Haruki Natsukawa...

Minamoto stared at Haruki Natsukawa seriously, but the Ultraman in his body seemed to be still in a dormant state, so without contact or without harming the human being in the air, it was still difficult for Minamoto to find out which Ultraman was hiding in Haruki Natsukawa's body.

But this is not a big problem. Since it is an Ultraman, it will not harm this human named Haruki Natsukawa. The problem now is...

Will Senior Gagula have any plans for Haruki Natsukawa and that Ultraman?

Don't get me wrong, Subaru is not saying that Gagula wants to harm Xiachuan Haruki and the Ultra Warrior. It's just that Senior Gagula's behavior is somewhat arbitrary. His plan may not necessarily harm people, but sometimes it will more or less make people suffer. Therefore, if possible, Subaru still hopes to know directly from Senior Gagula what he wants to do. With his current ability, he may be able to achieve it directly.


Subaru's sight is once again cast towards the armory, where a long-haired female team member happily puts an incomprehensible helmet on Senior Gagula's head, which looks a bit like electric shock. The colorful, exposed wires and the red and green indicator lights that keep flashing without any rules make Subaru worry about the reliability of this equipment for Senior Gagula.

As for the female team member's tossing, Senior Gagula hugged his arms and leaned on the back of the chair, his face full of impatience, but he did not do anything else, just like an old father, facing his naughty and ignorant daughter happily painting on his face. Even if he was very reluctant, he could only temporarily act as a drawing board to let his daughter enjoy herself.

At the same time, the other team members also noticed the movement here and came over. Xiachuan Yaohui was obviously scared by this helmet that looked quite unreliable. This somewhat honest young man gestured in the air twice, as if he wanted to take the thing down for his captain, but he was worried that it would explode directly if he didn't take it well, so he stayed where he was for a while.

Another female team member went to help. Her name was Nakajima Yoko, the ace pilot of the Armory, and a team member with superb driving skills. Why did she go to help... Don't get me wrong, she just felt that with her help, this matter might be safer. If something really happened, she was close and could pull her captain out in the first time.

As for interrupting this test now...

Nakajima Yoko didn't think she could stop the member Yuka who was getting excited at this time——

Ota Yuka, the "scientific consultant" of the Armory, is also a researcher in the Biochemistry Research Department of the Monster Research Center of the Earth Defense Force Japan Branch. She has a strong interest in monsters and even has a detailed understanding of their biological knowledge and historical legends. In order to have further contact with monsters, she joined the Armory to participate in the development of monster response mecha.

As for Nakajima Yoko's kindness, Gagula didn't express anything else, just continued to sit there with a "stinky" face, but Yuan Subaru could see that when Nakajima Sou came over, Senior Gagula quietly adjusted his posture slightly. This adjustment would allow him to quickly leave the current position when the situation was not good, and also prevent the trainer Nakajima Sou from subconsciously catching him.

I can only say that Senior Gagula thought very carefully....

This doesn't look like a conspiracy.....

Yuan Subaru was in the sky, watching that Ota Yuka jumped to turn off the power after completing the installation. In the tense expressions of everyone, all the indicator lights on Gagula's head lit up, and Gagula himself couldn't help but tense his body....


Nothing else.

"How could it be... How could my brain wave bio-neural transmission trigger have no effect!"

Seeing this scene, Ota Yuka pressed her head with both hands to the left and right, and made a lovely cry.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's not what you called this just now. You said it was a relaxation device!"

Jigula took off his helmet and put it casually on the table. To be honest, he was really worried about whether he, as an alien, could withstand Jiehua's nonsense. After all, he had witnessed how "crazy" this girl was.

Just then...


Jigula suddenly lay on the table without moving. This action made everyone present stunned. Ota Jiehua pushed her captain lightly in annoyance and complained:

"Okay, okay, captain, I was wrong. I won't use you for experiments again. Don't..."

Huh? ! X3

Before Ota Yuka finished her words, the three saw their captain was about to fall under the table. At this moment, they realized something. Ota Yuka, who was closest to Gagra, almost instinctively carried Gagra to the medical room, no, to her laboratory. As a biological expert, the equipment there could more quickly find out what part of their captain's body was wrong.

But before Ota Yuka ran a few steps, Nakajima Yoko took Gagra and held it on her body. Compared with physical fitness, she, Nakajima Yoko, was the first in the team! ! ! !

As for Xiachuan Yaohui, the man closest to the door jumped out in a moment and went straight to the medical room to prepare for the connection with the biological laboratory.

I have to say that this team is quite tacit.

As for Gagra....

Looking at the pure white light in front of him, Gagra didn't understand that this energy projection came back after the fight, and then hit his body and knocked him out.

Oh, you said this, how could it be like this, I am so angry, really, now those little guys outside are going to be scared to death.

"Captain Shecang, wake up!!!"

"Okay, okay, I will... huh?!"

Listening to the tearful call, Jagula responded helplessly like an old father. Then, immediately, he felt something was wrong. This voice...

"Subaru! You're here!"

Although Jakura seemed to be asking, his tone was quite certain. Yuan Subaru chuckled lightly, dispersed the pure white light, came to Jakura, and said with a smile:

"Ah, I'm here, senior Jakura, yaaaah, I didn't expect senior Jakura to be here playing role-playing so hard. Senior Hongkai is still worried because he hasn't been able to find your whereabouts for a long time. Getting angry."

"Hmph, Kai...then that's what he is, nosy, and he deserves to get angry."

Yes, yes, senior Jakula, you are right, but you can't lower the corners of your mouth before saying this.

Yuan Subaru nodded obediently, but he was complaining in his heart. Then, Yuan Subaru straightened his face and said seriously:

"Senior Jagula, do you have any clues about the attack you just encountered?"

"Ah? Ah, that doesn't count as an attack. The little girl is just being naughty. I just have nothing to do to cooperate..."

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